^^ agreed. Lionsgate essentially came out with the 500k-3million budget horror movie genre and they've stuck like glue unfortunately.
I'd put the show Penny Dreadful in the horror category for sure and the first couple of seasons are on netflix streaming now. Spoiler: The Spoils Basically they take lots of classic monsters and squeeze them into a single world like the Wolfman and Dracula and Frankenstein and Dorian Grey just to name a few. It sounds cheesy but they pull it off very well. Personally I wasn't a huge fan of season one but season two was wonderful. Third season is over now and that was the official end of the show but I haven't had time to watch any of that yet.
I tried slogging through the first season, and just couldn't make it. I relegated it to one of those shows I had on in the background while cooking/doing other stuff, but even then just stopped. I have heard it mentioned in a positive light, but just didn't see it, but maybe I need to give it another go. Still, a lot of these tv shows that are bad often stay awful, and you end up just wasting more time on them than you should have.
I don't blame you at all for not liking the first season. I did the same thing actually and gave up on it a couple times. I would suggest watching the last episode of season 1 then going into season 2 which was actually lots of fun.
FINALLY saw The Witch. Really enjoyed it. Very scary atmosphere and music. Well done. Spoiler But I think that they should have ended it just before that final scene. I am not against her turning to the "dark side", but that last scene with the other naked witches around the fire was almost comical. Her walking into the woods wood have been enough. Also saw 10 Cloverfield Lane this weekend. I enjoyed that one too. Spoiler It would have been cool to not have linked this to the original Cloverfield via name and pre-release hints, and kept that as a surprise. Knowing the link, it made the whole "threat" known. Expecting just a contagion or something similar would have been better for a twist ending.
Yeah, I agree Myles. I think it would have also played better had you not known/expected what was to come, if anything. It allows the audience to really appreciate the setup and paranoia as to whether it was all in Goodman's character's head (sorry, I keep just wanting to call him Walter!). Similarly with The Witch, I can see they could have left it open-ended more, but as I mentioned before I think, I felt that maybe they wanted to give (some members of) the audience some kind of 'pay off' to see a witch/witches after sitting through the film - you know what moviegoers are like.
I just gave a listen via WTF to the interview Marc Maron did with John Carpenter. An cool talk, and a lot of interesting things were touched on; well worth 30mins of your time. John C. seems like a really down-to-earth, honest guy, who just appreciates horror and film like the rest of us. I think his passion comes across in his music and movie projects. Certainly I would have wished it could have been longer and more in-depth, but very interesting to hear someone's opinion from inside the industry who is also a fan. If you didn't see it already when I posted here, check out his new Lost Themes albums.
^^ I can agree with that sentiment. I got to meet him briefly a few weeks ago and he was ridiculously nice. While waiting in line JC came out from behind a door and just started waving his arms and yelling "hey", we turned around and he just said, "hey how are you doing tonight, hope you're having a good time".
Since John Carpenter is coming up, anyone who has the chance should check out a live show of his. He's skipping the entire southeast so I'm missing out, but you shouldn't! http://www.theofficialjohncarpenter.com/tour/
^^the show is a retrospective. So anytime he played songs from his movies he had scenes spliced together playing behind the band. If he played anything from lost themes it turned into a light show with fog and such. It was quite the experience.
So conflicted, I want to go so badly, but with a 6 week old baby and getting to go see SWANS tonight, I'm not sure I should even ask if I can go. Its this Saturday in Philly.
For anyone in the LA area, there is a Giallo-inspired art show being held until the month at Sloan Fine Art: My Blood Runs Yellow: A Tribute to Giallos You can also see some of the exhibition online. Some examples: To be honest, when I read about it, I was hoping for a bit more in the way of 'horror' themed works, and it doesn't seem like there might be all that much there (but it is just a gallery), but anyways, thought I would mention it here in case someone local wanted to give it a quick check out.
^ Nice catch, Steve. Sounds like a worthwhile drive for the locals. An understandable dilemma, but I honestly think that you should be allowed to play the Living Legend card on this one - Carpenter's not getting any younger!
Going out of sequence on my watched list here, but wanted to point out that Deathgasm is on both Shudder and Netflix right now. Watched it today and it's a hoot! The laughs came fast and hard for the first 20 minutes or so, then tapered off a bit, but it's a fun, gory ride. The NZ humor is pitch perfect. A few minor qualms wouldn't keep me from giving this one two bloody stumps up! (Also, for those that liked it like me, or who haven't given it a shot yet, Southbound is now free on Amazon Prime.)
This could go equally in the sci-fi thread, but doubtless some folks with 'taste' ^_^ will hopefully appreciate news of this doc. I think I, or someone else on here, might have shared word of this back when it was in its Kickstarter phase last year, however, the great news is that the project was funded, and now Celluloid Wizards in the Video Wasteland: The Saga of Empire Pictures is only mere steps away from being released to our collective joy as an audience. I am really excited for this. In a similar vein as to what Electric Boogaloo did for Cannon films, this documentary chronicles the amazing library of incredibly entertaining, low-budget films that made Empire a name in the 1980s. So many titles to mention, but honestly, just check out this trailer. I honestly cannot wait to see this. Even just the editing in the trailer was pretty phenomenal. Just watching the clips alone, makes me want to sit back for an entire weekend and gourge my sense on the Empire film catalogue. I love these movies, and I love documentaries on film; and even better when it is of a cult focus. This looks like it will be both a blast, and educational. For all those of the VHS generation who grew up/remember these, there is little substitution. Full props for repeated shots of Robot Jox, which went on to inspire more than a little something in a somewhat known kaiju film.
Will try for brief comments here for this big batch. Trying to get un-backed up here. --And Soon the Darknes: Pointless remake. Insipid. BUT, two comely young leads made it worth the watch. --I Spit on Your Grave 2: Had hope for this one since the remake was actually pretty good. This is just yucky! And yes, there is male genital mutilation. --The Girl Who Knew Too Much: Early Bava giallo that riffs on Hitchcock. Great camerawork and John Saxon! --Bay of Blood: Oh man, Bava's progenitor to the modern Slasher. Great gore set-pieces, but the plot is more like an Agatha Christie novel. Great nihilistic ending. --Howl: Pedestrian werewolf flick. Bad acting, bad cinematography, awful looking (albeit practical) creatures. --Cabin Fever 2: Very promising start, the humor was great, but the finale was just ridiculous. --Ginger Snaps: Man, this one was disappointing. I could just copy and paste what I said about Howl. How did this end up on so many top ten lists? --Zombie: THIS is how you do a zombie movie!! Fulci at the top of his gore game (what's the deal with the eye-gouging though???), and how can you top a zombie biting a shark! Plus, a great synth score and chunky, crusty make-up on the walking dead. --The Fury: Been years since I watched it, so I thought I'd give it another go. Overlong, not really scary or gory, but may be one of DePalma's most sedate flicks. Plus I've always had a crush on Amy Irving. --Torso: Another giallo that (arguably) informed the Slasher sub-genre. Lost count of how many sets of boobies were unleashed, if you're into that sort of thing. Sergio Martino ain't no Fulci, but this beats most 80s Slashers in the fun department. Wish they stuck with the original title: Bodies Bear Traces of Carnal Violence. Still processing my viewing of The Invitation. More on that later.
When I first read your list, I mistook Howl for Wer (which I may or may not have mentioned here, but it is low-budget skipper too). As for Ginger Snaps, I am not sure, I think it's cult status was/is more a product of its time and place. As an indie Canadian entry, I think people might actually think it is older than it is. I am torn on whether to recommend viewing The Invitation or not: Spoiler: Minor plot-only spoilers This is going back a few months now, so my memory might be a little rusty. The film itself is fine, but the casting and acting is pretty goddamn hard to take. Maybe there are people like that in real life, but man, it doesn't engender itself to a general audience in my mind. This is a problem I have with a lot of films now though, they are viewed/screened by people in LA, who really think that is the same as everyone else. But believe me, it is not. A lot of the characters were incredibly annoying and/or ridiculous, and - for some - you might get away with attributing this to intent of the filmmaker, but I would definitely not say all. But anyways, on to the movie. I felt like they were just trying too hard to make it a 'mystery' when really, there never was any. The movie dragged and dragged in the setup, in their attempts to build that aspect of it, but I don't think most people watching it were ever going back and forth as they had wanted you to; better to just get the premise out of the way and take the story from there. In the end, all this 'Is it? / Isn't It?" flip-flopping just wastes patience and screentime when you could be telling a real compelling story. The way the characters responded to the situation was completely unrealistic, in my mind, which also spoiled any aspect of the mystery. By the time the 'reveal' came, I was kind of fed up with it all to be frank, and welcomed the outcome that came. The ending was a bit of a turnaround for it, but not enough to save the whole picture. So, that all sounds pretty bad, but I think the unfortunate part is, the movie could have been something. Even as just and independent, atmospheric horror/thriller, it could have worked. A decent premise, and a nugget there of a story, but just so obliterated by awful acting and a truly terrible script. I am not sure who's choices these were, but if this is the film they envisioned then I definitely think they missed the mark. By the end of the movie, it has to resort to descending in a very rapid and graphic bloodbath, I think for little other reason than to wrap it up and appease the audience with some payoff. But it doesn't feel earned. They should have cut out all the bollocks about setting up the backstory, just made it a believable suspense, and then played out the 'consequences' in a more drawn out fashion. So yeah, I am not sure if I would recommend it after all this. It was just okay in the end, but to get there, you have to wade through a lot of painful characterisation, and ultimately I think I am only looking on it more favourably in hindsight and because I have watched such utterly terrible movies lately.
Totally agree with your take on The Invitation. So now I don't have to post my thoughts! Thanks! I kept thinking, if these people were my friends, I would have never gone to the goddam party to start with. But even if I had gone, I would have left after about twenty minutes anyway. The only suspense, for me, was when the shit was finally gonna hit the fan. And as you say, it took waaayyy too long to get to that point.
Twenty minutes? Well you are a far more patient man than I, Mark! I would have let those people know what I thought of them flat out, and probably been asked to leave to or just straight bounced shortly into it. I commend you for your tolerance, good sir.
The Plaza Theater is doing a showing of Lucio Fulci's "Cat in the Brain" this Friday to Thursday. Super excited to see that. Despite my love for all things Fulci, that is the one movie I just never got around to seeing.
Let us know how it is! If I remember correctly it's one of his last films. I think I have it on my Amazon/Shudder watchlist.