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Other collectibles....

Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:28 am

You guys collect anything else?

Aside from gokins and kaiju, I also have a small collection of diecast vehicles - cars and bikes, in 1/18 & 1/12 scale.

Just a few shots of my collection:

*click on thumbnails for large image*





Sat Jan 21, 2006 1:12 pm

I do slot car racing,1/24,I have that same Subaru.

Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:35 pm

Yo Souky,
Thanks for changen the subject for a moment. I am also into diecast, all scales, but in 1/18 mostly street rods and drag machines.
And in Hot Wheels, the one of a kind hand built Customs from the CHOP SHOPS that sprouted up across the country for a couple of years in the 90's. A handfull of Very talented guys built some amazzzing customs. And then for the most part vanished, leaving only the cars as proof they were ever here.

Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:39 pm

Some picts of a few H W Custom Chops
Last edited by BOB CONGE on Thu Feb 02, 2006 11:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:07 pm

I got it into my head a couple of years ago that I needed to make a train layout with my sons. It's a big-assed Lionel layout with all the toy train-style goodies like log, coal and barrel loaders, milk car, horse corral, stations, etc. Talk about a money pit.

Anyway - those are some seriously nice cars Bob.

Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:44 pm

Those are some really nice customs, Bob. 8)

How much did these customs go for back in the days, if you don't mind me asking?

Since you're into rods and dragsters, have you seen GMP's products? They are absolutely fantastic. Well built and quite heavy. The only downside of course are the prices.

Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:24 pm

Yo Souky,
Most of the Hot Wheel customs then were sold at auction on Ebay. There were 10 or 15 really great builders and a ton of guys learning the craft. It could take many many hours to complete a well done custom, I imagine that is why it didnt last. The price range was enormous, From $10.00 for a start up guy to $2000.00+ for a high end well known builder with a string of wins at national competetions. Most of the 10 - 15 better builders got $100.00 to $300.00 each at auction. Some of mine were commissioned, ie. I would send a 57 chrysler Imperial hard top to one of the better builders and ask him to make a pick up out of it, 2-3 months later it would arrive. Was a very cool time and alot of the custom works still influnces the Mattel Hot Wheels production design today. It was an explosion of creativity!!! Not unlike the vinyl world today.

Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:29 pm

alright, i gotta throw one out for the ladies (or just this lady)

i also collect handbags and all sort of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer memorabilia (only the stuff that is based on the famous 60's television special)

phew, i'm sowing those XX oats!

Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:32 am

Well where do I start:

- Tiki Mugs and Hawaiiana
- Vintage Halloween
- Vintage Drums mostly Ludwig
- Haunted Mansion (in park stuff - not the crappy movie) and Haunted Houses
- Lucha Libre stuff (mostly movie posters)
- Original Low Brow/outsider art

I use to collect Pinball machines but I sold them all - took up to much room

Oh and Jackie, I think your the only "regular" girl on here!!!!!

Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:15 pm

dr_tongues_toys wrote:- Lucha Libre stuff (mostly movie posters)

I need to watch some lucha films. Are there any good releases that have english subtitles?

Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:21 pm

I also collect:
Squeeky toy elephants
Plastic "pop up" coffin toys from Mexico
Billikens and other related funky ceramics
"Puchi food" and other Shogukan
Super Dollfie and related
Doll Furniture
Vintage girl's toys

Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:30 pm

(La) Parka:

I have quite a few DVD's of the Lucha variety - mostly the goofy ones from the 60's-70's. There is a whole series of Santo films put out by Rebel Crew Films/Rise Above entertainment. It isd called the Santo Collection. I am not sure if they are still in production. I had heard they lost the rights or never obtained the proper ones. Also not sure if they have had a PAL conversion for you UK blokes! I also have a series of films from Brentwood that are Hilarious! They are not dubbed or subtitled. In the original Spanish they ROCK! The visuals are so good who needs to know what's going on. Those are called Luchadores Enmascarados (Basically Masked Wrestlers).

Paul K:

I also have a series of the Pop up coffin from Mexico. I do have some dupes if you need any. I have a Frankenstein popping out of a machine, a Skeleton out of a car and I think a Ghost out of a graveyard. PM me. I can send pics if you want.

Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:47 pm

My other vice is SGT ROCK comics-My all time favorite!!!Oh yea and video games!!

Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:41 pm

I also collect:


Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:26 pm

ZB, you need to get yourself one of these babies! Fucker is 4 ft tall!


Thu Feb 02, 2006 1:43 am

Yo Zomboid,

Great collection. I love the early more primitave pieces. Esp. the 3 smiling heads at the top of the
middle photo ( Halloween candy containers?) Do you you have any dupes to sell?

Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:20 pm

Doc - Holy shit! That's awesome!

Bob - they're halloween candle holder thingys - repros of antiques. There's LOADS of repro antique/pulp Halloween stuff HERE:

A little pricey sometimes & totally overwhelming coz there's so much stuff. But lots of cool pieces.

Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:49 pm

man zomboid, what a collection! awesome!!!

now, on collecting, other stuff i collect is basically old underground comics, and alternative comics.

also postcards and other ephemera.

on toys, (besides kaiju, SB and realhead) i have small amounts of other stuff: tin toys, ruber toys, each dollar store toys (i think like 2 of them), cartoony characters, etc.... most of them storaged on boxes, not enough space right now >_<

i also like lucha libre stuff... but not so big into it. el santo is the most famous mexican wrestler, of course. i've seen some cheap toys of el santo on ebay too. another famous one is the blue demon...
you can find those movies from "el santo collection" dr tongues is talking about. i've seen them on dvds at Tower

speaking of old movies of guys on costume, this is not exactly a wrestler but a guy on a skeleton costume (kinda reminds me to the skeleton guy from tiger mask) this character from european photo novels named "SADISTIK" (known as "killing" in France). there is a movie of this character that you can order here and also you can check a little bit of the story about this character here

if you check on the story of the character, there is another version of this guy named "kriminal", a guy on a yellow skeleton costume... is pretty similar to the old anime character "ogon bat"

love the skulls....

Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:28 pm

Man, that is some real madness Zomboid!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
It looks so cool the way you have all that displayed. What is the painting of the girl with the mandolin in the middle pic? I quite like that and is that a rubbing of a real tombstone you have framed in the bottom pic.
Each time I look at these photos I see something else. Nice stuff.

Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:49 pm

zomboid, I bought my girlfriend a Little Miss No Name for christmas this year!

also, is that a Blickenstaff painting that you have? that one of Frankenstein.

Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:35 pm

here some stuff I collect (I finally took some pics):

horror/sci-fi/cult/explotation/weird foreign dvds


there's actually more. that shelf is normally full, but we've been moving stuff around because we're getting another shelf. some of those are my girlfriends too.

kubricks/be@rbricks - my case is on the left (you can see some sxb guys fighting for extra shelf space right now), my girlfriends in on the right


since my GF collects toys too, I get the added bonus of looking at her stuff. here's a case of her dolls


I also collect Godzilla vinyls, but don't have any pics fo those right now.

other things I'm interested in:
-horror movie merch - monster toys, posters, cool promo items, other typical "spooky" stuff like halloween masks and crap like that
-advertising characters/mascots (especially cereal and mcdonalds characters)
-cryptids and other "mystery" figures
-old horror fiction - mostly lovecraft and other weird tales/mythos writers
-roller coasters - I "collect" them as I ride them

I'm sure there's more, I'm a packrat

Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:37 pm

Hey Zomboid...great collection...Frankenstein is also my favorite monster (and classic horror book).

Fri Feb 03, 2006 12:20 am

Yo zomboid,
Thanks for the link. Boy am I in trouble now!!!!!!

Yo skylar,
What are the 2 square flat boxes with faces on them on the top of the case in your 2nd pict? They look very cool.

Fri Feb 03, 2006 3:16 am

dr_tongues_toys wrote:Well where do I start:

- Tiki Mugs and Hawaiiana
- Vintage Halloween
- Vintage Drums mostly Ludwig
- Haunted Mansion (in park stuff - not the crappy movie) and Haunted Houses
- Lucha Libre stuff (mostly movie posters)
- Original Low Brow/outsider art

I use to collect Pinball machines but I sold them all - took up to much room

Oh and Jackie, I think your the only "regular" girl on here!!!!!

yeahhh well, you never know with gender and message boards!! :D

Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:53 am

they're Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 "Book of the Dead" editions put out by that company Anchor Bay. the discs come in little sleeves inside replicas of the books from the movies with original artwork inside them and latex covers to make them look like they are bound in skin and drawn in human blood.
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