Yes that's the set I'm talking about. It comes in two box sets 1 and 2, box 1 has ep 1-52 and box 2 has ep 53-104. There's a box two selling on the bay right now for $96.98 by a seller named MOVIEMARZ. Most of the other cheaper Astroboy DVD offered there are for the re-make version that came from the 80's or 90's, I have those too and they're not bad. From what I know about this boxed set is that it was remastered from the original film from private collections and that it even has episodes that didn't air on TV.
Even though I watched Speed Racer as a kid I don't think I'll re-watch it anytinme soon ... Spritle and chim-chim always gave me the shits then & I can't see that changing now. Still like Gigantor, Astro Boy and Prince Planet though ... great designs in these shows. Recenly also got the Kimba box set & it's not bad ... although that could just be nostalgia working. The one's I'd like to see again, but are hard to get, are Golden Bat, 8th Man and Amazing 3 (Wonder 3) ... seems to be impossible to find these series any where.
Speed Racer is still dope...even more so now that I'm off the wagon! Going back over this thread is kinda funny--I still haven't picked up GoLion on DVD. And did Dairugger XV ever come out? The huge Matchbox combiner is still one of my favorite toys of all time... I'd love to see Ogon Bat...but I just wish the classic 70's Go Nagai (and others) super robot stuff got their entirety...
Once a Speed Racer fan, always a fan. You guys are a bunch of lightweights. I sit around on Saturday nights manually rewinding old VHS and BetaMAX cassette tapes so they don't snap. The stuff is timeless. Check out "Zillion"
Amazing Three is my all time fave!!! Used to watch it on Channel O (now 10) here in Melbourne. Only a few of the english dubbed episodes are known to exist, and of course it has been released on DVD in Japan (original title: Wonder 3) Oh, and welcome to the SB forum, Mirrorman!
Thanks for the welcome Spacemonkey66. I used to watch A3 on Channel O too .... & have to agree with you about it being an all time fav. I have some really bad eps of A3 on a video somewhere, I have to go searching for them again, these are probably the same rare dubbed eps you mentioned. Thought I'd bore everyone, but you am me Spacemonkey, and put up some images of Amazing 3 (Wonder 3) .... The famous Amazing 3 wheel: Bonnie Bunny & Kenny: Bonnie, Zero & Reggie in their original alien form: The bext 3 are Bonnie, Zero & Reggie in the animal form they took when arriving on Earth: And now for the theme song ... all together now Spaceman with a mission, you must make a very big decision, with your solar bomb you could destroy us ... or save the world ... or save the world.
There is something very magical about this particular Tezuka production. Someone needs to make figures of all these characters! Only one I could find is Bonnie Bunny shown here with my very small Amazing Three collection... (the purses are cool - they have a little metal Bonnie Bunny attached by a chain)
I would love to see some Ogon Bat too (even the live action version if I didn't have to pay through the roof for it). Does anyone know of good links where to buy some other 80s anime? Some sets I have seen released, but they are mainly through France or Spain (no eng subs), and even then hard to get a hold of and pricey. I guess they have finally added Cite d'Or on Netflix after it took so long for a DVD release, but until they get decent service in Canada, I'll still be waiting.
Three words: Space Adventure Cobra. This show is amazing. Incredible, consistent fluidity of animation. Roguish, charming protagonist. Bikini alien ladies. Great colors, designs, and optical effects. Fun music. If you haven't seen it, give it a try!
I grew up watching starvengers and recently found the series it was adapted from (getter robo g). strangely enough, I am enjoying it more than the original. I also loved grendizer but I am afraid that it won't hold up as well as starvengers after 20+ episodes.
Nah, man, Grandizer's the shit! I mean, let's face it: ALL the Force Five shows are pretty painful to watch... But you're right: I'd kill to have the entire original Getter Robo G, Danguard Ace, Grendizer, and Gaiking series in Japanese audio with English subs. I used to love the Vehicle Voltron cartoon (yeah, I was *that* kid!), and if you watch it again, it actually holds up pretty well: there's a continuity plot with a decent amount of political intrigue. I just picked up the uncensored DVDs of the original Dairugger XV show with English subs, so I'm looking forward to checking it out...
Space Firebird 2772 A great film in Tezuka's massive library of insane productivity. A little boy is raised in space by my favorite anime robot lady of all time. His life, it turns out, is geared toward a sinister purpose that clashes with his conscience. Not exactly a great dub, but charming in an odd way. It reminds me of the way that old Scandinavian fantasy films got dubbed. Legend of Sirius This one is a true masterpiece. It's one of Sanrio's old films. When they started making big profits with their character stationary, they started up a truly badass animation outfit. This is a Shakespearean love story with fairies and sea creatures and a remarkable score by Koichi Sugiyama (dragon quest, Ideon: Be Invoked, etc.).
Somewhere on an old external firewire drive I have a crap load of nice quality Ogon Bat anime. I can't recall if it's in Japanese or Italian or if it's even subtitled, but once I get a 400 to 800 firewire adapter, I'll check'em out and figure out a way to share them with folks here. I know I also have an english subtitled "Golden Bat" with Sonny Chiba as an avi file as well. Quality is good enough to even stream to your tv.
Hmm I wonder how Star Blazers would hold up if I were to watch it today? I use to race home from school to watch it!
Bringing back an old thread - but YT has really grown since these above posts. I have found ALL of the eps of Wonder 3 on YouTube (raw Japanese though) - plus many eps of other old school Anime discussed above ... like OngBat
Old post, but - I don't think the original Gundam really belongs in this category, does it!? It's like saying the first Star Wars is painful to watch...
Nah, I hate to say it, but the original Mobile Suit Gundam tv series IS quite painful to watch...for the most part. I mean, there are definitely amazing moments throughout, and the story is terrific. But the day-to-day slog of the episodes is kinda brutal. I mean, half the time, poor Amuro is getting slapped in the face for being b1tch-made! So sad... For a vastly improved viewing experience, one of my buddies actually suggested watching the first two compilation movies, then the latter portion of the tv series instead of the third film. Or...shit...was that the other way around (watching the first 2/3 of the tv series, then the third compilation movie)?? Anyway, just to update that particular statement being quoted, I was actually referring to Dougram as being "like the original Gundam show". I'm really not sure why I said that...since I hadn't actually watched it at that point! Well, I've since watched the complete series, and lemme tell ya: it's fucking GREAT. I've actually watched it all the way through three times. It's consistently-paced, has good mecha action (well, at least the mecha designs are fun to look at!), features an interesting cast of characters, and most importantly, has a strong ending. It may actually be my favorite "vintage" anime!
Haha, Amuro getting slapped about is the best bit, though! They expanded on that theme for Zeta... I almost exclusively watch anime from the 60s-80s, so my perspective is probably skewed, and I kinda understand what you're saying - it's far from perfect, I just definitely wouldn't put it in that category of "great as a kid, painful to watch now". I guess you have to be in the right state of mind to sit and watch any of this stuff, though. I tried watching Thundercats a couple of years back and couldn't make it through the first episode, but I'm sure some people still swear by it.
All good points. I mean, to be fair, I wasn't actually a *kid* when I was first exposed to Gundam. It was as a teen in the pre-internet era, digging through VHS bins at the local comic book conventions, looking for rare anime gold! Since those days, I've gotten more discerning with my media intake (especially with the amazing access we now have with the internet!). That changes things. Anyway, there's just SO much ground-breaking stuff with anime from the 60's through the 80''s kind of astounding. But much of it is very genre-focused, and is thus harder to share with those who aren't as deep into the hobby as you (and I have a family now, so I don't get much ME time for the more self-indulgent aspects of the hobby...nowadays *everything* needs to be sharable!). And I'm honestly good with watching just the Thundercats opening credits!
The Thundercats opening strikes me as incredibly Japanese now, with all the jumping about and capes flapping If you can get them subbed, I strongly suggest you check out some World Masterpiece Theatre series like Heidi or Marco. Oldschool anime fun for the whole family! They don't have any of that weird Japanese shit that you don't really want to actively be showing to your children, either.
It all depends really on how they perceive the cartoon growing up and whether or not they get to obsessed with mimicking certain action done to an extreme lvl. There are many cartoons iv watched growing up ppl might have frowned upon me viewing. Such as Vampire Hunter D, Akira, Ghost In The Shell, Armittage 3, 8 Man: After, Robot Carnival, Legend Of Green Ran, Iria: Zeiram The Animation, Project A-KO, Dominion Tank Police, etc. All around the age of 10 and up. But I'm no murderer or sex fiend ether because of it lol.