Take care with the mold clean-up, B! I recently scored a Marmit Draculas that was beautiful on the outside... but, as I happened to discover, fulla black mold spots on the inside. A couple good soap and water scrubs, and then I sprayed all interiors w/ 90% alcohol and let that sit and evaporate before reassembly. And on that note, I'd give an aside here to anybody who likes to (as I do) occasionally do photoshoots with their toys in water/wet environments: no matter how tight the joints on the given toy, some water is probably getting inside. Always a good idea afterward to heat and pop off one or two appendages and let the toy sit like that for a day or two in an open area to ensure all moisture is gone from the interior.
Oh wow man, I know it may not be en vogue on SB these days, but this is actually completely epic in my humble opinion. SO thrilled and happy for you to be adopting such a wonderful [not so] little fella, Bwana. Cannot wait to see and hear tell of this coin muncher in his new Northwest abode. Super, truly.
Whenever I see Kanegon, in my head I hear the song Panama by Van Halen, but instead it's KAN-NE-GONE! Duh duh, duh da duh! KAN-NE-GON-ON-UH-OH-UH-OH
A lot of old vinyl that I saw in Japan had those black specks. They are impossible to remove. But paint covers them right up if you’re not opposed to doing that. I found some junk vintage stuff at junk sales ca. 2011-2012 and painted right over the scuz
That's most likely what will happen. I'm not sure I can see removing all the foam... but I'll inspect and see what's what before giving up on anything. First will be just to get it in hand.
fucking collecting goals right here. Super thankful for all my friends that have one. Should’ve been more aggressive back in the day because right when I wanted and willing to pay for one years after release they seem to of become nonexistent at least and all the avenues I’ve followed.