Well you're a few months older than me so I guess I copied you in birth but then my son is older than your daughter so you copied me in procreating. Although I think my son was born early and Ava came out late. So maybe I'm the follower.
For your special day, I suggest a visit to the local toy store. I got you a nice gift, but unfortunately our good buddy GL got a bit angsty over it and felt the need to intervene. So instead, I'll just wish you all the best and a great year to come. Cheers!
Happy Birthday! Thanks for creating such awesome toys and creating a place for us to share our love of them with each other. Here's to another 43 years of awesomeness!!!
Happy Bithday to our grand lord of seven and Japanese vinyl guru, Our unsung hero, working behind the scenes to make all of this happen. Thanks for bringing this dream to life. Wishing you an incredibly happy and monster-filled birthday Brian! Since I don't have the photoshop skills of Moog, I hope he doesn't mind me re-posting this image 'specially for you this time. Brian is so loved (or disliked, take your pic), that he has earned three separate b-day threads For more past well wishes, see also here as well as here.
Many excellent toy wishes going out today to our main man BF. Happy Birthday Brian!! Hope you have an excellent and most memorable day. I know that time can make us all feel our age on occasion, My advice is, get up with a purpose, grab a friend, and have a blast! ..... Just remember to try not to lose your head (or any other parts). Thanks for bringing us all to this place, and making us feel at home. We owe you immeasurably for the part of the community you helped to establish, and are always thrilled for you continued contributions. All the very best today, Brian, and many well wishes for the next year to come. Hip, hip,hooray