See those removable arms that can be attached to Mazinger and others do you need to remove screws to attach them? Is that one top heavy? I just got this sweet Daimos on ebay but he's missing his arm and I'm going to buy one of the attachment arms for him but don't know if he has enough there to attach too...don't want to waste my time.
Great score ... The XX AND ZZ arms attach to the indent ring on the full arm stub (like his left arm)
It was a yes and no !! The arm will attach to any machinder but they attach to the full arm. The missing arm you have on Daimos is the fist firing arm and is different.... you can attach it to his other arm but I guess that's not what your going for. not my image ...
That is bad news....literally by a couple of hours. Maybe it'll just sit on there for awhile till I can replace it. I just got a bunch of shoguns cheap after watching them go on ebay for crazy prices for 18 months and then just bought that shooter arm a couple of hrs ago. Disappointed they don't attach to the firing arms because I have a few missing the fists. Thanks for the info. I had a look back at COOPS weapon hand thread, it's pretty spot on.
This is one of my favourite threads to keep re-visiting. I am always amazed at the jumbo collections people have on here (and naturally extremely jealous in both a toy nerd and 8-year old boy way). Even though you often see the same figures over and over, I never get tired of looking at them.
^^ quite a handsome set, mister lamm! jumbos look great when shiny and made whole, especially voltron and mazinga (or "majinga jettu" in my day). they'd fit right in with my tiny die-cast collection. these were not available to me as a child. as an adult, i'm not sure what i'd do with them other than display them (who am i kidding — the "pew pew pew"s would be endless), but i see now the real draw: the piecemeal restoration process, similar to that of a vintage car. it requires patience and tlc. as evidenced by lttr prssd, the incredible result is a perfectly cleaned-up and re-stickered toy. giant robots!
Thanks! I used to have doubles and even triples of beat up ones, but I've narrowed it down to one of each common style. I never had these as a kid, even though I was the right age for the US releases. My next door neighbor had them all, in fact some of these were his that I bought a few years ago when I got out of the Army. His mom also sold me a big box of his Adventure Team GI Joe stuff, cheap! I wish I had the cash for a hug jumbo collection, but yeah they are sort of hard to display. My idea of putting them on top of a row of open cabinets in our kitchen was shot down... One of my best friends back in Pittsburgh has the big Mazinga store display, I need to work on getting that from him!
Thanks! The store display- I meant the one from the 70s that's about 4 feet tall? It's just a giant version of Mazinga. I can't find my friend's photo of it now, or any others on the web..
that sounds massive all on its own. i was envisioning an entire end cap with a diorama of sorts. i'd love to see you try to squeeze something like that into your kitchen good luck wresting the giant mazinga from your friend! please keep us posted.
Well, a couple years ago he was willing to give it to me for nothing, now he's on the fence about trading it... It's cool, I can wait him out.