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Tech stuff, Movies, Music...anything but toys.
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Re: Sci-fi films

Wed Apr 13, 2016 10:55 am

Has anyone watched the whole Wayward Pines season? I like it ok, but I'm already confident I will be disappointed when explanations for the mysteries start coming. Wondering if I should watch the whole thing or not.

I'm only at episode 3, but already I'm thinking "HOW MUCH DID THAT HUGE-ASS WALL COST?" I mean GOD! For that much money, I bet they're expecting crazy returns.

Re: Sci-fi films

Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:27 am

It does kind of fall apart towards the end, but there's some pretty freaky shit to look forward to. I enjoyed it.

Re: Sci-fi films

Wed Apr 13, 2016 12:36 pm

Lttr Prssd wrote:It does kind of fall apart towards the end, but there's some pretty freaky shit to look forward to. I enjoyed it.

Agreed! It's worth sticking out for a few more episodes at least.

That being said, a Season 2 is coming this summer! Set the DVR!

Re: Sci-fi films

Wed May 04, 2016 11:47 am

Has anyone here watched Person of Interest? I watched the first few episodes and thought pretty much everything in it was a bad cliché without a twist, but then I hear it becomes more sci-fi-ey and it generally gets praised... Worth my time?

In other sci-fi news, finished the first season of The Leftovers and even though nothing beside the premise is actually sci-fi, I love the show. Total mastery of ambiance-building, despite a general lack of content (which I mean as praise, really!).

Re: Sci-fi films

Wed May 04, 2016 12:16 pm

I love The Leftovers. The 2nd season isn't as strong, but it's still a fun trip to to take.

Re: Sci-fi films

Wed May 04, 2016 1:09 pm

Lttr Prssd wrote:I love The Leftovers. The 2nd season isn't as strong, but it's still a fun trip to to take.

Great show. Really deserves its own thread.

2nd season is a different beast than 1 (only natural since the source material was exhausted). Hard to compare the two. Apples/oranges deal imo (while both reside in the same basket).
Took 2 viewings to really appreciate the beauty of it... but echo the opinion of some reviewers that thought S2 made S1 even better in retrospect.
'International Assassin' was nothing short of surreal brilliance... 'Ten Thirteen' (the Meg episode) that followed was another favorite.

Stoked for the 3rd/final season. Wish Lindeloff wanted to go further with the story, but respect his reasons for the decision not to.

Re: Sci-fi films

Wed May 04, 2016 6:28 pm

i actually felt that season 2 of the leftovers was better than season 1.
it was some of the best t.v. i've ever seen.

Re: Sci-fi films

Wed May 04, 2016 7:34 pm

I'll tell you this, I loved that damn opening song for S2!

Re: Sci-fi films

Thu May 05, 2016 7:33 am

petitetoilonrouge wrote:Has anyone here watched Person of Interest? I watched the first few episodes and thought pretty much everything in it was a bad cliché without a twist, but then I hear it becomes more sci-fi-ey and it generally gets praised... Worth my time?

I got into the show because I like the spy/secret agent genre, but the show runners did a fantastic job of incrementally introducing the presence of the AI central to the story and revealing the consequences of artificial intelligence in the real world. The show does a great job of exploring how different constraints on the programming result in different outcomes. And eventually there are two AI's duking it out, each with their own meatspace agents.

Some of the dialog is kind of hacky (too expositional). But there are some great characters in the show that you can grow to love (and miss when they go!)

I recommended the show to my friend who is a total AI/CS geek and he really enjoyed it.

Re: Sci-fi films

Thu May 05, 2016 8:06 am

I've enjoyed POI also. It's has some decent twists and there's some good characterization. It plays into the "big brother is watching" vibe, so there's additional elements of surveillance that play into the stories.

The final season just started, but I haven't watched it yet. CBS is burning it out at 2 episodes a week for 13 episodes. At least they knew it was coming, so they should have wrapped it up.

Re: Sci-fi films

Thu May 05, 2016 9:07 am

Haven't seen the others, but I - with difficulty - sat through the entirely of Wayward Pines. I would not have had the patience, but for the fact that it was at a time I was looking for something to watch. Sadly, M.Night's fingers were far too deep into it I am afraid. It had come potential, which is why I was initially willing to set aside my doubts and give it a go, but never amounted to much, and definitely went way downhill at the end. It just never proposed anything interesting or something that I hadn't seen before. I was hoping for something more Twin Peaks-ish, but I don't think it even reached standard sci-fi cable fare. Pretty bad acting and writing; Melissa Leo was totally wasted on it I think. No idea where {else} they could go with it further in S02, and am even less intrigued knowing that Matt Dillon won't be returning for the second season.

Re: Sci-fi films

Thu May 05, 2016 10:22 am

Thanks for the feedback. Might try to give it another chance.

I did end up watching the whole season of Wayward Pines as well, and... yeah, it made no sense at all. It could have, but... Avoid.

Because, how does it make any sense that the altered humans hunt unaltered ones? That they would suddenly stream into the city as soon as there is a breach? Against dangerous preys that fight back? NATURE DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY! And don't get me started on the Red Guards. HISTORY DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY!

Re: Sci-fi films

Thu May 05, 2016 12:51 pm

As long as we're on a TV jag...

Have any of you taken the plunge with The Man in the High Castle? I remain curious about it - it's still a little hard for me to believe that a series was actually based on that awesome little book - but I don't know if I could handle the potential disappointment I'd feel if it's just a 10-hour misstep. Opinions, please.

Re: Sci-fi films

Thu May 05, 2016 1:35 pm

Well - and you know this is me hear, so bear that in mind - I would go into it with low expectations. Generally, I think these independent series seem to do a decent job, but unfortunately, MitHC was just kind of 'meh.' It is hard for me to put a specific finger on any one thing that really disappointed me, more just a general feeling of not being all that engrossing. The story never pulled me in, not sure if it was the settings, general character development, lack of a higher production value, or what. I would still advise giving it a fair shake, but having watched the full season and not being all that thrilled from the get-go, I would say give it a fair judgement, but if it is not your thing, be prepared to switch it off. Unfortunately it just didn't meet the mark for very thrilling entertainment, nor did it succeed in really elucidating that thought perspective you hope for from a great sci-fi/PKD adaptation.

Re: Sci-fi films

Thu May 05, 2016 1:50 pm

I enjoyed it quite a bit, but not really as sci-fi. What I enjoyed was how it seemed to communicate the terror of living under fascist occupation,and how cruelty, lies and mistrust in that environment just destroys the possibility of human relationships. So I would heartily recommend it. I actually banged it all in one day.

Re: Sci-fi films

Thu May 05, 2016 6:35 pm

blakewest wrote:I enjoyed it quite a bit, but not really as sci-fi. What I enjoyed was how it seemed to communicate the terror of living under fascist occupation,and how cruelty, lies and mistrust in that environment just destroys the possibility of human relationships. So I would heartily recommend it. I actually banged it all in one day.

I feel the same. It has its faults but what doesn't. Enjoy it for what it is and take what you can from it, its worth watching for sure.

Re: Sci-fi films

Thu May 05, 2016 11:27 pm

Probably just easier at this point to start a general thread, The five t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶l̶i̶f̶e̶ television shows that Steve does not complain about.

Which is just why I always advise giving things a fair go in any case. :P

Re: Sci-fi films

Tue May 10, 2016 11:33 am

^ Still waiting on that list, pH.

Speaking of TV shows: ... ck--236514
Some potential there, eh? Hmm.

Re: Sci-fi films

Tue May 10, 2016 2:06 pm

toothaction wrote:^ Still waiting on that list, pH.

Speaking of TV shows: ... ck--236514
Some potential there, eh? Hmm.

I think this could work.

Re: Sci-fi films

Tue May 10, 2016 11:12 pm

I really love the idea of a new anthology series. And coming from Channel 4, I sure hope it really brings it in terms of quality story telling and production. Black Mirror was great, even if there was some hit-and-miss aspect, but I am thrilled to see some of PKD's other stories might make it to screen adaptations. Hopefully, as is best in his tales, the viewer is left to decide themselves on what is really taking place; the ambiguity/mystery of classic sci-fi and anthologies is always the best take, I find. Cranston should bring a lot to the project too. Not too sure on Moore, I think he has the chops for it, I just don't know if it always comes across in the execution. At least with the shorter format we won't have to worry about his 'story' running off the rails. :wink:

Re: Sci-fi films

Tue May 10, 2016 11:25 pm

smurph wrote:
Lttr Prssd wrote:I love The Leftovers. The 2nd season isn't as strong, but it's still a fun trip to to take.

Great show. Really deserves its own thread.

2nd season is a different beast than 1 (only natural since the source material was exhausted). Hard to compare the two. Apples/oranges deal imo (while both reside in the same basket).
Took 2 viewings to really appreciate the beauty of it... but echo the opinion of some reviewers that thought S2 made S1 even better in retrospect.
'International Assassin' was nothing short of surreal brilliance... 'Ten Thirteen' (the Meg episode) that followed was another favorite.

Stoked for the 3rd/final season. Wish Lindeloff wanted to go further with the story, but respect his reasons for the decision not to.

I enjoyed the show for awhile but once the main guy behind it said they would never explain what it was really about I lost interest instantly. I get that he wants it to be about life and relationships but to never explain the big mystery kills it for me. Makes sense since it is the same person behind the LOST series but I am done watching mystery shows that never intend on explaining anything.

Re: Sci-fi films

Mon May 16, 2016 10:30 pm

Hmmm.... ... -tv-236873

Re: Sci-fi films

Sun May 22, 2016 7:12 am

Dept of Not Exactly My Thing:
Managed not to hear a whisper about this controversial bit of dorkery until today ~


Apparently it's legal now.

Re: Sci-fi films

Thu May 26, 2016 2:24 am

So what did people think of High-Rise? I thought it was a well done film, and certainly has a lot of Wheatley's usual stylings. Personally, I think I was hoping for a bit more depth to the picture, but I don't think that is what his movies aim to offer. He presents a story and lets the commentary be up to the viewer. Which is fine, but I also think the movie faltered a bit, particularly in the latter parts. The narrative is a bit too all over the place, and lacks focus, so the audience has a hard time developing any feeling towards the particular characters. But I think there was just so much to fit in as well, and even at 2 hrs (which a lot of people are complaining was a slog), you can tell there was a struggle to get it all together.

But a very interesting movie, unsettling, packed with strong performances, and visually it is edited beautifully. I think if it really grates on people now, it is destined for cult status. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but all of the elements were handled very well. I haven't read the Ballard novel though, so I can't speak to it as an adaptation of the source. I imagine it presents more of the allegorical story as postulate and social commentary than ultimately the movie does, simply because of the medium and Ben Wheatley's creative vision. But I would highly recommend it. I am not surprised it is getting 'poor' reviews by a certain group of moviegoing people, but I would advise judging for yourself. (more than likely if you are reading this thread you will find something in it)

Re: Sci-fi films

Thu May 26, 2016 8:12 am

^ Ack! Not reading the above as I didn't even realize that it was out yet! Oops. My HD is drinking it in now. Report pending.
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