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Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by blakewest, Jan 24, 2011.

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  1. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    May 30, 2015
    (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻
    Fuck you to the trust fund kids monopolizing all the toys in this fucking hobby. They'll never really miss a drop when they can just throw a blank check to get whatever they want.

    And a SUPER big fuck you to anyone with a corrupt lotto system showing preferential treatment to those yuppie douchebags because they're "true" fans. You're catering to the 1% and creating an incestual fan base where a very small handful of people are the only people with regular access. Sometimes it feels like going to the Louvre Museum where there's a 95% chance you might have your eyes gouged out because you weren't "randomly" selected.
  2. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    Sep 8, 2012
    Los Angeles
    (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻

    Haha its so common now, happy I dont want any of the toys I think your referring to.
    What does the statement about the Louvre Museum mean? Never been there but it sounds Trust Fundy :lol::lol::lol:
  3. kid_miracleman

    kid_miracleman Comment King

    May 30, 2015
    (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻
    I would think as an artist your end goal would be to have your art appreciated by a lot of different people and not the same small handful of assholes with 7 digit bank accounts. The "random" lotto seems to go to the SAME. FUCKING. PEOPLE. over and over again. I feel since I only enter lottos for the shit I absolutely love that I statistically have a smaller chance of winning compared to these glorified toy hoarders who are only happy if THEY have something YOU don't. I enter a lotto, I don't get it, I check his Instagram and this dickhead ALWAYS. GETS. EVERYTHING. It's just...exhausting. :|

    My Louvre Museum analogy was shitty because I was super angry at the time, but I basically mean what's the point of trying to enjoy art if the curators of said art seem to go out of their to keep it out of the hands of people who aren't in this little cabal of "true"/"original" fans, whatever the fuck that means?

    EDIT: It is also entirely possible these guys are not rich and are just absolutely terrible with their money. If you own 15 nagnagnags but a $500 unexpected bill warrants an emergency sale here, maybe you should re-adjust your priorities.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2016
    FUREEK, hellointerloper and IronPaw like this.
  4. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    Sep 8, 2012
    Los Angeles
    (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻
    @kid_miracleman haha ok the analogy makes sense now.
    Maybe those toy producers don't even think about the fact that they are seen as artists and dont see themselves in that manner.
    So they dont care if it gets appreciated by everyone, just by those that will pay whatever they ask for. Goes in hand
    with some of those hype situations. Maybe they are just in it for the money.
  5. poysntixels

    poysntixels Post Pimp

    Apr 21, 2007
    The old Rose Lawn Hill
    (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻
    And a big smush mouth FU to plumbing companies everywhere. When I say my toy money for the next quarter went down the drain, I'm not exaggerating. I know, I know; if I moved to my dream trailer in the woods of Oregon, I could get more toys. But where would I crap? How much tree bark can I eat? So for now I can still have delicious ramen and flush. But still -
    FU plumbing companies.
    FUREEK and Ultra_Gigan like this.
  6. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻
    Yep, and I almost forgot, these guys like to bite multiple times if they didn't get enough blood from their first feeding!
  7. Michael Beverage

    Michael Beverage Line of Credit

    Sep 26, 2013
    The Dirty South
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  8. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻
    Oh my, 6 new messages while I was typing up a post and drinking a soda and comforting my dog because my boyfriend left the car to pee inside a restaurant. :lol:

    @Ultra_Gigan I KNOW, RIGHT?!? I get those ALL THE TIME. I never got the first fucking bill to begin with, and now you say this is the last notice? Riiiiight.

    @IronPaw A year? A YEAR? Are you kidding me? I get antsy after a week or two, but I usually try to suppress it and wait a bit before contacting someone. If they try disputing anything, say that there was no prior inquiry up to this point. It's ridiculous for someone to wait that long before contacting you.

    @kid_miracleman I've entered one lottery, and I won it. (At least Medicom seems fair when it comes to lotteries!) I personally believe some people get preferential treatment for lotteries, which is kind of annoying. Between the pricing, the exclusivity, and the irritating hype on social media, I've just lost interest in most of these makers with lottos... Which I guess saves me some frustration.

    @poysntixels Plumbing companies are irritating, but the companies that make the actual plumbing are to blame as well. Kohler is the worst for toilets. It's like the Apple of toilets. No universal parts, you have to take it completely apart to fix it, and if something breaks it's cheaper to just buy a whole new one than get it repaired. Kohler toilets are cheap but the repairs will cost you an arm and a leg... A Toto will cost you a pretty penny but if something breaks, like the pump, you can buy a $12 pump and replace it yourself.
    (All toilet knowledge is from my family's unfortunate toilet experiences.)
    Ultra_Gigan likes this.
  9. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Jun 16, 2016
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    A humongous fuck you to our room mate who doesn't do dishes and keeps us up until 3am with one of his new booty calls he gets off the internet..and his excuse when I confronted him about it: "Last time I checked...pretty sure I pay to live here!"... what a fucking piece of shit...
    hellointerloper and IronPaw like this.
  10. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Oct 9, 2007
    Not here
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    Big difference btw paying to live somewhere by yourself and paying to live with other people. The latter requires tact and at least some self awareness on what is acceptable behavior with the people who pay an equal share to live in the same place. If you are so self involved that you can't contemplate how your actions affect others in any way- you are a piece of shit for sure!

    Tell him coital bliss is great, but try and make it earlier or go to the other person's house once in awhile. As far as the dishes- I'd gather his dirty ones he refuses to do and place them on his bed and when he complains say: "You left them, they're yours- I'm not your Mom or Dad, pick up behind yourself!"
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2016
    hellointerloper and gatiio like this.
  11. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻
    Reminds me of the roommate I had sophomore year (otherwise known as the last semester before I dropped out hahahahakillme) in college.
    She was such a fucking princess that she refused to take out the garbage. I'm not kidding, she literally had a male friend of hers come in and take out the trash for her. The next time she couldn't get anyone to do it. We had a rotation going and she would mess it up by not taking it out, and the smell would get so bad (no AC in the building) that one of us would relent and do it ourselves.
    Meanwhile, she would go on shopping sprees and bring back $700 worth of shoes on her parent's dime. Michael Kors, mostly. I wanted to throw those shoes out the window, but they all had screens that you couldn't remove for the exact purpose.

    ...didn't stop a kid from jumping out the window in the opposite building while he was on a bad mushroom trip. Landed right on the sidewalk from the third floor and died. I didn't see it happen but I heard the kids who were spotting him couldn't restrain him quick enough. He just went for it. Yikes.

    Anyway, back to the main story... She got pissed off that we kept bringing up the trash bit, and she formally switched rooms. That was the happiest day ever. Most of us were swamped with student debt so this spoiled brat angered us to no end. Oh, and we didn't have dishes until later in the semester. We ran out of paper plates and cups and were like "fuck it, let's bring in some old plates and pots and pans."
  12. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Feb 2, 2006
    The Grim North
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    Bang on the wall between strokes to throw him off his game! :twisted:
    Ultra_Gigan and MisterYuck like this.
  13. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Also "fuck you" to my brain for telling me to mold a sofubi prototype the way I did. Not making that mistake again. wow. #vinylnoobforlife
  14. brobles

    brobles S7 Royalty

    Apr 21, 2011
    (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻
    Fuck employers who don't value hard work.
    leili and IronPaw like this.
  15. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻
    Fuck me. I fucked up so badly today.

    I know I probably mentioned before that I have really vivid nightmares, arguably verging on PTSD-like nightmares. It's been 7 years since I graduated high school but I still have nightmares where I'm back there and being bullied by the same people who tortured me and failing classes. Well, I had one yesterday and woke up to an empty house. I started feeling lonely, and somehow started feeling somewhat suicidal, and the only way I could think of stopping those feelings was to get drunk. I don't really drink. Maybe I have one or two rum + cokes a month. I went crazy. Last thing I remember was singing to my dog. My dad found me face down, passed out in a massive pool of my own vomit. Definitely could have died.
    I didn't regain full consciousness until 5 hours after my dad found me, though apparently during the hours prior I was singing like a songbird (my dad and boyfriend say I sang Red Hot Chili Peppers and The Ramones), accusing the ER nurses of trying to "freeze me" because I was cold and then saying my dad was "in on it" because he tried to get me to stop curling into a ball, and I bit my boyfriend's finger when he tried to get me to stop chewing on the EEG wires.
    When I did finally regain full consciousness, I could hardly believe where I was or what happened. I was so embarrassed and felt so guilty. And you know what? My dad and boyfriend were nothing but loving, worried, and supportive. That made me cry...

    I'm not looking for pity by posting this. I just want everyone to not make the same mistake. I put my entire family through hell today because of my stupid decision, and it could have ended with me dying had I been on my back instead of my stomach when I threw up. I should have called someone, anyone, instead of "self medicating."
    I learned a very harsh lesson today, but I think I needed to learn it... That I am loved more than I think I am. That even if I am suffering, I am needed.
    I won't be making this mistake again.
    FUREEK likes this.
  16. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Feb 2, 2006
    The Grim North
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    Fuck employers full-stop! Learn a trade, master your craft, pay your dues and do your own thing. Fuck making money for some c*nt at the top of the food chain!
    hellointerloper and IronPaw like this.
  17. MisterYuck

    MisterYuck Comment King

    Jun 16, 2016
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    After working retail for 9+ years, this statement rings loud and true.
    IronPaw likes this.
  18. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
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    Fuck thieves. It isn't even a question of breaking some legal code that gets to me, it is the act of spitting in the face of your fellow man/woman out of complete selfishness. Such disregard for humanity and society at large, while at the same time living off of its spoils, is something that really irks me. Fuck you and you opportunism. And if any would-bes are out there reading this, for fuck's sake, please just be up front about it and straight up ask for cash or whatever the fuck it is you want, that will help you get your next fix or pay off whatever. Most people will gladly hand that worthless stuff over to you. You have no idea how much you really mess with people's lives, for no more gain to you. No one likes to be robbed, but I am sure I speak for a lot when I say money is meaningless compared with the irreplaceable stuff and the feeling of loss and violation. Sadly, I think there are a good number of decent folks on here who have experienced this at some time in their lives. And it will go on.
    boon velvet and IronPaw like this.
  19. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    @ultrakaiju - Yep. I can relate. Multiple experiences, several on a massive scale. Sucks, always, especially when it's unfathomable that they'll even be able to unload the bulk of what they've taken from you - personal, priceless things with no discernible value on the street. Sigh.

    As least it's been a while.

    Care to share what they felt they needed more than you did?
  20. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻
    Fuck people who neglect and abuse their pets.

    My pup, Bruiser, had to be brought back to the vet. (His normal vet, not the emergency vet, thank goodness.)
    He was peeing blood again after a long walk last week with lots of marking, so we booked an appointment. He also lost a tooth while rolling around in the grass, of all things.

    Initial findings were:
    • he lost a pound since his last visit, from 6.5lbs to 5.2lbs
    • his gums appeared to be pale, to which the doctor assumed he's anemic/losing blood
    • his temperature was normal
    • he has a heart murmur (which may be because of the anemia, or may be a new issue)
    • his pee is unusually yellow despite access to water at all times
    • his tooth likely fell out because of continued periodontal disease
    They did a blood draw and are doing a full blood panel and urinalysis. We'll get the blood test results back tomorrow, and we'll know whether he needs a bladder/heart ultrasound based off of these results. The doctor is also concerned that there might be something wrong with his liver.

    I am fucking seething because I know that most, if not all of this, is because of his past life before he was dumped in the shelter and pulled by the rescue we adopted from. After owning him for almost a year now, we've figured out some things about him that hint at his past.
    • Sometimes when you touch his ear he will yelp. Nothing is wrong with his ears. I think his previous owner used to pinch or pull his ear when he did something wrong, so he yelps preemptively in fear.
    • We think he may have lived in a hoarder house because he does things normal dogs would have to be trained to do. He is an insane acrobat. He jumps from furniture to other furniture, squeezes through small spaces, squeezes under things, nests in weird places, can climb over crazy obstacles by balancing on them... He climbed over a 3 foot tall cardboard partition by leaping up, balancing on the edge on all fours, and leaping off. It was impressive.
    • He's terrified of sinks. He obviously had bad bathing experiences. I tried to help this by bathing him in the tub, but he hates it. It's a necessary evil.
    • His teeth were so bad when we got him, that he must have either been eating human food scraps, the worst dog food on the market, who heck knows what. He needed a full teeth cleaning and 5 teeth pulled. I know bad food also affects organ function, so... Yeah...
    • When we got him he hadn't been washed, and he was COVERED IN FLEA DIRT. Flea dirt is basically flea shit, which is basically blood. The water ran red when I bathed him for the first time. He was also underweight and had to be on puppy food for a while.
    SO FUCK YOU, PAST OWNER. Bruiser is the fucking sweetest dog, and you fucked him over. Now we have to pay to make his life manageable. But you know what? We will pay what it takes, because we love Bruiser. We love him so damn much. We will try our best to undo the damage you've done to his tiny body, and love him the whole while.
  21. kichigai

    kichigai Removed by request

    Sep 22, 2007
    (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻
    Take some comfort in the fact that you care for and love the heck out of that poochie.

    If he had never had you in his life, it would be a damn shame. Just do what you can

    My coonhound came from an abusive home and it took 2 years for him to get better.

    They beat him with shoes for getting on the couch and chained him outside in winter.

    Now he has free roam and gets attention and is literally one of my best friends.

    @ultrakaiju I am sorry for whatever prompted that post, I can relate on a personal level.

    To add to the thread:

    Fuck fake people and those who after being successful forget how they got there
    hellointerloper likes this.
  22. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Oct 9, 2007
    Not here
    (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻
    Fuck moving!

    I'm actually worried about thieves myself @ultrakaiju . After 10 years me and Kim are calling it quits and now i'm forced to move (on top of look for a permanent job). The thought of living with a stange roomate is almost unfathomable and I'd never do it unless I was in a pinch like this. i'm in a tricky spot because although i'm currently finishing a project that should provide some income (and I've saved) till the end of the year, I've never been fond of Buffalo (as you all know) and why find a permanent apartment and sign a lease if there are no jobs here- long term? Which means:

    What the fuck am I going to do with over 500 toys and 3000 records (loads of rare) and the massive shelving that goes along with them? I'm absolutely terrified of having to perhaps seek temporary housing and having a stranger eyeing this stuff up provided I can even find a temporary place that will fit the stuff (it probably totals upwards in value $60-80 grand and do I want to even set it all up if I'm not staying long?) but even more terrifying is option 2 of a storage unit (which everyone keeps telling me) while I finish my work here. I just don't trust them at all. Option 3 would be to pack everything and move in with the family back in PA then go national with a job search. I've always wanted to move out west or at the very least back to civilization where I'm from the NJ PA NYC tri-state area. I'm not a psycho attached to inanimate things but I've spent a great deal of time money and effort finding these things I treasure, and being without them safe and sound is a worry for me.

    Too many question marks in my life right now- fuck that. I've had to call HR every two weeks to get paid from the research foundation (as they are unsure where to draw grant money from to pay us) and even though I love the old professor I work for this project has many question marks- including how many hrs I'll be getting in the fall. If it's like 15-20 a week as opposed to the 40 I have now- is it worth it to stay for 4 months? He always said he understands if people need to leave the project eventually, but keeps dangling these really small percentage chances that it will become full time with maybe more testing will be done. He's paid and back to teaching so I wonder? I think once you're done analyzing data and into the report writing (where I am now) it's a foregone conclusion you're almost done. Besides with a private consulting firm, state and federal agencies, and several universities involved things literally move at a glacial pace in decisions.

    Help I'm overwhelmed! Anyone know of a quiet cheap place I can live alone- fit my collections (they do fit in a 12 ft by 12 ft room I think with shelves) and find a plethora of scientific jobs (biological or physical sciences)? And make new friends- fuck this hermit shit. Have to roll out of here by my birthday Oct 1st.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2016
    hellointerloper and IronPaw like this.
  23. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    Dec 3, 2007
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    I've been using a storage unit for over 5 years with no issues whatsoever. I think you would be totally safe with it, especially for such a short time. they require you to have insurance on the unit. I know it's hard to replace shit, but in the extremely small possibility things get stolen, you will be insured.
    boon velvet likes this.
  24. infiniteneeya

    infiniteneeya Fresh Meat

    Jun 2, 2016
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    I know people that have been using the same storage unit for years, I think they are usually pretty safe! Most of my biology/tech buddies work out of the research triangle of NC and do well there, but it's probably considered middle of nowhere to most >_> But housing prices aren't bad!
  25. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    Sep 8, 2012
    Los Angeles
    (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻
    @Lixx I would say the only issue you would have to worry about is if you use a credit card. I have heard stories from the gaming
    community where some guys stored their gaming collection while out of the states. They forgot to update their CC when it
    expired, didnt catch it till they saw parts of their collection up on ebay. Not sure with most storage places, but I suppose
    since they couldnt get in contact with the renter, everything in the unit was fair game. Im sure its in the contract.
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