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Where IS 'Skullbrain'?

Sat May 27, 2006 5:05 am

Okay, so the clock on the main page says it's 04:00 now.
WHERE exactly? Certainly not SF or LA (05:00), NYC (08:00), or even London (13:00). No, it's 04:00 on a latitude of 150゜, about an hour behind sunny Kalifornia. What land lies on this meridian? Well, Alaska does (hard to believe Ramos has a second home THERE). Also Hawaii and Tahiti (nice, but a helluva commute every day). So where exactly IS Skullbrain? You want to know MY theory? Probably not, but I'm gong to tell you anyway... TRACY ISLAND! Yes, Super7 is so successful now and Brian Flynn so enormously rich that he needs BIGGER toys to play with to satisfy his cravings. He has BOUGHT Tracy Island, lock stock and barrel, Thunderbirds and all! I ask you: is it mere coincidence that there was a character in the original TV series called 'Brains', and that Brian Flynn's name is an anagram of BRAIN... er, Flynn? I DON'T KNOW...but I think we should be told!

Sat May 27, 2006 7:16 am

I've actually been there S7 is actually a nuclear submarine. If you pay attention the time zone changes as the sub moves into different time zones. When it's on the surface the top is camoflaged to look like a garbage skow.
On a side note for some reason Brian wears an eye patch on the sub even though he has two perfectly working eyes, why?

Sat May 27, 2006 9:21 am

ramos never set the clock.

Sat May 27, 2006 9:50 am

I heard they live off seaweed!

Sat May 27, 2006 12:54 pm

And all along I thought this was the reason...


Sat May 27, 2006 9:15 pm

i watched howl's moving castle last night.

it's something like that.

multiple places at once and shit.

groovy baby.
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