The show was amazing! I wound up getting there at 7am and was lucky enough to be #4 in line The wait was definitely worth it, and I'm so glad that the weather was decent for that week. Many many thanks to Kirby, Whitney, the Rotofugi Family, to Gargamel, to Kiyoka, to Koji, and to everyone else who made this a spectacular show! (One of the best that I've been to IMO) It was great meeting every one of you fellow SB'ers and going out to Paddy Longs after the morning wait and then to Patsy's Pub after the show I had a blast and we need to do that again! Maybe for the TK3 show??? Also, congrat's to everyone who got their top picks! There were sooo many amazing figs that I had the hardest time narrowing it down, but I did wind up getting my first choice in the end. It was down to two "first" choices, but the person before me got one of those two, so it made my decision a lot easier . (wound up getting one first choice Miborah, one first choice sleeping Killer, the crouching Mibora exclusive, and a micron zag exclusive! ) Seriously though, it was one of the best shows ever! Thanks T I had a lot of fun, and I was glad that I could help. I'll be more than happy to drive you guys around next time you come out It was also a pleasure meeting you and Scott (and everyone else)! Both of you are hard core for spending the night on the streets of Chicago! I'm really glad you guys had a great time!
morning line-up for tickets pictured: stealthtank, mr. t, blooddrinker6969, etr_wolf, smilingidiot, ebiii + brother + girlfriend, damaged bryan, sbbenhcs not pictured: ultra999, legoomba, waiting... + girlfriend, lurker, nathan's mom (coolest mom ever), plus a couple of others stealthtank and etr_wolf are prepared (#1 and #4 in line) kirby peeks to make sure stealthtank is still alive my line ticket not my car the breakfast crew mr. t, stealthtank, lurker, smilingidiot, damaged bryan, legoomba, sbbenhcs, etr_wolf i was sad that no one wanted to share my freshly popped popcorn i brought with me.
and here's the perpetually "not pictured" ultra999: ... and (name forgotten) is actually EBIII, for the record. =p
I thought you were raising your hands because I said we were just talking about you? By the way, with the sun rising behind you... I feel another poem coming on
your poems are epic. i would be honored to be the point of ridicule in your next lyrical masterpiece.
So is everyone going to head over on the same day to pick up their scores? The 9th is the 1st day we can get them right? Or is that the LAST day of the exhibit, then pick up the 10th?
Only if it's -10 out so I can make those polar bear club dicks look like wussies! Nope, just figured if we can get them Sunday people might wanna do a breakfast/toy pick up deal. If not, the 10th is my B-Day so either is a good day for me
^I am not sure, but one of us will figure that out soon... I think a mini SB/pick up your toy meet-up is a good idea It was great meeting everyone, so I'd be more than happy to meet up with everyone for toys & food again.
i've never picked up a gallery piece immediately at the end, so i don't know which day is the first available day. but i am absolutely up for food & toys either day!
That sounds like a plan Stan if it's the 9th, if not I'm gonna have to work on the 10th of course, and then pick it up that next weekend.
I figured most wouldn't be able to do the 10th since it's a Monday, also I can't commit to anything since it's my Birthday and I'll be super lazy that day, but I figure I can try for once since I don't have to go to class or either of my jobs and my dad in law's watching the kid.
Technically, the exhibit isn't over until we close at 7pm on the 9th....but you can pick up on the 9th as long as it's toward the end of the day....let's say 5pm or later.
Hmmmm... Well I'm in no rush, so how about Breakfast the Sat after they take down the exhibit, you can pick up your toys whenever you want... Your grown ass men and women. But I think if anyone wants to meet up for Breakfast that Sat, it would be easy peesy.
How dare you call me grown sir!? I think I should be good for B-Fast the weekend after, I almost never work days.
I use grown simlply in a chronological manner, at no point did I want anyone to thing we were "grown-up," of course I think grown-up and grown-ass are two seperate beasts. Sounds good, I do love some b-fast!
I feel my ass can grow more, but I'll take it. You can't lose with breakfast either. Also it looks like I'mm off the 9th so if anyone is heading in that night for toy pick-ups, I'll see you there most likely.
Thanks to whoever posted the great pics to Flickr...and for the link. There are so many amazing pieces. I would have grabbed the Super Puncher and Helper. I did get the David and Sun-Min "Two eyes" ink drawing. Anyone know when the items ship?
I posted up a video of the show on YouTube it should have all pieces that were on display