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Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by blakewest, Jan 24, 2011.

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  1. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    Or your Morrissey t-shirt. That will get you ticket every time as well. This aint Whittier man ;)

    Have you eaten at Blackbird Cafe yet? You should. Their Dos Caballeros is outstanding. On Wardlow and Orange
  2. hellscrape

    hellscrape Comment King

    no, I haven't!!! if you have any other food recommendations, send me a PM. I'd love to hit up some LB hot spots before I am forever banished from the choad of Southern California :razz:
  3. leili

    leili Toy Prince

    Pho Hong Phat (long? One or yhe other, they name dhsnged at some point) on Anaheim and Redondo

    Best pho, been going there since I was little and they're the only thing comparable to my grandmas cooking. Even better than majority of the Westminster places ive been.

    Also, ACAB
  4. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Fuck you weather! School starts today, and of course on my busiest day (I have to go in the morning then venture back tonight around dinner till 10pm) the temp is 4 degrees with a drop to -9 expected tonight. I'll never get use to this Buffalo weather I'm a summer guy 100%.
  5. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    Fuck you non-driving idiots, it's just some snow. Granted the roads weren't the greatest but there is no reason to drive like that.

    4 hours to get home from work. It's 17 miles.

    My knee is killing me

  6. mildew180

    mildew180 Side Dealer

    :shock: 4 HOURS for 17 miles!!! Are you serious? We have snow and ice EVERY year here and people still haven't figured out how to drive on it. I feel your anger but 4 HOURS? Man...
  7. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Fuck pixlr-o-matic! Can't even save pics (after working on them) now without it crashing, and fuck this damn message every time I try to make cka pics bigger:


    You don't have permission to access /wp/wp-content/uploads on this server.
  8. Michael Beverage

    Michael Beverage Line of Credit

    You think that's bad....try Atlanta's snowmageddon this week where two inches of snow left people stranded on the highway overnight. I was lucky to make it home in five hours. I have 4WD and used Google Earth to find back roads. FYI Atlanta...there is often more than one way home. Humans have truly turned into an inept, idiotic species with no chance of long term survival.
  9. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    Wife hit my car today. Yeah.
  10. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    Haha sorry man.
  11. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

    Hmmmmm, I know you a little and I think you may have typed that in error. I'm thinking more it reads like "I hit my wife with my car today"

  12. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    mindreading, its a gift & a curse

    seriously, she was trying to avoid hitting a garbage can
  13. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss


    Honey, I hit your car. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do it. On a positive note, I missed the trash can. Ugh!

    Sorry Psilo. I was just trying to lighten the mood.
  14. leili

    leili Toy Prince

    To all the mail people who automatically leave a slip instead of actually trying to deliver the package, welcome to your new home in this lovely thread.
  15. mutantshark

    mutantshark Comment King

    ^^ my postman! theres nothing like being home ALL DAY and walking to the mailbox to see a note saying they couldnt deliver my package.

    i also live on a property with two address & mailboxes but he refuses to separate the mail even though they are clearly marked! I have to do it on basically a daily basis....and on the days he "feels nice" and does separate the mail, he does so by name not address (our mailboxes have our names on them) so I for some goddamn reason still get all the old tenant mail for the other address! ITS INSANITY!! But i dont trust him at all, check both boxes those days anyway and still often find some of my mail in their box.... uggggghhhh! id NEVER had a postal problem until i moved to this house/neighborhood (the station itself is the worst ive dealt with as well)
  16. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss


    I agree. The USPS can pretty much suck my balls. I wasn't even given a slip saying I wasn't at home to sign for the package and WAS home. Instead nothing was left and if I hadn't checked online to find the status they'd all either be returned to sender (yeah, fuckin' right!) or ignored. This happened three times in less than two weeks. Adding insult to injury is that it's my normal carrier who I thought was cool and would sit around and listen to him I FART A LOT and moan about his job. You know, an over-paid delivery guy with a powerful union behind him. This past holiday I decided to give him a gift package with various food items and the like (including a beer that he always tells me he wishes he had) as I don't like to give just money. Ever since then my service has been shit. Guess he would have rather had the extra cash. I have never tipped any one like the postman before and decided I would do it to be kind and show that I appreciate the service. Well, that won't ever happen again. Now I hope the fuck does get fired. Bottom line, the USPS is worthless. I have posted something like this in the past. Worthless sense of entitlement fuckwads.
  17. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    The KKK. Seriously, I cannot believe they are still around. Just because their reasons for hating other races changes, they are still cartoonish and stupid.
  18. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Wow. I don't even know how to approach that one.
  19. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp


    speaking of cartoonish & stupid...
  20. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Dough before dishonor.
  21. MonstaIslandCzar

    MonstaIslandCzar Comment King

    Yea I walked outside just when the mailman was walking away after dropping off my cometdebris lucky bag. He says "Hey man, I went ahead and signed for it, " while I was thinking hey fucking thanks prick, considering the neighborhood I live in its a good thing I got it before leaving for work. This dude is also guilty of leaving the note without ringing or knocking when I was sitting 10 feet from my front door. I think if it wasn't for my childish delight in getting my lucky bag I would have chewed him out this time or at least complained to the local branch. He's really a nice guy but WTF! It's his job on the line if I ever lose a package!
  22. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Time for my semiannual FU to Mandarake for reselling stuff from WF for more than double a day after the festival is over. Take my heart and stomp on it some more why don't ya. Fuck you. There is profit and then there is ridiculousness. This isn't even about value anymore, it is about gouging and taking advantage of collectors. :x
  23. Michael Beverage

    Michael Beverage Line of Credit

    Mandarake is the biggest flipper of them all. Undoubtedly the ones making the most money off reselling stuff as well. They are the ones setting the high resale prices for new releases, more than anyone else IMHO. But most of us buy from them on a regular basis, myself included.

    In the immortal words of Rick James, "sofubi is a hell of drug."
  24. 666doll

    666doll Mini Boss

  25. psilo110

    psilo110 Post Pimp

    It’s a matter of timing. If you want your shiny new sofubi the day after wonderfest, mandarake may be your only option. If you don’t mind waiting what seems like a lifetime, there are deals to be had.

    Also, Martoy Black is a drippy dickhole & his title here should be changed to reflect this.
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