Fuck You Fuck You Thread

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by patrickvaz, Apr 1, 2017.

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  1. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Okay, I have a fuck you and a genuine plea for advice.

    First of all, FUCK WIFE BEATERS.

    A creep I went to high school with beat his wife in front of his young daughter and got slapped with a felony charge of assault/battery/child endangerment, and has an order of protection now. He's subsequently trying to reach out to all of her friends to get info on her, including me, because he's a control freak and can't deal with not having her under his thumb. That goes against the protection order so I screenshotted his message and sent it to her as evidence, which she has already begun compiling to bolster her impending divorce.

    Thing is, I am really REALLY fucking scared for her. He was friendly yet subtly terrifying during high school. Very unhinged, saying weird shit about werewolves, vampires, black magic, devil worship, and even went so far as to get huge scars across his chest that looked like slash marks from a werewolf. No idea if they were self-inflicted. He once commented on a necklace my ex gave me, asking "what's the key for?" and I said "oh it's a bit cheesey, it's the key to my heart." He replied "there's a better way to get to your heart... some C4." and his demeanor really didn't insinuate that it was a joke in any shape or form. More like he was stating a fact. It was fucking creepy. He also was always under the thumb of a school psychologist because he would scare the teachers and his classmates with disturbing doodles. He also had a collection of knives, ninja stars, you name it. Not a good combo for someone who isn't exactly right in the head.

    Either way, in college I saw he got married according to FB, and decided to friend his wife for shits and giggles. (I was young and stupid) It was definitely a lesson in humility for me because she actually turned out to be an extremely nice person, but grew up adopted in a semi-abusive household. We ended up being actual online friends.

    Now that this has all happened, I'm really worried that he is going to try to hurt her. I'm scared that the people handling the case won't take this seriously enough.

    So... the question is, should I call the Department of Family Services (which is primarily handling the case) and give them all of this info from his high school years, and tell them that he really needs a psych evaluation?

    I really really don't want her to get hurt or even killed... or even worse, her daughter hurt or killed in a "if I can't have custody, nobody will have her" sort of scenario.
  2. MattyBoomBatty

    MattyBoomBatty Addicted

    Apr 20, 2011
    Inside a Tangled Web of BS
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Oooooorrrrrrr you save her life.
    However, if this is more a psychopathic "I fancy her and want him out of the way." I should warn you that shebang NEVER works the way you want it to and one or both of you will end up stabbed if he really is a nutter.
    Very, very recently I had a deranged ex almost have me in jail, full setup, because of crazy new BFs deranged interference talking her into it. Neither of them bothered to check any of their facts going in, where I lived at the time, IP addresses, my job, my location on the Earth at the time (basic stuff) but believe me the cops told me that if I didn't have the HUGE amount of evidence AGAINST her claims she would have won. Just on her PSYCHOTIC claim that I did something I didn't do....because some guy I never met, told her to act on something I'm pretty sure he did himself to stitch me up using pics he found on HER phone. I last saw this woman in 2014 and I'm STILL dealing with that. Lucky I could prove I didn't even OWN the phone these pictures came from.
    However, douchebag men in love will do CRAZY SHIZZ to hold onto what they think is their property.

    Don't get stabbed duder.
  3. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    I'm SO confused right now.
    I'm a straight female, I'm just looking to make sure her crazy soon-to-be-ex-husband doesn't hurt her again, and that the Department of Family Services takes this as seriously as possible.
    Purple Bat likes this.
  4. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    Jun 2, 2008
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Jordan’s don’t flip like they used to anymore is one consolation prize?
  5. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Mar 20, 2006
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck chronic pain. :evil::cry::evil::cry:
    boon velvet and Purple Bat like this.
  6. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    Jun 2, 2008
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    fuck chronic pain, try and schedule with with your specialist, she's out for a month... her office calls and recommends you ask primary for something for the pain while you wait to see her. Follow instructions, for primary doctor to give you 600MG ibuprofen. ummm... you mean 3 advil compacted into 1 pill? G thanks Doc, thats going to help with my slipping disk and Osteoarthritis on my spine.
    Purple Bat likes this.
  7. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Feb 23, 2012
    Denver, CO
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    I'm sorry bro. I hope you feel better soon..

    Do indicas help? Have you ever tried Kratom?

    I have a friend that has sciatica and was addicted to narcotic pain meds. He quit taking opioids alltogether and uses kratom daily. It's a plant in the same family as coffee/tea and it's legal in almost every state and relatively cheap. I've used it before and it definitely has some painkilling/euphoric effects, it feels like I'm on painkillers.. Pro tip: Do not buy it from headshops! Check out the Kratom subreddit for more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/kratom/
    eckotyper and Purple Bat like this.
  8. ungawa222

    ungawa222 Mini Boss

    Mar 20, 2006
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Ugh, Mike... I'm sorry.
    This is the suckiest aspect of my life by FAR... I'm sorry you can relate. (And I know well others here can, too.)

    I was on an even keel for a good long stretch... feeling as close to normal as I ever get to feel... then the weekend before last I aggravated my condition and it is simply NOT calming down. Just getting through an average day right now is near impossible. I hate waking up and being in pain, having my first thought of the day be a count of the hours before I can just go back to sleep.

    Throughout this ordeal, I have somehow managed to use opioids only sparingly and infrequently. While they can provide a weird kind of relief (I'm still fully aware of the pain sensation... just kind of mentally and emotionally distanced/insulated from it), they also make me feel very ill... a nice natural deterrent to becoming dependent, I guess (as long as I never do it regularly enough to "get over" that aversion-hump). Yes, tried Kratom and liked it better than opioids, but have not ordered any in some time. Indicas do help, and I was a carded MM patient here, but I let it lapse a couple years ago, as our area dispensary just did not have their shit dialed in, and I felt I could still get better/more consistent wares from my own contacts. And I'll add that Indicas help most when I can pair them with focused meditation/relaxation, which I have completely fallen off with in the crazed busy-ness of life. Need very much to get back to it.

    This thing will settle down again (I hope) to its more manageable levels... I'm just in hell right now, and gotta ride it out.
    boon velvet, eckotyper and Purple Bat like this.
  9. Purple Bat

    Purple Bat Addicted

    May 22, 2012
    US Mid-Southwest
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread

    Here are just a couple of link databases that you or your friend can peruse for advice and assistance:

    and one especially for friends and family of someone in an abusive situation:

    I would at least recommend that you personally call and ask your questions to the Domestic Abuse Intervention Services Help Line:
  10. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    @ungawa222 @eckotyper - How I wish that could not relate. 2011 to early 2016: CONSTANT pain, multiple areas, every hour of every day. Things are improving this past year, FINALLY, but I still wouldn't wish my nervous system on any one of you. Fuck constant pain.
  11. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    Jun 2, 2008
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Those that know me well know i've dealt with this since 15 more or less... foolish young boys working on cars, doing crap we shouldnt of been doing, because we didnt have the tools that we needed... being rear ended twice, and being 125 pounds delivering and dropping off 250 pound bounce house rentals for a year straight didnt help either.

    If you know me also, you know how I was so not into marijuana. I'd had a few decent experiences, but for the most part it was anxiety, and panic, and constantly telling myself 'when is it over, when is it over, when is it over". SDCC last year i was hella ill for a day off a edible...

    THC Oil/Weed: Fast forward now, I had tried my friends vape pen and liked it. I had put a strict limit on me the first time, 1-2 hits tops and don't touch it again through the night. I think I personally just can't hang doing this kinda stuff with friends in a circle passing stuff around. I don't prefer smoking actual weed, I think its a waste of money for me personally. however $50 for a gram cartridge that is going to last me 3-4 months is a value. I got my cartridge just about a month ago, and literally have had 2 hits every day since and im 1/3 through the cartridge... I somewhat like it now, but still am not too into the feels at the same time. thc has a lingering effect on me. While i'm not high the next day as i was the night before. I am not 100% myself... I didn't smoke since sunday night, and now I feel myself today. cartridges, yeah I might have to put this pen to use only friday and saturdays.

    CBD: I had got some pills, a month supply, I felt they worked, I ordered 2 more months worth. The problem with my back is the weather right now. Summer i'm usually not so effected, but the cold weather hurts. I have had Kaiser Permanente insurance since lord knows when... I have to make an appointment to see my primary Dr, just to get a albuterol/ventolin inhalor. Something I have kept in my pocket since I was like 5 years old. Dr. won't even provide refills on the inhalor, they want that Co-Pay. If it's that difficult of a process to get a inhalor, then you understand what I mean about trying to get further help. I had to plea with my doctor for xrays, and MRI... swear to jesus she told me i'm too young to get xrays done. I told her, I get the radiation, but if something is wrong now... isn't it better to know now? then to let something prolong? This western medicine, insurance bullshit is annoying as fuck when you have to jump hurdles to get help. My mom was in a accident when I was little where her SUV rolled 3 full times... and its jacked her up since then. she has multiple issues with her back and such, and her dr is telling her she will eventually not prescribe her pain meds anymore because her pain is emotional... um the xrays, and MRI say something totally different!...
    Sorry for rambling a little bit, one thing leads to another in my frustrations with trying to deal with my back. So anyways... because of the cold weather I started popping 2 at a time CBD oil, i finished both bottles in about a month... did'nt really feel they were helping. The dispensary I use I saw had a new CBD disposable vape pen in. I decided to give that a try too... quickly felt it wasn't doing anything... I had some hunches, so did some research. Many think CBD is actually just a placebo. like a sugar pill, or what not. if you are told its good for you and you take it, your mind is being told to feel better, and it usually does. hell it did for me at first. but the long time efforts, i don't feel worked. and it wasn't a good buy. $240 for 1 vape pen, and 90 day supply of pills.

    Norco/vicodin/percocet/etc: been experimenting with these for years. Don't remember who exactly gave me one but when they did wow. my troubles were gone. mind you the first pill i had was a 325/5. My mom would get 325/10 and she'd spare me some when she could. I don't and never have abused these. whether its 325/5 or 325/10 i cut my supply of pills in half. so if i have 5's or 10's i'm only getting a half dosage. I have did this successfully for a year or so now. and even if i have 50 pills (100 hits to me) it will take me about 4 months to go through that supply... i.e about 12.5 pills a month i go through... when the standard procedure on the prescription label would read something like 2-3 pills a day as needed. So as far as addiction, i don't think im anywhere on that spectrum. I'll actually be sobbing and stuff before I even go that route for the most part, because it can get expensive, and I check myself twice before thinking about dropping one.

    Kratom: I will look into this hehe. sorry for all the rant and probably a lot of personal talk above... i'm just really feeling it today, and its getting to me.

    @ungawa222 I totally feel you. Usually 3 of the 4 seasons I can get by with pain, but its pain I can endure and get through the days with. I can't even carry my daughter to bed, told my doctor this, and they don't care. They have given me muscle relaxers of tizanidine 2mg, but its too small of a dosage to even work. I know I have slipping discs, and such, but I truly feel a light pain med, stacked with a decent muscle relaxer would allow me to live a more normal life. Shit is sad when you tell your doctor you just want to live a normal enough life to be able to play with your daughter and carry her to bed while she is young, as she will only be young once. and then they give you the equivalent of swallowing 3 advil.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2018
    boon velvet and Purple Bat like this.
  12. noeleaser

    noeleaser Addicted

    Feb 23, 2012
    Denver, CO
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Damn dude, that's a lot of BS to have t go through just to be normal. I hope things get better.

    For all of you with chronic pain, I highly recommend that you give Kratom a try. In addition to helping with pain, it also seems to give me a mood boost. Please be aware that it can be addictive and cause some withdrawal symptoms but it's NOTHING like the withdrawl symptoms from opioids..
  13. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Thanks so much, I actually did go ahead and called the CT DFS today because apparently the dude "attempted suicide" last night. In other words, he totally didn't do anything serious to himself and just did it for attention because he wasn't even hospitalized. He's playing the sympathy game, and thankfully my friend isn't falling for it, and neither did police. (And for people who might think he didn't fake it... this guy self-inflicted wounds on his chest years ago so he would have the appearance of "werewolf slashes." He would have zero aversion to superficially harming himself for attention.)

    They said they would pass on my info to the people working the case, but unfortunately if he has no prior criminal record before this specific charge, they can't look into his high school files. I really hope he does have a record, because the school has a plethora of psychological data on him. He would scare other students with his drawings and the disturbing things he would say, so it wasn't long before he was under guidance by the psychs there. We'd bump into each other constantly because I was going to the psych wing at school for my depression. :?

    I'm definitely going to forward her those links. Even though he had all his weapons confiscated by police, he could easily get new ones...
    Purple Bat likes this.
  14. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Your June estimate was much too generous, haha.
    noeleaser and TattooDougHardy like this.
  15. TattooDougHardy

    TattooDougHardy Comment King

    Jun 26, 2013
    San Francisco, Ca. USA
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Holy fukkin' lol justice is sweet.
    noeleaser likes this.
  16. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    That is... extremely scummy. I could say more but I'll refrain, ugh. People like her are the reason why bosses/managers question their employees' legitimate sick days and absences.

    And just a general "oh fuck" because my clinical study participation review was conducted, and based on my responses I was deemed a non-responder for ketamine. Have to move onto the next treatment now, electroconvulsive therapy. That involves being put under general anesthesia, inducing a seizure, and possibly waking up not remembering anything that had happened that morning.
    Kiiiind of wish the ketamine worked just so I wouldn't have to do that 3 times a week for the next 5 weeks. :? I guess if it works though, it'll be worth it.
    I realized that I haven't produced a single piece of art in almost a year, whether that be a drawing, painting, sculpt, anything. I haven't met up with friends for over 2 years. That's pretty fucking sad.
    sketchyhabits and Purple Bat like this.
  17. toothaction

    toothaction Team Tsubu Staff Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Fucking fuck. Fuckity fucking fucked up fuck. Fucking shit to the fuckity fuck balls. Fuck.
    hellointerloper likes this.
  18. boon velvet

    boon velvet Post Pimp

    Nov 25, 2011
    Swamp City YeewSA
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    @hellointerloper, I'm sorry that the ketamine treatments didn't do anything beneficial for you. Know tho as barbaric as ECT sounds and looks , you won't remember it and it can actually help ,which is why they still do it. I have a friend who had it done and she really turned around ; it helped her greatly. When she first told me about her treatments tho , I couldn't believe it, thinking it was outdated pseudo science. That's ignorance for you tho. I hope it does for you what it did for her. Just stay away from the room labeled "Lobotomy Party Inside! You'll Dance Your Brains Out".
    hellointerloper likes this.
  19. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    From what I was reading about it before I agreed to it, the premise is kind of like a pacemaker... an electrical shock to get your heart back in rhythm, except it's your brain. It really sucks that I have to go under general anesthesia so often though. Apparently I'm going to feel like shit this entire month physically because of it. The lead doctor was like "you can't work or drive during this time... wait... oh nevermind you don't do either."
    But in all honesty, I could imagine it would suck so badly to tell your employer "Heeeeeyyyy, so I have to take about a month and a half off because I'm getting my brain shocked. Is that okay?"
    Really glad to hear that you know someone it worked for though! Depression just straight up sucks. I'm not expecting a miracle, I just want to be able to hang out with friends again without feeling like a burden, and be able to make stuff again. That's really all I need out of life, people and art.

    Speaking of work, maybe after a few sessions I'll actually be brave enough to call up the local fish store and see if they'll take my first generation guppies for store credit so I can upgrade my tanks. I could try selling them to individuals but my first generation guppies are kind of "ehhhh." More trouble than it's worth to sell to multiple buyers at $1 each, especially if they're just looking to buy 5.
    After a few generations I'll hopefully have bred long tails and crazy patterns/colors down the genetic line, and then it'd just be better to sell for cash... and by then I'll have a nice big personal tank to keep all my favorites in. It's kind of silly, but I've grown awfully attached to the holdbacks. I don't want to sell them even after I've bred them... I want them to be rewarded for their "work" by living out their lives in luxury, haha.
    Purple Bat likes this.
  20. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Feb 28, 2008
    Land of Plush
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    FiddleSticks!:x:x:xFiddleSticks!:x:x:xFiddleSticks!:x:x:xFiddleSticks!:x:x:xFiddleSticks!:x:x:xFiddleSticks!:x:x:xFiddleSticks!:x:x:xFiddleSticks!:x:x:xFiddleSticks!:x:x:xFiddleSticks!:x:x:x My main computer died and all of my JYA bookmarks went poof! :cry:
    hellointerloper and Purple Bat like this.
  21. useless toys

    useless toys Post Pimp

    Dec 31, 2006
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Fuck you to whoever decided it would be a good idea to make the movie Heathers into a TV show.

  22. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Feb 28, 2008
    Land of Plush
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    Phew! Chkdisk restored my computer enough to get back in and copy files. None of the applications will work, and can't open files, but I can copy stuff, which means Mozilla profile and bookmarks are restored! (thank goodness for places.sqlite) Hooray! :razz:
  23. MattyBoomBatty

    MattyBoomBatty Addicted

    Apr 20, 2011
    Inside a Tangled Web of BS
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    I've never seen either but ten bucks says one of the many teenage girls and evil women living in my house will insist on watching EVERY episode after watching EVERY vampire based drama and women's prison show....but only after rewatching friends and Sex in the City first.
  24. hellointerloper

    hellointerloper S7 Royalty

    Mar 29, 2014
    CT, United States
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    FUCKKKKKKKK. Nobody told me that ECT would leave you with aches and pains the day after. My muscles in my upper back, neck, jaw, and my entire tongue from mouth to down my throat hurt terribly. It's hard to eat and swallow food, and I'm popping Tylenol and Advil in a pathetic attempt just to fucking be able to sleep a bit. I'm pretty sure I can't take any more OTC painkillers today... I hope I can make it until tomorrow without too much of a struggle, because I start fasting at midnight for my session in the morning.

    The good news is that I seem a lot less aggressive after treatment. I know that seems odd as a depression symptom, but I have gotten to the point where a lot of simple aspects of life annoy the hell out of me, and I just get pissed off at things. Kind of like "life fucking sucks, I'm mad at the world and mad I have to deal with it" sort of attitude, you know? Also no thoughts of death/suicide or super negative thoughts. I'm holding off on saying that this works because I've only had one session, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this improvement continues.
    sketchyhabits and Purple Bat like this.
  25. @hopelesstoys

    @hopelesstoys Toy Prince

    Dec 14, 2016
    Kansas city
    Fuck You Fuck You Thread
    FUCK it's hard to come up with 25 post minimum when you don't know anyone, and you're just fresh meat looser and trying to make friends... FUCK YOU! if you don't like me posting this because I'm desperate to be able to have a want and sell list... UHG FUCK FUCK FUCK I'm not even sorry...:roll:

    thanks for reading it :lol:
    sketchyhabits likes this.
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