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Re: Sci-fi films

Thu May 26, 2016 8:47 am

It is still fairly new, part of why I didn't want to mention any actual plot details. Interested to hear your thoughts after you've digested on it a bit.

Re: Sci-fi films

Fri May 27, 2016 12:46 pm

MST3000 is coming back! very exciting!

Re: Sci-fi films

Fri May 27, 2016 7:53 pm

I was never much of a MST3K fan, though not for lack of trying; I just always preferred taking down the glorious garbage of the world with my friends in the room, rather than having it done for me. That, or just enjoying the films on their own merits. I do totally respect the intent and legacy of what those guys were up to, though, and give them tons of credit for providing an excellent gateway drug service to genre awesomeness for the masses.

All that said, I'm eager to check out this new incarnation - with writers like the holy trinity of Harmon, Roiland & Schrab, and folk like Dana Gould and Patton Oswalt attached, how could it not be kinda great?

Also, DTFH for the win!

Re: Sci-fi films

Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:25 pm

I just got through watching Synchronicity. For the love of Pete, please do not watch this movie. I won't even bother giving my thoughts on the "story" I am really only writing this to save some people the hour and forty minutes of their lives that would be much better spent. An attempt to - apparently - make a 'noir' sci film, it is just terrible, but actually worse than that, it is insulting to the audience. And, I swear to jeebus this is an actual quote from the film, "Mattie, have you ever been to a native American orgy? It's fucking intense." Arrgghh. I can forgive a film for a low budget, horrible props, and even sometimes having completely no sets, but this is just.... too much. Ignoring the horrible acting, the writing for this love-story wrapped in a time travel sci-fi is clearly by someone who does not have any grasp of science as I can tell, and appears to have equally no clue about human relationships. Please do not think for a second that this movie will deliver anything cerebral, arty, or entertaining, despite the fact the filmmaker(s) very much want you to believe that it does. This isn't a so-so B-movie, it is an immaturely made C-movie. Just skip it.

Re: Sci-fi films

Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:08 pm

Well, now I GOTTA watch it!

Re: Sci-fi films

Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:21 pm

Haha, fair 'nuff Mark, just don't say I didn't warn ya. :P

Heck, I think I would even recommend Time Lapse before I'd tell anyone to watch Synchronicity. :lol: At least that movie had something different and didn't pretend it was anything other than what it was.

Re: Sci-fi films

Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:34 pm

I had to check my movie queues to see if I'd added it somewhere, and it looks like I put it in my Amazon Watchlist! Can't remember where I first heard about it.

Truly, I'll only give it a shot if it pops up for free somewhere. But I'll keep what you said in mind!

Re: Sci-fi films

Thu Jun 09, 2016 11:49 pm

Feeling a bit exited and optimistic about the new Netflix show, Stranger Things. To be honest, when I initially read the premise, I was much more thrilled about the sound of the show, expecting more something along the lines of Twilight Zone/Eerie Indiana/monsters/weird creatures, so I am a bit disappointed this went the whole alien abduction route* (which I am think - probably unfortunately - the 90s used up all of my patience for and is worn out now).

But anyways, it seems like it could be something pretty good, and I will definitely check it out. I guess maybe you have to be of a certain age to really connect with it, but the settings (80s, kids on BMXs having adventures, etc.) really harkens back to a lot of things I enjoy.

* But I am even MORE tired of the kids with special abilities trope (which then inevitably go awry). Whether imparted by aliens, genetic engineering/experimentation, just GAH, make it go away! So i really hope that this doesn't go that route... but sure looks like it might. :|

Re: Sci-fi films

Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:30 am

Funny, I just watched the trailer and thought to myself, "Take 2 parts Steven Spielberg, add one part Stephen King and equal parts water," and then I Googled the title. First hit? ... ephen-king

Re: Sci-fi films

Fri Jun 10, 2016 1:01 am

Yeah, I think a lot of people might draw those connections, which could be a good thing. I would love for it to be more Bradbury and Serling, but I'll admit that is a minority view. Still, the aliens thing is a bit of a different take (in this sense at any rate) for either of those two. But I am also very tentative about judging too much mystery and atmosphere a series trailer; esp. after Wayward Pines.

Re: Sci-fi films

Fri Jun 10, 2016 1:07 am

ultrakaiju wrote:... Still, the aliens thing is a bit of a different take ....
But there were shots in the trailer that were clearly intended to make you think of E.T. and Close Encounters.

Some sprinkling of Bradburry and Serling would be most welcome, they just weren't apparent in the initial visual sell.

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