44th American President discussion thread.

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by bryce_r, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

    Dec 17, 2006
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    For those Hillary fans that got burned, Palin looks good. Maybe even great. The opportunity to slap the DNC back is now available for a vote.

    She does seem to have some good selling points besides the obvious bringing in the conservative lines to the base and the woman vote to the Republicans. About the same experience as Barack Hussein Obama but its in the executive branch, not to mention libertarians seem to give here a big nod too boot.

    Its going to be an interesting showdown.
  2. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    Dec 17, 2005
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    -- She won't bring in many Hillary supporters because she's anti-abortion and women feel McCain is pandering to them

    -- She disables the attacks on Obama's lack of experience because she doesn't have any.

    -- She's embroiled in a scandal.

    -- She's rich.

    -- She disables the attacks on Michelle Obama for following the campaign trail because she's got small children, including a baby with Down's.

    -- Her lack of experience counts especially because McCain is old and sick.

    -- Biden will make mincemeat of her in a debate.

    -- And she supports the teaching of creationism in schools.

    Finally, I don't see Miss Congeniality effectively facing down Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or Kim Jong Il should McCain become incapacitated or die.

    McCain just handed Obama the White House
  3. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Aug 15, 2007
    San Jose
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin


    Possibly..but then again how many young democrats actually take the time to vote.
    republicans tend to vote young 18 year old democrats usually like to talk about voting but don't seem to that often.
  4. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

    Dec 17, 2006
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Maybe right, If he doesn't mince himself first.
  5. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    I thought this post was so good it needed to be repeated on page 3. ;p

    Not only is this this the first vice presidential candidate I'd sleep with, but if McCain wins, it will mean that her son will be the first developmentally disabled person to live in the White House who wasn't a cabinet appointment.

    (They're jokes, people, laugh...)

    Also, regarding the creationism angle, I wonder if the believes in the Iglulisk Eskimo creation myth, which involves an exploding penis.
  6. Zma

    Zma Toy Prince

    Nov 20, 2006
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    We have three now?

    Interestingly, Alaska was leaning Democrat, which hasn't happened in my short lifetime. This did "lock it in" though.

    I think it was a bold move, and I think it will work.
    I think, as a nation, we are just that fucking stupid.
  7. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Mar 1, 2006
    San Mateo
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    ZMA, just out of curiosity, what are resident Alaskans views on oil/gas drilling in Alaska? Are the majority in favor or against it?
  8. Zma

    Zma Toy Prince

    Nov 20, 2006
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    I'm not the best spokesman for Alaska, just because I'm a little weird.
    But, I can tell you most Alaskans are either rednecks like Palin, or anoying hippies. I think over-all the rednecks have more of a voice with the oil money behind them. Hippies also have a hard time getting motivated to vote, and are easily distracted.

    There really isn't any middle-ground, and it's an issue where neither side is really winning. If something does happen, I would put my money on pro-drilling. It's just too much money, and we are whores.

    ADD: As for our views, here's what I hear:
    There's nothing up there anyway.
    Pipes make wonderful shelters.
    There are lots of laws to protect the animals if drilling does get set up.
    It's a lot of money.
    Natives want it.


    You'll kill all the porcupine caribou.
    We need to look somewhere else.
  9. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Mar 1, 2006
    San Mateo
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    The lead actress from "Coyote Ugly"?
  10. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    Apr 11, 2007
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    i really hope you're just quoting some right wing nut when you call him that, because otherwise... yikes.

    zero respect for that
  11. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Aug 15, 2007
    San Jose
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    It's actually his middle name.
  12. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

    Dec 17, 2006
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Some ppl get pissed when you mention his middle name, it seems 'loaded', and I find it amusing.

    True right wing nuts (wingnuts) do use his middle name as a buzz word for alienation, but the lefty wing nuts dismiss it like it doesn't exist.
  13. SaintOfSpinners

    SaintOfSpinners Side Dealer

    Jul 20, 2007
    Los Angeles
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    So after they announced Palin I watched fox to check the spin. The sublines said "breaking news: Palin suspends oil taxes in Alaska for one year." I thought, "how cheap, they are buying votes." Of course there are a lot of other implications about the ignorance of suspending oil taxes. But today I cannot find info any where on the web in regards to this. Anyone have any info? I just cant imagine fox spin lying to their loyal, and oh so intelligent, viewers (yeah, right).
  14. Zma

    Zma Toy Prince

    Nov 20, 2006
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    The herd is named porcupine. I don't know why.
  15. m3kcomp

    m3kcomp Side Dealer

    Aug 8, 2007
    Cloud 149
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    I just felt really insulted once again by the campaign machine that the Republicans construct every four years...to anyone with half a brain, Palin is being used as a pawn - but in more ways than her gender:

    -As stated before, she's hardcore on all the issues that are important to Evangelicals. This alone insures their vote. Many people in my family base their vote on these issues alone...abortion/gay marriage/etc.

    -Her eldest son is in the military and about to be "sent to Iraq" (and I'm sure will see tons of action...heh). Still, this is a biggie...and no doubt played a huge role in the choice.

    -Her youngest son has Down's Syndrome...another big part of this whole picture. Palin having 5 children while balancing a career makes her a "normal person." They're banking that the women who don't share her wacko views on core conservative issues will instead identify with her struggles and strength as a mother.

    all of this was running aound my head yesterday as I couldn't believe how stupid the McCain campaign thinks the people of this country are. Unfortunately, they may be right: what may end up deciding this campaign may be even more ignorant than all of the above...it may just end up coming down to Obama being black...and happily, the one good thing I see from McCain's selection is that Palin is so unknown and unqualified to be President some people who would never have considered voting for Obama finally will...

    this campaign is insane...I want to know what Glenn P. thinks about this...
  16. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

    Dec 17, 2006
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    When I read stuff like this, I sorta wanna vote for McCain... or just flip a coin, its all the same.
  17. liquidsky

    liquidsky Vintage

    Dec 17, 2005
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    I'm sorry, but I just can't see this woman running this country if elderly McCain becomes incapacitated or dies.
    His campaign is saying that she will learn about foreign policy from McCain himself. Yikes.
  18. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Aug 15, 2007
    San Jose
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Reading this...I'm sure some ass in Hollywood is writing up a new lifetime show about a hockeywoman who ends up being President of the US.
  19. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Oct 9, 2007
    Not here
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    We're screwed either way. It's Corporate Candidate A or Corporate Candidate B, plain and simple. All this rhetoric about helping the average American out is always a bullshit distraction. It's a farce. The entire electoral college system is in place to basically not have your vote count worth shit. I don't care what they say about well the College always leans with the popular vote.

    Obama is no saint and has just as many corporate sponsors, including Citigroup and Viacom. Insane McCain is hoping to start WW3 by re-igniting the Cold War. His chief advisor is also counsel to that whole Georgian/Russian mess.

    Ahhh don't get me started either...
  20. miami

    miami Comment King

    Feb 5, 2007
    33139 or 95437
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    While I certainly agree that our two-party system does not engage anything like a broad-enough spectrum of views, and I do view both parties as 'bought and paid for' in disturbing ways, the differences, especially between these two Presidential and VP candidates, are nonetheless real and significant to everyday life. If you want just one, consider the fact that the next President may well get to appoint three Supreme Court justices (for life, which is why the young ultra-right wing of the current Court is such a long-term danger) - The Court is not just about things like making abortion criminal, but favoring Korporate Amerika over the little guy or the environment at every opportunity, and putting our few remaining shreds of personal privacy at risk.

    The big selling point there, as I heard it spun, is that she had the amniocentesis early on in her pregnancy, and knew all along it was to be a Down's baby - This is one place where the anti-abortion rubber meets the road, and this factoid alone will earn her some devoted and passionate loyalty from those single-issue voters. Now ... Those voters were never, ever going to vote for BO anyway, but they might not have gone door-to-door and driven elderly voters to the polls on Election Day for MacBush the way they may do for her, cooly calculating her odds of getting to the Big Desk when one day MacBush does the big Redd Foxx clutch. (Or he gets cancer - He's had it what now, four times or five? It's not clear ... )

    Yeah, and with her as a real possibility, the Supreme Court issue gets even scarier. This is a person who is an avowed and hardcore creationist - No evolution, indeed God put all them fossils down there, and built in all the evolutionary evidence right down to our cells, just to test our faith! (That God - What a trickster!) (Like Arlo's "I cannot tell a lie. I put that envelope under that garbage.".)

    Palin was not just Miss Congeniality and Miss Wasilla, and just 20 months ago merely the mayor of Wasilla,AK, she was born and raised there - in a remote and scattered little town whose population is even now only peaking around 8500 people. So ... there's a broad, informed and nuanced worldview, fer shur! America's urban areas will have us a true friend there, watchabet? We already know precisely what it is like to have a President who feels that God put him in the office to make war abroad (this is indeed what W believes, by his own words), who knows what she might decide God wants her to accomplish?

    So, far better that you not vote at all than flip a coin and risk the 50% chance you might vote GOP this year!

    On the other hand ... Now that I look ... What do I care, you're in Texas fer Crissakes! The only way MacBush doesn't win Texas with or without your vote, is if he is going down to a McGovern-size defeat. 'S all about the big map ...
  21. redhanded

    redhanded Side Dealer

    Dec 17, 2006
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Don't mess with Texas* :)

    Finally someone made some good points instead of "If you vote for McCain you are a #($*! "
    Honestly, I'm with Lixx, at this point whats in it for me? Very little, everyone is looking and freaking about the abortion issue but it would take a lot of work to get that reversed, yeah it 'can' happen, but really...

    The real question for ME is how it will effect me personally if person A or B gets elected. And I'm largely looking at the financial end...
    What I do know is that I pay too much in taxes for government waste on a lot of things, including corporations and social programs, and I'm tired of paying these high ass gas prices. It's ok to hate me now.

    *For those who don't know -Don't mess with Texas is actually a highway cleanliness and recycling program stated in the 80s.

  22. miami

    miami Comment King

    Feb 5, 2007
    33139 or 95437
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Well, no matter what they may say (and it will be a lot), the truth is that neither of them is gonna be able to cut your federal income taxes by very much -- America is deep in debt. If it helps you decide, MacBush will continue W's current cuts benefitting only the folks in the top tax bracket - say over $200,000 taxable income, while BO will revert those top bracket income tax rates back to their pre-W (Clinton) levels.
  23. pickleloaf

    pickleloaf Super Deformed

    Apr 11, 2007
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    i know it's his middle name... but when speaking negatively about him and using his full name like that - it's like implying he is evil, will get us attacked by terrorists, whatever. using his name against him... like semantics as a smear i guess?

    sorry i wasnt clear about that with my first post

    and one step further, there are the people that use the obama/osama similarity

    or i have even seen obama-bi(n la)den recently. please.

    in 2004 my dad was shocked that i was not going to vote for bush. he said "if kerry wins, we will be attacked by terrorists"

    seriously.... i wanted to shake my own dad
  24. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    The thing I get a kick out of is the right wingers who thing that Obama is some sort of "stealth Muslim" that's going to co-opt the White House after he gets in.

    First of all, wouldn't he change his name to be more stealthy? And what could he possibly do? Put white people into concentration camps?

    But yes, he is just another corporate whore.
  25. UnderBeit

    UnderBeit Toy Prince

    Jun 18, 2008
    Nowhere Good
    44th American President discussion thread.
    Re: McCain picks Palin

    Poor, Middle class, and probably even upper-middle class people who whose primary presidential issue is taxes need to wake up. The money to run the government will be collected from you no matter what the Federal Income tax rate is set at. They money previously sent (prior to the Bush tax cuts) to the states in the form of block grants for social programs is now collected from you by the state in the form of fees and incremental sales tax increases. The wealthy love this, as it serves to 'flatten' tax rates. Everyone pays, whether they can afford it or not. The budget shortfalls the governemtn can't pass onto the states (Like say the war in Iraq) you'll just be paying later...with interest. So how does this benefit you in any way? The end result is that you are still just as broke at the end of each month, and you've made the world a worse place for everyone to live. Great job!

    The progressive income tax. It's a good thing.

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