i don't see the need unless the thread is full of people being rude and insulting. if we lock stuff based on an annoyance level then i think 90% of the threads should be locked.
i think nipping it in the bud before it gets out of hand is a better practice than letting the insults fly. i'll take your comments into consideration.
I see value in letting threads remain open for all to read even after being locked as it allows folks to see others true colors.. actions do speak louder than words but words paint a nice/bad picture of those who speak them/write them. Of course if something said or posted is way over the top I also see value in deleting stuff like that there as well. Believe it or not, kids read these posts and a whole new wave of interest is being created for kaiju both vintage and new. Wouldn't we all benefit from being inspirational rather than degradational? "Wit, like style, is not an aquired commodity. One either has it or does not." Dr. LaVey (1930 - 1997)
I agree with leaving threads up, even if they are locked, but don't necessarily agree that negative posts show ones "true colors"...they are a snapshot of the emotions being felt by the poster, negative or positive, at that particular moment. I think you need to look at the body of contribution from the poster for an overall view.
I should have been more specific with that.. I am all for expressing ones feelings negative or positive but would like at least some light shed on why the person feels that way. It works both ways really, if someone says, "cool" "awesome" ect. it adds nothing to the discussion anymore than, "sucks" "dumb" etc.