Re: Jumbo Robots and Popy diecast robots How much difference is there between the tall headed great mazinger and the regular head? It is hard for me to tell from pics on YJ. Thanks IKe
Re: Jumbo Robots and Popy diecast robots "Listen guys... I took this picture with my phone as to intentionally make these FANTASTIC pieces look like shit. See.. This discourages anyone from wanting the pictured pieces....." The first person to call out the collector I am bagging on get's a free smack on the ass..
Re: Jumbo Robots and Popy diecast robots hmmmm.... would this be someone who still owes me some money ?
Re: Jumbo Robots and Popy diecast robots Ha ha!! You got it! That's one ass smack coming right up.. Wait a min.. That didn't sound right did it? Aww, fuck it!
Re: Jumbo Robots and Popy diecast robots wow I had most all of those bandai Godaiken line released in the US. I used to get them for really cheap at the big toy stores and a little boutique toy store in Pittsburgh...About 7 years ago I sold most all of them to pay off some huge medical bills. The only one I really miss was the Voltes V. It had awesome transformation and vibrant colors...heres a picture from 1992
Re: Jumbo Robots and Popy diecast robots you should really make this have it's own post sanjeev...incredible! congrats again! nice to see it out in the open on the board, glad it arrived safely!
Re: Jumbo Robots and Popy diecast robots Lovely! That Shogun trio is so iconic. Damn, and you really got some clean specimens, huh?
zzzzzzzzt...crackle...static..."Calling Sanjeev!"...zzzzzzzzt...crackle...static..."Calling Sanjeev!"
Oh that like a movie poster!? Where's the damn drool emoticon??? That would totally go with that beanbag-toss Grendizer game I scored at KMH a few years back: I really need to get it framed...but I have absolutely no wall space for it!
seems people either love the dunbine jumbo, or they hate it. personaly, i think its fantastic. BTW onibaba, that movie poster is spectacular !
I was never a big fan of the Dunbine...but I can respect it. Is that figure in his chest the original one that came with the toy? I don't know if I've ever even seen it!