There will be some planned downtime starting Wednesday, June 15th at 9am EDT. The board will be closed for approximately 12 to 24 hours while we work on migrating to a new forum software. For more information on the move, check out the Board Change Announcements thread.
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Contacting the moderation staff about problems.

Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:42 pm

This has been happening from time to time: someone in a thread makes a comment to the effect of, "the mods did this when X happens, and now they're doing nothing when Y is happening." It's usually because we haven't seen Y.

Unfortunately the mods can't be everywhere and don't read every post. We hope that if there's a troublesome thread, users will alert us to them directly instead of publicly pointing to their existence as evidence that we do a substandard job.

If you see something going on that you don't like, let a moderator know about it. There is a list of moderators here:


If you see something going on, please send a PM to any one of them (except for Brian, he's always swamped with PMs) and they will address the issue. Thanks!
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