yeah... i only took three pictures. none of them are of food. one of the downfalls of having someone else who incessantly take pictures of her food is that no one remembers to take them when she's not there. that, and i don't think there was a shutter speed fast enough to get a picture before that bacon explosion disappeared. (and oh yes... the sauce.)
Bacon *drool* I think for dinner tonight, I'm gonna cook up some of that backbacon I bought at the tasting Wish I stole that bottle of sauce... -M
we gathered to welcome our two new chicago skullbrain members, magilliagorilla and sbbenhcs. and also consume bacon. the chicago skullbrain crew from left to right, clockwise: smilingidiot, magillagorilla, sbbenhcs, damaged bryan, mary, nicole not pictured: legoomba paddy long's very own bacon explosion my grotesque chunk of bacon explosion the star of the evening—spencer's dry cured back bacon! this is the reason we all showed up tonight. it was worth the 5 hour wait. just look at it. the charred edges pushed it over the edge. dreamy! and now i understand the difference between american bacon (blech) and british/irish/canadian bacon (yum). my new (and spritely as a spring chicken) canadian girlfriend of the evening revealed to me that peameal back bacon from toronto is the only real bacon. and as much fun as the bacon explosion was in theory, it was too much like eating mouthfuls of dried out pastrami. however, the sauce was excellent. when and where's the next spencer's event?
and bill saves the day! where were you hiding a camera? and how come i never noticed you taking pictures? has my exposure to hong kong-ians desensitized me to the fact that i'm on camera? what do you mean by "the fouth wall?" so many questions... and not enough of that sauce. shall we mob paddy's again tomorrow night after the show? or shall we look to newer pastures? *edit* oh, now i see why you went unnoticed... it was while i was carving that 6-ish pound beast of tasty, tasty heart attack waiting to happen.
“ Dear Tree Hat, You are so good looking! I want to take you to an island and drink daiquiris out of your ass. Who is your favorite band? I like Enya! When your hat lights up I want to bang your pants off!!! XXOO Treelover ” bryan, what are doqwiras? *edit* doqwiras -> daiquiris (looked up proper spelling)
LOL! you still have it?!?! awesome! i thought nicole pitched it when we lost our exquisite corpse... "balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls balls"
daquiri's like strawberry. My hand writing is horrible. Bill always has his camera at the ready, I'm really looking forward to the pictures tomorrow of us huddled up until he become nerdcicles.
did everyone else miss this, or was it just me: maxtoyco Toy Karma 3, at Rotofugi , September 9th, 2011 !!! start planning to be there folks.. I predict some amazing guests .. just sayin' 1:34 AM Dec 6th via web Retweeted by rotofugi no waiting in the cold next year!
did catch that tweet. awesome! will tentatively plan on being around but no idea what life will be like by next fall.
there's a groupon for a new event at paddy long's: a five-course taste-pairing of beers and bacons. sounds like a great reason for an outing. anyone?
i'd be down for paddy's again, no doubt... but i think i'd rather just go and eat another bacon explosion vs 5 tiny strips of bacon and beer pairings. (or at least that's how i read "taste-pairing of beers and bacons"... and how is that supposed to last two whole hours?)
remember the back-bacon debacle? we were there for three hours before the small plate even made an appearance. it didin't last 2 minutes, though. but that's how these things last so long when did bacon get so fancy that they get their own paired tastings?
mmmm... Bacon, actually it's putt putt next weekend July 9th son! I think, I know one of my friends have a B-day, I will post something this weekend.
Dang. putt putt next weekend? I'm going to be in Milwaukee. I've been practicing my putt putts. Bill is going down next time!
i'll still be kicking you butt butts. actually, no. that win was a freak accident, never to be repeated... or will it? dun dun duuun!