The Golden Apple is fine by me. I'm still planning on hanging out Dec 4th as well. Anyone that wants to meet can meet at Roto ~6 and we'll go from there, I plan on eating and knowing at least me, Minh, and JR there will be drinking afterwards.
well if the fourth's still on, i'm down for drinks... and if that's the case, delilah's is still right across the street. dunno about magillagorilla, but i'll give him a shout, see if he's up for it too.
I'm always down for meeting up. Just tell me when and where and I'll show up. The 4th and 10th are both good for me. Hopefully the place we go to has Guinness and food.
Deliah's was OK, but there has got to be a better bar in the area, if Donkey Kong wasn't 50 cents it would have been more appealling too.
since I am new to the area,I am flexible with any ideas. I may be out of town on the 4th for a wedding though Delilahs is a great place. There's also Millies as a low key option
better yet... paddy long's. we should go there. that's where we should go. let's go there. i think that's where we need to go. IT'S A BEER AND BACON PUB!
Anybody that "Wants to go to there" is a person with good ideas, and it's Irish so it will have Guiness, so the destianation will be Paddy Long's. Lets just make sure we meet at Roto at 6:00 though!
Okay, this place gets my vote too, it looks pretty sweet, it's near Roto...has Guinness on tap...and bacon.
that's THREE WHOLE BLOCKS away from rotofugi, guys. after that much bacon, i don't think we'll be able to make that long and arduous journey in other words, count me in.
short story: the missus has a food blog. we got media passes for pinot days at navy pier. we go and meet nick spencer, from spencer foods. he makes tasty bangers and back bacon. we just get this email from nick: this. will. rock.
Working the evening of the 4th, but it's not worth rescheduling for me since I'm working 6 days straight until the Gargamel show.
So don't forget anyone that can make it, Roto at ~6:00PM, Dec. 4th then bangers and mash at patty longs and then whatever is clever until we stumble home, unless you don't drink, then you can walk regular.
god damn paul konrad and his stupid weather machine! 3-6" of snow on friday night and into saturday... best bring your mittens, lads. looking forward to meeting you guys.
Mmmmm Bacon and beer There is a small chance that I'll be able to make it... I have plans for tomorrow, but I might have a chance to cut them short. If I do end up going, I'm still not sure at what time, but I know Bill who is probably going to go, so I can just give him a call to see where people are at if I can't make it by 6pm... Hopefully it won't snow in the evening though... I need to get new tires before the heavy snow hits
Holy crap...I may need to have an intervention and detox after tonight LOL Thanks to the CASK crew for an awesome night of booze and bacon, and see you next week for more shenanigans at and after the Gargamel show. Good times!
"dear hat tree guy, oh, how i've watched you at the end of the bar, with your hips swaying so subtly to the music, sending your bobble headed christmas tree hat swaying in the most intoxicating of rhythms..." sorry bryan... he's the one that got away.
if i ever stop spending all my money on toys, i'll eventually get a new camera. then, maybe i'll take more pictures.
I don't know if we had time to take a picture, I remember there being some on a plate, and then it being gone, and having bbq sauce on it. Oh my god the sauce!