So, I was home sick today and took the opportunity to check out some anime I've been sitting on. Dougram, Daitarn 3, God Mars, Ideon and Zanbot 3.. Man these suck ass. I actually liked them as a kid. God Mars for example I LOVED as a kid. Now, I can't take 15 min of it. Ideon wasn't that bad but the others were just terrible. I feel even worse now. How many of you guys actually watch this shit?
I've heard good shit about Ideon. It's supposedly what Hideaki Anno used as the basis for Neon Genesis Evangelion. Shit you liked as a kid normally doesn't make any sense when you watch when your older. Bought a dvd of Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors not long ago, and couldn't believe how awful it was. Shame cause the badguy's toys ruled!
You guys are all fucked. First of all, Jayce & The Wheeled Warriors is high art. (Does he ever find his gods damn father at the end of the show? Or did it get canned before any conclusion?) Nah, but I'm sitting on the recent fansubs of Dougram. Not looking forward to it. It's like the original Gundam show...I'm sure it's actually rather painful to watch. Other shows I definitely grew up watching, on the other hand, are pure love. All the Force Five cartoons. Hot. Okay, Voltron makes my soul hurt...but it's great to lampoon MST3k-style.
I'm not much of an anime nerd...BUT...I'm hooked on the Go-Lion DVDs that have been coming out....all the stuff Voltron censored...great stuff.
eric, don't feel bad. i had a similar experience with Speed Racer. One of my all-time favorite shows as a kid. I made my sister sing me the theme song every night before bed. when the series came out on DVD, I was pretty stoked to re-live all the childhood excitement. sadly, I couldnt' get past the first 10 mins. I think the problem is that we remember it being so fucking cool that we set this crazy expectation in our own heads. the real deal doesn't live up unfortunately.'re so wrong. Back in the good ol' days (a couple years ago...when I used to blaze), my buddy bought the first season of Speed Racer, gave my old gravity bong a twirl, and maxed out to that shit. IT WAS FUCKING HEAVEN, KIRKLAND, HEAVEN!!
So, still on the couch today hurtin'.. I decided to follow Hills advice and hit up the Golion. Someone had sent these DVDs to me about 6 months ago and they have been just collecting dust. All I have to say is HELL YEAH!! Within the first 20min you have mass murder, slavery, nuclear annihilation of the earth, campy man boy love and savage gladiator style killings with a blood thirsty crowd. Not to mention slaves being butchered for stew.. Now we're fucking talking...
What? Man I eat, sleep, crap, this stuff. To me they're like vintage toys. I loved them when i was a kid and love them today. I just keep in mind that they are what they are and enjoy then as is. Nowadays tho I hunt down these shows as they where originally aired. I got all the Voltron DVD in those tin boxes and have watched em all and now watch the original Go-lion version. I passed on getting the Voltes V VCD boxed sets that was english dubbed in the Philipines infavor of the original Japanese language version but subtitled in English. Heck sometimes I buy the original lazer discs in Japanese with no subs.
I'm with you, Robert! I don't suppose they've released Voltron I (Dairugger XV) uncut? I'd kill to see that shit. Loved that show when I was a kid, so I'm guessing the uncut version would be hot.
The answer is NO. Jayce doesn't "find the magic root" OR "lead his Lightning League to victory over the changing form of Saw Boss!" The show just stops and later the writer J. Michael Straczynski went on to do Babylon 5 and later comics, so there is your ending! As far as rewatching old anime, the one that holds up from when I was a kid is Robotech. The Macross stuff is awesome.
Very well. Vote with your dollars, people. I'm off to buy Go-Lion. Thanks for the info, Monkey. So sad--no ending. Eh...I got more enjoyment outta the toys than the show anyway... Incidentally, another great JMS cartoon was Galaxy Rangers. I think that just came out on commercial DVD recently. Loved that shit! Wonder if that had a proper ending...
I finally started watching the original Gatchaman anime.The last time I watched these was in my very young Quisp eating days.So much more awesome without 7-Zark-7. I just watched an episode where this girl blames Mark for her fathers death.He punches her in the stomach then later on pimp smacks her for not taking revenge.I love that people die on this show.
I don't think so. The English dubbed version I spoke of was for PH TV. It was dubbed by Philipino voice actors. It's not bad, specially when I was a kid. It's just that with the actors accents compared to the original japanese language doesn't have the same intensity and passion. I don't speak Japanese but it just sounds more convincing (with the help of the subtitles) the way the Japanese actors delivered their lines. More UMP!! if you get my meanin. You can get the English dubbed version in Ebay. They also have Daimos.
you might be right. I will need to give my old buddy Speed another chance. Although when I did watch the DVD, pretty sure I bubbling it up as well.... blblbbblbllbblblblblblblblblbl.....
Got that set off of e-bay as well. I'm almost sure it was a boot. All the disks are in plain jewel case. The picture quality and subs are really good tho, complete with menus and special features on th last disk. I've already watched the whole set like three or four times since getting it just before x-mass. I'll see if I can track the seller down and PM you the link.
Yup, sounds identical to the set I got off eBay. I just assumed someone took fansubs, coded 'em onto half a dozen DVDs and sold 'em pretty cheap. I love 'em! Yes, old school anime demands respect! (though I'll take crazy-dubbed Speed Racer over the original Japanese) And speaking of dubbing, has anyone been watching the original 1963 Astro Boy on Scifi Channel? I've only caught a few episodes, but I really think it may be worth picking up the boxed sets...
Yeah, anyone saying old school anime is weak need to seriously watch the original Gatchaman. It’s so amazingly adult and well done it makes you realize how insanely neutered Battle of the Planets is. That said, Star Blazers is pretty much 100% like Space Cruiser Yamato... But wow, I can barely watch that drawn out melodrama. So, so, so depressing.
"Other shows I definitely grew up watching, on the other hand, are pure love. All the Force Five cartoons. Hot. Okay, Voltron makes my soul hurt...but it's great to lampoon MST3k-style." I have obviously a love for Gaiking, even though the actual show sucks. But I bought the Japanese uncut DVD set that came out 5 years ago and have to admit, seeing all the 44 episodes makes the show a little better. I am waiting for someone to subtitle that though. Sigh. Gatchaman, Starblazers, and a couple others sort of hold up, but man I could never really get into Voltron even back then. it would be cool to see how the Golion series differs. An old one I still like is Orguss. Mainly for the designs, but there are worse reasons.
They had those playing real late at night on Cartoon Network at one time,such a trip. The box set is extensive and expensive, it's split into two box sets actually and each one is around $90.00 or so on the bay. I've been meaning to get it but the money seems to get sidetracked into a new toy.
Are the two box sets the Ultra Collectors Editions? A while back, I was browsing Astroboy on DVD and saw complete sets and ultra editions. Seemed redundant so what am I missing? What does the ultra editions offer over the earlier collections?
Oh, were they airing on Cartoon Network? My bad--I always get them mixed up when we're talking about anime... Just look 'em up on to make sure you're getting the right thing. The two "Ultra" boxed sets with black & white covers are the complete 1963 show. All the other "complete boxed sets" with color covers are complete sets of the later cartoons (there was an 80's one and one from 2003 or some shit like that).