i know bill and scott took tons... i took a fair share, but won't be able to upload them until monday (left my stupid dock at the office). most of us are still rcovering from last night... went out for food and drinks after the show with the gargamel krew (which was just kioyka and koji, but we still managed to pack the place!)
Yeah I mean I sent a few to Hank during the event but I didn't bother taking "good" pics since I saw so many other camera's going. There were 120 toys and 2 2d pieces 1 by Bwana and 1 by David and Sun-Min. It was an overload for sure! The thing is, is I was focused on getting my top choices so I didn't look too closely at the other figures. Then when I lucked out and got them I was looking closer at the rest and noticed so many little things I didn't the first time. I think we all circled the gallery like 15 times just staring. There was glitter flake vinyl on a bunch that you couldn't just see until you got up close with the figure, not just gold flake, but some kind of clear with a smaller amount of silved flake and some seemed blue with flake, I dunno. I could have looked at every single toy there for a while longer and still not get bored.
So much good stuff still available! Rotofugi is seriously impressive, love the store and those involved are awesomeness. CAsk is not so bad also Great times....
Here's a video someone took, Roto had it on their Twitter. Sorry for not giving credit to the director, I don't know who did it.
We just posted an update on how the "preview" for out-of-towners is going go here: Gargamel Exclusives & Preview News Thanks again to everyone who came, helped out, hung out and generally made last night an amazing experience. Of course, most of all we owe Gargamel a huge debt of gratitude...and Kiyoka and Koji especially for making the long trip out for the opening.
MeanMisterT's Top 10 Chi-town Trip List 1. Meeting way more cool 'brainers than I ever expected in one night, along with the courteous Roto crew... even Kirby! Fugi was the greatest as we chilled on the couch together for 20 minutes or so, because I was really homesick missing my 2 mini Schnauzers at the time. Hanging out with Bill, the vog_islander, meeting Minh, lurkin' Chad of MW fame, the damaged B, "he who is unpronounceable" aka sbbbennxqqhhcs (thanks for the donut holes), Jeff the drinker of blood & 3rd most hardcore, stealthy Scott, magillagorilla: I didn't know that was you... apologies to you & everyone else that I forgot to mention/meet. 2. The humble yet talented Kiyoka & Koji of course... 3. Seeing & being in my 1st real snow EVER, swirling all through the 6 corners... amazing 4. Eating some real Chicago deepdish, beer batter deep fried bacon & bacon-wrapped dates from Paddy Long's HUGE portions!!! 5. Numerous free cab services provided by the granola-toting Mary.... er, I mean Virginia seriously, that was super nice of you. 6. The customs... countless & spectacular! More Miborae assembled together at one time since the factory, or even Mark's collection 7. DJ played nice tunes all night & special requests 8. Hospitality. No cops hassled us as we camped out for well over 12 hours & a number concerned passers-by tried to give us assistance, jackets... a couple of happy bar-hoppers brought us a burrito on their way back, etc. 9. The new Roto location is as near perfect as one could ask for: well-lit open space w/ ancient hardwood floors, this place has fucking character! 10. I didn't freak out whilst flying... I hate planes.
The weather luck we had was insane too. It was raining and colder yesterday and now it's 40 mph winds with snow non-stop all day and dropping fast. Friday couldn't have been better.
Thanks meanmistert for the really cool report, its like we were there. I hope here in the Bay Area of San Francisco we can have a Gargamel show in the next couple of years.
Wow. I'm watching the Bears game on TV and can't believe that's the same city I camped out in on Friday.
I'm in the vinyl wilderness . . . you're a good 2 days from even seeing signs for 'the vinyl wilderness'