no wonder my posts are slowing down , seems like this place is getting negative and I am bored of the bullshit and some peoples attitude on here.
...agreed Kirkland...the thread I started about my signature getting hijacked was completely wiped out(which really sucks) had to come from a mod and not that it matters just out of curiosity i would like to know who deleted the thread...good thing is that I copied everything on a Word file before it got wiped out... ...i'm not trying to stir up trouble,I just would like to go on record and agree with Kirkland that threads should not be deleted...hell i don't even like editing posts except if it's because of a spelling for locking threads I think as moderators(the people who lock and delete),they should contact the people(s) responsible for any out of hand banter which can lead to a thread lock...
I'm sure it was deleted because it was a waste of space... a big ruckus over a bigger misunderstanding with a lot of accusations, posturing and threats. Leaving it would've served absolutely no purpose. If anything I think removing the thread kinda did you a favor. Why would you WANT it to remain?
...I disagree,but it is what it is and we go i said in the above,just for the record,i wanted to express on how i feel about the locking/deleting of threads...if you want to know what I know that others don't,you can always call me and we can chat and not do it over the board...either way i'll see you at the SDCC and I hope we can shake hands and talk...peace be to you Keith...
What's that supposed to mean? You're making it sound like there's some dark insidious secret going on.
no nothing secret but i would like to clarify with you since you were very vocal about the'd you with my #
Usually threads get deleted because people have made such asses of themselves they should be spared the the humiliation or they need to be protected from themselves. I am not sure why the sig thread got deleted, I don't really care. I do know our mods do a good job and there hasn't been much drama lately. Sadly the silence usually brings out the drama queens.
man I liked here BECAUSE it was an older crowd and seemed more sedate (young fogeys !!!) and way less drama, we went through a period middle late last year and the place was full of drama, then we seemed to have a huge influx of peeps and drama esculated with a lot of sexist banter etc, it just made me stay away and I havent really come back, i used to be here every day a couple of times during the day now i maybe check in once a day and post every few weeks......sad really. I have no idea what this thread is about as I never saw the orig post, so my post here is not specifically about this just SB in general. I know not everyone can get on but another board I am on (wallkandy) has a great ignore button which means if you dont like someone then hit their ignore and bingo they dissapear to you forever....just a thought I miss the fun times
It is sad that you're not around donnie and I think it's too bad that we're losing people like you from coming here For what it's worth, I didn't delete the post. I agree with Pogue though and I don't really care. That thread had absolutely nothing meaningful in it to this community at all. Perpetuating that there is some kind of inside job information thing going on is also ludicrous. Do you think we have enough time in our day to come up with some conspiracy against members? Doubtful. In addition to my high stress 50 hour per week job at an investment bank and my 15 credits of full time school to finish my degree, as well as a private life off of this board, I don't have the time to figure out a way to make people upset, nor do I think any other admin here would as well. That's just a joke...get over it. And as for locking, the only time I'm locking stuff now is if I see anything related to animal beating, sexist bullshit, or homophobic garbage. Oh and eating whales. Garbage, all of it. I've kept quiet about a lot of things that some of you say, but honestly, the chatter on this board has gone too far astray for me to be silent. Talk about toys, talk about fun stuff, and for god's sake, give me back the board I joined two years ago. end of rant
S'all about the toys and comaraderie for me . . . although I agree about there being a little too much antagonistic bullshit going on recently that kinda takes the edge off! Just curious though . . . it appeared a few of the OG's came back and started posting when Pogue first joined S7 but it was pretty short lived . . . is it the verbal diarheoa being spouted by the noobs that stopped 'em posting or are they just posting undercover 'elsewhere' . . .
I think it is important that whoever locks the thread says why they have come to that decision. That was some ugly shit and I think something needs to be said from someone who isn't just a punter. Merely locking a thread without comment is ambiguous and leaves a lot open to (mis)interpretation.
I think your right about that, but if the reason is written and I'm sure everyone knows ahy it has been locked, then reason may not be needed. Just my thought.
Plus, posting the reasons might just spawn more arguing over why it was closed... better to just lock and be done with it.
You are absolutely correct. I didn't make that clear enough, I wouldn't expect any one to take sides. Just a clarification of sorts.
Whilst this thread has resurfaced again . . . did anyone find out who/why the RxH thread was deleted last week? Also, Anyone heard from Rich (ikkashinju) recently . . . midway through a trade and all is quiet on the Western Front!
I've talked to Rich and he actually just moved to a new apartment. No internet yet, but he's alive and well.
Perhaps you mean, stupid or dumb? Using the word "retarded" in this context is not cool nor funny, nor merely annoying. It’s offensive to people who have mental disabilities, like people with autism or Down syndrome, and those who take care of said people. They didn’t choose to have a mental disability — they were born that way. Using that wording as a "go to" phrase speaks for itself, and it certainly does.
Isn't "retarded" offensive to people with mental disabilities when referring to them as retarded? Are crazy, lunatic, maniac, etc. also offensive? And why isn't "dumb" offensive to mute people, by the same logic? Just wondering... Also a little strange that your username is what is considered an offensive word for people with mental problems!
Nailed it. I don't know what's up with BLEEP at the moment but he's out to start shit, even if that means fabricating it. I think he should stop being BLEEP. Edit: Censored. Even though I was clearly making a joke, a certain board member, who's the self proclaimed PC police on this board, reported me.