Anyone buy the giant mockbat? Price point is scary, but damn, I'm thinking about it anyways. Pink sold out super fast
im holding off for a thrash out version but i agree that considering the size and quality the price is pretty fair!
@bryce_r 750 plus shipping & agreed about the price. Having spent a little time with David & Megan's Dcon adoption, will vouch for the quality of these big Batty's. Wasn't as heavy as I'd imagined considering the size... that said, the vinyl is very sturdy and joint articulation smooth. Sound asleep when the orange & pinks sold, but glad to know more releases & colors are planned. If anyone here in the States got one, I'd like to get an idea of the grand total to plan accordingly for a future purchase. *feel free to pm if you'd rather not post
This one belongs to the missus. Her first Mockbat, and also her first major sofubi purchase on a single toy. Pretty stoked for her! I'll have a light up shot later.
Bwa-ha-ha ... I'm the greatest Mockbat ! Spoiler Not so fast Short stuff ... Spoiler Better watch out who you calling short ... Shorty. Because I'm the original & greatest MBat of them all ! Spoiler (Loud clearing of throats ..)... WE beg to differ ..... Doubly sure we are the greatest Mockbat of all ! Spoiler (Loud booming voice , from far above..) .. YOU BETTER THINK TWICE ABOUT THAT .... Spoiler Thanks Paul & Unbox Spoiler Hrump ... still think I'm the greatest
Haha, best reveal ever, @carlisle60. I really like the color you chose, even tho sunglasses might be a requirement to view him. Congratulations on the score and the earlier than expected ship date, man. I know how much this MB must mean to you. Props to little gacha MB for having big dreams (or a napoleon complex, I'm not sure which).
I've got this guy on the way from HK right now and don't know much about it. Could anyone help me out? I know it's one of the Mock Head figures that PK did in collaboration with Frenzy in 2012, but I assume this is some kind of custom. The guy I'm buying from has no real idea what it is either. The production colours are blue, pink and yellow though, and none of them have that wrecking-ball on the right arm. Found some more photos of this on Flickr tagged under 'frenzybros', but still no real info about it. Does anyone know the painter/customiser?