from Rotofugi Gallery 2010 Schedule that's exactly the kind of necessary filler we need between toy karma events. thanks, kirby!
I know, too bad it's like more than a year away! The only thing keeping me from being STOKED is that Roto does pre-sales of the pieces via mailing lists vs. "first come first served, left overs on the web." I mean, it's not my store/choice, and I understand that they did it from the request of a few artists, but still, it gives me no reason to show openeing day. I am always so jealous of those in SF or NY who get to go to shows early and get something just for being a local. I dont' have a lot of time to sit and wait and than rush to click for something. It's usually done when I'm not online anyway (and I'm not asking for special treatment just for myself or some such nonsense.) I'd waaaayyyyy rather just take a whole day, hang out in line, have fun, and be able to be one of the first to nab an awesome handpainted figure. There's a sense of community, I think, it builds. As where just tossing them up online a few days early really takes away from the excitement. It's like the BONUS of being a "local" customer. Just my opinion about it to the folks at Roto. Maybe consider doing no preview for this show, do it "Japan style" where we all line up like horrid nerds and wait (even in Dec.) to be first to handpick what we want in person?
warmer than january in chicago I read the year wrong on that and thought it was 2009. I was about to give up and just move.
I just put it down on my calendar. My last visit netted me the clear crouching zag set. What could next year's show have in store???
that's just for the gallery pieces, though. the exclusive are still reserved for those of us that show up in person for the pre-show lineup. it seems like the best balance. you can't make everybody happy all the time, right?
I know, but still, it's like to be able to have first crack at a handpainted Gargamel figure without the frustrations of server slow down or dreaded "sold out" updates I have to be able to fly to Japan or San Diego or San Francisco. I just can't do that, I was hoping to be able to score on home turf. The internet totally takes that rush away that the S7, SDCC and Thrashout fans/locals get to have here in Chicago. Exclusives, I can get those with or without being there. Not bitching, just expressing my feelings as a customer/local. It'd be cool to meet the Garg crew if they'd be there, and it's fun to show, but that ONE element is totally void here, and it's that element I'd like to have the most. That "true fanboy, show up early, wait and shoot the shit all day than pick out IN PERSON an awesome 1 off" experience I've seen in all too many Toybot posts. I'm just begging that it's done "Kaiju Style" for this show, but I'm not holding my breath.
ha ha, what you really mean to say is that you want everyone else to feel the same maddening frustration you feel when you can't be at these other shows in person i get what you're saying, though. it's very disheartening to walk into the gallery at the opening only to see your favorite pieces already marked with a "sold" tag before the doors even opened.
I fully know where you're coming from, and for several years that is EXACTLY how we did events at our gallery. I felt then and, in a lot of ways, continue to feel the same way about preview sales as you do. Unfortunately, the plain and honest truth is that, especially with art, Chicago does not come out to openings and buy stuff. We have an obligation to the artists who trust us to show their work (and who depend on art sales to pay their bills) to do what it takes to sell stuff....and that means having an active preview list. In terms of the benefits of being a local customer... --All of the Toy Karma I and Toy Karma II exclusives were released first at the opening. --All of the one-off figures (but not the paintings) released at the LeMerde exhibit were available first to attendees of the opening. So....if there are any exclusive toy releases for the Gargamel show they'll likely be available to attendees first. And, depending on exactly what Gargemel creates for the exhibit, one-off figures/handpaints, etc may very well be available first to attendees. But it's way too early to say what we will, or won't do. Sorry if I come off defensive....this is a subject that is rather emotional for me as we put a LOT of work into our gallery and trying to make sure we're bringing shows to Chicago that our customers and friends will appreciate. In the past we have gone the extra mile to make sure the kaiju/monster fans in Chicago get some special love, and we'll continue to do that. Rant over.
Sorry to piss on everyone's parade, but this event is over 1 year away and alot can change in that time. I can understand your excitement, but shouldn't much of this discussion be going on 12 months or so from now?
Kirby, totally not a rant, and I wasn't knocking your style/choices, didn't come off defensive at ALL and I didn't know you did that for Le Merde, so I am hopefull. My comment on benefits for locals was mainly in terms of the art pieces/on of a kind items, there's 100's of other benefits already. I knew it'd come off as harsh/ungrateful though I didn't mean for it to, but I'm not going to shy my opinion away to seem polite. Also thanks for clearing the air. I'll be in tomorrow to nab some sweet RxH and take a look at what's new.
We have to take what we can get, I for one am super excited. I have my Hedoran pajama's already for camping out in front of Roto.
It was just announced. People are excited. I'm sure the level of conversation will trail off for a bit until some time closer to the show. Don't worry about it.
i was thinking 2009 the first time i read this and got super stoked! the disappointment gave me time to appreciate the fact the year later date gives me time to prepare for this! hoping to attend....
Just got confirmation that Kiyoka and Koji will be making the long trip for the opening of this show... Opening Night is December 10, 2010, 7-10pm Pretty sure it'll be worth it to be there in person.
fantastic news! i hope everything is kept under tight wraps so that it's a big surprise to see all the toys in person