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Re: Louie

Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:20 am

Lixx wrote:^^^

Another exactly moment for me (one I could not quite articulate previously). I feel the same Moog. I liked that I went into every episode in previous seasons not knowing what was going to happen. Now it's all family/ love drama. While some people might want to call it 'growth', I prefer venomous fuck you Louie so much more than super vulnerable lovesick puppy Louie.

Watched the last episode this morning. Eh. It was really funny Marc Maron was on it (guy who told Louie we use to be best friends). I just randomly picked up his book about a month ago- "Attempting Normal". It was so funny I nearly spit up coffee a few times reading it. Especially the chapters on his feral cats. Never heard of him before that so it was nice to connect the dots.


Yeah, the second season of 'Maron' on IFC is coming along nicely . . . he seems more relaxed and his acting has improved a lot.
I think the first season he was trying stuff out to see what worked and what did'nt.

The actors portraying his family are great and the acidic chemistry amongst his comedian friend-group is also very funny.
Worth a watch . . . .

Re: Louie

Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:43 am

The Moog wrote:I still enjoyed season 4 - but - for me, i found the changes quite jarring. I was enjoying the free-wheeling 'anything can happen' style of Louie.
Season 4 had continuity and a story arc which the show did'nt overly concern itself with in the previous seasons.

Like he is quoted saying on Wiki - "Every episode has its own goal, and if it messes up the goal of another episode, I just don't care."
This was one of the things i noticed and liked when i first started watching. It was very free and loose. Kind of anarchic.

The new continuity makes it more like other TV shows and reduces what i liked about Louie in the first place.

Funny, because I feel just the opposite - to me it was an extremely bold and unexpected move (especially for a comedy show) seeing him suddenly tell an arc over SIX episodes, which obviously allows for more complexity and depth in story and character development. Besides, it stands to argue that he's been always moving towards this kind of structure, with several recurring characters and arcs that were sprinkled loosely throughout each season's individual episodes...

Re: Louie

Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:53 am

Lixx wrote:I prefer venomous fuck you Louie so much more than super vulnerable lovesick puppy Louie.

100% agreed. I really couldn't stand Pamela's character (until this last story arc) just because of the effect she had on Louie. Anyone that's soldiered through the show has some sort of affinity for him, and to watch Louie completely throw what little self esteem he has out the window for her is tough. I initially thought Pam was just a shitty person, but this last bit really shed some light on her insecurities and personal issues. That said, it still sucks seeing Louie voluntarily sign up for the abuse.

I'm honestly surprised nobody has mentioned his borderline-rape attempt to get Pam in the bedroom... or Louie being very aggressive trying to get the Hungarian women to sleep with him. Let's not forget the season opened with an extremely ackward incident with that model in the Hamptons... there have been many dark and uncomfortable incidents peppered in throughout the show's inception, but none so much as this season. I read somewhere that LCK had a "trilogy" mindset when writing the show. If that is true, be prepared for a lot more envelope pushing and awkward situations in the next 2 seasons... as well as more multiple-episode story arcs I'm guessing.

Whoever's art it was that Louie and Pam saw at that gallery was the perfect fit for his show... it made people uncomfortable. Basically said that seems to be LCK's agenda with this tv show: addressing issues that most of society refuses to touch (and what network tv sure as hell won't)... and kudos to him for that.

Lastly, while it was amusing that (of course) Pamela's character finally addressed the black mother/white daughters deal, I felt like the answer was a cop-out and that whole deal with the show was a stone best left unturned.

Re: Louie

Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:25 am

bunnyboy wrote:Funny, because I feel just the opposite - to me it was an extremely bold and unexpected move (especially for a comedy show) seeing him suddenly tell an arc over SIX episodes, which obviously allows for more complexity and depth in story and character development. Besides, it stands to argue that he's been always moving towards this kind of structure, with several recurring characters and arcs that were sprinkled loosely throughout each season's individual episodes...
Truth. He's been playing with through-lines the whole time, especially in season 3 with the Daddy's Girlfriend and Late Show episodes. The Pamela story has been there right since the beginning of the series! I'd also argue that plenty of excellent meandering and standalone moments were peppered through the longer stories, certainly enough to keep me amused and happy - holy shit, the Todd Berry story?

It kind of blows my mind that the fact of Eszter Balint even being in the series didn't blow everyone's mind, let alone what a wonderful job she did in the role. Apparently not everyone fell in love with her in the '80 in Stranger Than Paradise, and then again in the '90s in Tree's Lounge.

Charles Grodin? C'mon! A lifelong favorite of mine, and I've been waiting since '92 for him to redeem himself from Beethoven. Done and done.
The Moog wrote:Yeah, the second season of 'Maron' on IFC is coming along nicely . . . he seems more relaxed and his acting has improved a lot.
I think the first season he was trying stuff out to see what worked and what did'nt.
Funny, here's another area where I feel much differently about a show's progress - with the exceptions of the Radio Cowboy episode, and the better part of the one where he's on the road, I think that the whole season feels pretty contrived and blandly traditional. The first season was much freer and didn't feel so weighted down by plot and jokes-per-minute concerns. It's still enjoyable for what it is, but the tightened ship isn't doing that much for me. Legit - recently cancelled,of course - did a much better job of adapting a comedian's life into a traditional format while still maintaining an edge and a sense of naturalism. It's kind of criminal that FXX murdered it.

Maron's books, stage act and podcast are all uniformly excellent, though. He's great.

Re: Louie

Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:46 pm

To comment on what Smurph was saying yeah that Hamptons episode only made me realize Jerry Seinfeld post Seinfeld is a fucking prick. Something tells me he's not to far from that in real life. Fuck people in the Hamptons. I would like to see the ocean swallow them all up. Seeing Dexter's hottest g/f was a plus though. :wink: Pam is a nutjob. Louie should know better and stay away from her. His aggression towards her is kind of uncharacteristic of him. Hello warning signs.

And David- Trees Lounge is one of my favorite movies (I own it). Forgot Eszter Balint was in that. Thought she looked familiar.

Re: Louie

Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:09 pm

Another side of Lou and Jer: ... ue-numbers
Boost it from torrent land if you hate commercials.

Re: Louie

Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:02 pm

Lixx wrote:Fuck people in the Hamptons. I would like to see the ocean swallow them all up.

One can only dream...

Re: Louie

Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:06 pm


Re: Louie

Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:18 pm

^^ Thank you sir :!:

Re: Louie

Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:41 pm


Re: Louie

Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:55 pm

"Do you have anything in the milkwater family? Yoo-Hoo, or...?"

Re: Louie

Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:52 pm

My hero wrote:
    A brand new thing from Louis C.K.

    Louis C.K. <>
    10:12 AM

    Hi there.

    Horace and Pete episode one is available for download. $5.

    Go here to watch it.

    We hope you like it.


Just had a look. You should, too.

Re: Louie

Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:39 pm

Here's the latest missive from m'man Louie:

    Hello friend guy lady or other,

    Some of you are aware that, last Saturday, I launched a new series on my site called “Horace and Pete”. I’m writing now to tell you some stuff about it….

    Horace and Pete is a new show that I am producing, directing, writing, distributing and financing on my own. I have an amazing cast: Steve Buscemi, Edie Falco, Alan Alda, Jessica Lange, Aidy Bryant, Steven Wright, Kurt Metzger and other guest stars. Also Paul Simon wrote and performed the theme song which is beautiful.

    The response to episode one has been great so far and there are more coming. We are making them now and having a lot of fun doing it.

    Part of the idea behind launching it on the site was to create a show in a new way and to provide it to you directly and immediately, without the usual promotion, banner ads, billboards and clips that tell you what the show feels and looks like before you get to see it for yourself. As a writer, there’s always a weird feeing that as you unfold the story and reveal the characters and the tone, you always know that the audience will never get the benefit of seeing it the way you wrote it because they always know so much before they watch it. And as a TV watcher I’m always delighted when I can see a thing without knowing anything about it because of the promotion. So making this show and just posting it out of the blue gave me the rare opportunity to give you that experience of discovery.

    Also because we are shooting this show in a multi-camera format with an emphasis on a live feeling, we are able to post it very soon after each episode is shot. So I’m making this show as you’re watching it.

    Okay so let’s talk for a minute about the five dollars of it all. If you’re on this email list then you’re probably aware that I always make an effort to make the work I do on my own as cheap as possible and as painless as possible to get. That’s why my specials are five dollars and that’s why I sold tickets to my last big tour here on the site, with our own ticketing service at a flat price with no ticket charges and we have worked hard to keep my tickets out of the hands of scalpers.

    So why the dirty fuckballs did I charge you five dollars for Horace and Pete, where most TV shows you buy online are 3 dollars or less? Well, the dirty unmovable fact is that this show is fucking expensive.

    The standup specials are much more containable. It’s one guy on a stage in a theater and in most cases, the cost of the tickets that the live audience paid, was enough to finance the filming.

    But Horace and Pete is a full on TV production with four broadcast cameras, two beautiful sets and a state of the art control room and a very talented and skilled crew and a hall-of-fame cast. Every second the cameras are rolling, money is shooting out of my asshole like your mother’s worst diarrhea. (Yes there are less upsetting metaphors I could be using but I just think that one is the sharpest and most concise). Basically this is a hand-made, one guy paid for it version of a thing that is usually made by a giant corporation.

    Now, I’m not complaining about this at all. I’m just telling you the facts. I charged five dollars because I need to recoup some of the cost in order for us to stay in production.

    Also, it’s interesting. The value of any set amount of money is mercurial (I’m showing off because i just learned that word. It means it changes and shifts a lot). Some people say “Five dollars is a cup of coffee”. Some people say “Hey! Five dollars?? What the fuck!” Some people say “What are you guys talking about?” Some people say “Nothing. don’t enter a conversation in the middle”.

    Anyway, I’m leaving the first episode at 5 dollars. I'm lowering the next episode to 2 dollars and the rest will be 3 dollars after that. I hope you feel that’s fair. If you don’t, please tell everyone in the world.

    Meanwhile, we’re going to keep making Horace and Pete. We’re going to keep telling you the story.
    I sincerely hope that you enjoy it. I’ll write you again later and tell you more about it. It’s fun to talk about. But for now I want to shut up and not ruin the experience of you just watching the show.

    Here’s the link for the website. Enjoy episode 2 of Horace and Pete. We’re shooting it now. You’ll get it on Saturday morning.

    This person,

    Louis C.K.

This is how I like my world to be run. Reward his efforts, okay?

Re: Louie

Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:58 am

That's a pretty stacked cast of Long Island talent.

Re: Louie

Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:09 am

I don't know, Steve Buscemi is kind of a hack. I've never even heard of most of those losers.

Re: Louie

Fri Feb 05, 2016 8:00 am

Bought and watched last night. It's what they used to call a "teleplay", and it's really well-done. Great acting from all involved. Admirable artistic curveball from Louis. Also very depressing. Not much "fun". Still, I will watch more, and I really am wondering where the hell they will go from here. Part of me wonders if things will take some very weird turns. Otherwise, to sustain this level of O'Neillian intensity over several eps, while still being watchable, might be hard.

Re: Louie

Sat Mar 12, 2016 10:30 am

Re: Louie

Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:36 pm

Oh, man... did any of you stick with Horace and Pete through the end? I need to recover with somebody.

Seven hours and eighteen minutes well spent. Ow.

Re: Louie

Sat Apr 02, 2016 3:14 pm

toothaction wrote:Oh, man... did any of you stick with Horace and Pete through the end? I need to recover with somebody.

Seven hours and eighteen minutes well spent. Ow.

Ill pm you later. Im only on episode 6. Didnt realize todays one was the last..

Re: Louie

Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:42 am

amazing tales of how H&P came to be...

Re: Louie

Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:50 am

^ I'd strongly suggest you wait to give the interview a listen until after you've had a look at the whole series. The chat is funny, informative, rather emotional and totally engaging, but it could also rob you of the joy of discovery that you get when checking out the program cold.

C.K. sat down with Howard Stern this week, too. I haven't checked it out yet, but I'm assuming that the above warning suggestion will apply for that conversation as well.

Do what you're going to do, though. :)

Re: Louie

Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:54 am

^^ yes. id avoid it until you've watched at least some episodes.
best to go in without knowing anything like he intended.

Re: Louie

Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:01 am

^^^ Just watch the whole thing first, daggit! Maron and C.K. go pretty in depth about facets of almost every episode, and the series only clocks in at just over 7 hours total. Suck it up and wait! :wink:

But do what you're going to do. :lol:
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