Awesome party! It was great to meet you Connoll. You are definitely a inspiration. I hope Im half as cool as you are when Im 70. Thanks Paul
Hey Connell, lets see your pile of Birthday goodies. Or will I have to come and see them all in person?
All the artwork and figures are now online, great work from L'Amour Supreme, MonstreHero, Paul Kaiju, Maxx242, Jesse Balmer and Devoner Gonzales - Original Art Custom Figures
Thanks for all the Birthday wishes folks. I'm really touched. I also really need to thank the following people: * Brian F. for putting the event on at S7 and taking a group of the Pink Hardhat Crew out to dinner after the party. Your a class act my friend. * Josh H. for all of his hard work and the beautiful hand painted personal invitation. So cool! * All the S7 crew especially Luke and Yaima for staying the extra hours and working the party. * Special thanks goes out to all of you that sent toys for the show. PK for the great little "blind egg" figures and that "Special Boss". You are a prince! To Brian Bunting for making a brand new figure just for the event and for the gift of, not one, but two one of a kind custom Skarthrax. To LASH for the two Ollies he sent. I know you have been super busy and I can't thank enough for taking the time to get those done. And to my good friends Sean and Cliff of Monster Hero. Cliff for the Mixed Parts Frank-N-Victim's and Sean for working his ass of to get Ememgon done in time for the party. And to Melanie for staying the course of the nerdfest. * To Joe and Kirkland for documenting the party and for just being there. * And a special thanks to all of you that showed up and made the evening what it was. The individual custom pink hardhats that you all worked on. They are something I will cherish into my next 70 years.
Here is an extra pic that I took of Connel and David discussing hat art. I think Dave was most inspired by the creativity of Jeff because he then produced a second hat with the same motif. It is interesting that David is 10 and Connel is now 70 because it just shows that love of these toys knows no age. When Kirkland asked where David and I were going after the party, I told him to feed the coons in Golden Gate park. Kirkland, here is a picture since I was not able to show you one that night. These animals live in the park and come out for feeding after dark, if you know where to go. Kinda like some fellow local toy collectors that we all know.
joe and Connell with their exclusive Super 70th PK Boss Connell Boss 400x533 by toybot studios, on Flickr
Happy Belated Birthday Connell! Wow what a celebration! I don't think it could get any better, especially in pink! Here's to many toy and friend-filled years ahead!
Connell is such a good guy, he has earned several separate birthday threads! A testament to what a pleasant fellow he is. 2010 2011 (again) 2012 2013 A stand up chap and certified toy nerd. Skullbrain loves you my friend, thanks for being here. Let's all celebrate his big day. Happy Birthday Connell!! Wish you a most excellent day, and plenty of great plastic dreams fulfilled - whatever those may entail. It's your special day buddy, let yourself get carried away!
That's right, time to celebrate another great member of the board. Happy Birthday Connell!! The gang's all come together, to honour your many years of fandom. Wishing you a fantastic one, filled with good cheer and celebrations of all things friends, food, drink, and toy. Cheers to a great Skullbrainer, and welcome fellow of the community!