The reveal of the next figure in this line is always my favorite sofubi moment of the year. Absolutely adore these even if I'll never get a full set.
When school is done, I'm going to track all of these down. I wonder if Gargamel will just start over in 2020 with painted versions, new vinyl color or new sculpts. A deep Jade vinyl would be kewl. Or maybe that's it?
Huh, I figured when all 12 were united in the same room together that something would have triggered. Unlock the fabled 13th Zodiac!
I remember when I bought the Rat at Mandarake for $30, and didn't know what it was. Kudos to G for their dedication, completing the set 12 years later.
And the series is finally complete! Pig came out looking great. From my pic at the top of the page, I've only found one other. It is surely a slow process.
2 different head versions of the pig?!?!? 1 with semi-floppy ears and no tusks. 1 with up ears and tusks. Pic taken from Instagram.
They're both great! though if I had to chose (I know right?) I am liking the floppy eared one just a tad bit more.