Right. And the spreadsheets and data entry take...*GASP*...time. You’re not gonna get what you’re asking for, dude. Adapt to artist’s methods, and stop expecting them to cater to yours.
Peace, SS... I don't expect them to change. And I didn't get any more upset about this than you may have, the last time some creative driver cut you off in traffic. What I do hope is that people relatively new to lotteries will learn from the experiences of others, so they don't miss opportunities. With all the traffic here (not just mine), mission accomplished. I just wasn't sold on all the excuses for them that other members were making. For example, they've already got the list of entries (and quite likely in spreadsheet form)... you don't really think they're drawing email addresses out of a hat, do you? All it takes is 30 seconds of cut and paste for the cells with entries not selected, drop it in an email, and poof... you're done. And the guy who pretended no one should ever get even mildly miffed over a mushroom factory approach to the lotteries... really? "Toys" we want enough to enter a lottery for the privilege of paying ¥18,000 (plus shipping)... and no one cares if they lose? Pretty disingenuous. Of course we care. That's actually part of the fun. Colorful language (as in missing the putt) is optional.
Well you have certainly done a great service to our hobby here in this thread, spreading the good word about how ignorant and inconsiderate the toy makers are with regard to lotteries. I mean, you took a whole 5 minutes of your time to enter that lotto. How dare they not write you back. If you are still butt hurt about not getting an email, DM me your email address and I will send you a nice, formal email telling you that you lost the lotto.
You bringing it up more than once, and continuing to talk about, and how it wouldn’t take much time at all because it wouldn’t take you much time at all, would surely suggest you’re at the very least perturbed. You didn’t get an e - mail letting you know you didn’t win. You’re never going to. End of story. Let it go. We all move on. Happy, happy.
Not the issue, and I think you know that. Gosh, you responded to what I said, but if I responded (in respectful terms, I might point out) to what you say, that proves I'm the one with the problem? You can do better than that. OK, team... I know what my motives were, in posting. Gee, I wonder what yours were? I do agree with Suicide Squad on one thing... let's move on and see how much fun you contribute to the hobby.
Golly gee whiz, Mr. Mafune, thanks for your fun, informative, and unsubtle passive-aggressive psychobabble. As to our 'motives', you were being a whiny, uninformed asshat and I think we were collectively pointing that out. That's about it. You seem to be another board member a la Odibex who just HAS to get the last word in, no matter how preposterous your original posts were. Moving on.....
I donno why but I do like the goofy melon heads these beasties have,lol. This one is a 1-of done by Mark Nagata.
You mean, someone who has to get in the last word, like the one you just tried to get in? Looks like we're both going to have to own that one... C'mon, MB... let's try and have an adult conversation. As recent posts to this thread demonstrate, there's no shortage of people online who can't disagree with someone without using terms like "asshat," ignoring what the other guy actually said, or spewing toxic sarcasm. Their behavior speaks for itself. It says a lot more about them than the other guy. I'm glad I'm not one of them, and I hope you aren't either. You know, if you want to disagree with me, or anyone else, fine... just read what they said, post if you want to, just tell them why you disagree, and accord them the same right to say why they disagree with you, if they do. But if you want to post things like the above, there are some people who will stand their ground. Get used to it. I like meeting and talking with people in the hobby, as long as it's talking, and not slinging fertilizer. As so many have noted, some people will hide behind user names and say things they'd never say to the other person's face... but user names do have at least one advantage. If I meet you at a convention for sofubi collectors, then we get a new start, and can settle back with a beer, and not have all this baggage in the way of enjoying the hobby together. In the meantime, fellow soft vinyl enthusiast... I solemnly pledge that no matter what else anyone writes about this—or me— in connection with the point about not everyone knowing that lotteries ignore the non-winning entries, I will not respond to it. You want the last word? You got it. Closing thought, for now... Merry Christmas, or Happy Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, as appropriate, to Michael Beverage, BrickBat, badteethcomics, Suicide Squad, analog101, the Moog, Anti Social Andy, wingnut0, and anyone else who's tired of me. I mean it... you may not like me, but if the allies and Germans could cross the trenches to celebrate Christmas (which they did), we can, too. I hope this season and the coming year bring you good things... and all the great designer vinyl you ever dreamed of.
It helps that such a master brought the goofy melon sculpts to life. I'm eyeing another one-off Mark painted up that's currently listed on eBay, a little pricey for me but I adore his work.
From Planet-X Asia yesterday: DO NOT BUY FROM YAHOO JAPAN SELLER ZYJHRPKCS If you are a custom artist, please do not paint these odd blanks with random mix color parts, don't waste your talents on illegitimate toys The blanks he is selling are not legitimate, they were built from unwanted defect parts stole from factory trash Now all defect pieces will be chopped up before they were disposed Todays post from Planet-X Asia: It's been confirmed that Yahoo Japan seller ZYJHRPKCS is @hardcoretoys_official and @hardcoretoys_japan representative in Tokyo For those who is new to this story, ZYJHRPKCS sold illegitimate blanks from multiple designers including mine and @zhangsheng1234 (KaijuTan) to name a few on Yahoo Japan That moron claimed he let someone borrow his account and he had no idea its been used to sell illegitimate toys It's hard to believe they expect me (and everyone else) to buy that story
Remember when toy makers weren’t total pieces of shit? Hopefully this means we won’t have to deal with anymore hideous fucking octopus temples. Props to Planet Asia for dealing with this, as well as really stepping their game up recently!
Is this the 2018 version of that whole Kaiju Tan vs (I forgot their name) beef from a couple of years back? About the $500 blanks wrapped in tinfoil. Funny how all of these opportunistic toy scandals are coming from the group of toymakers who suddenly burst into the scene a few years back to make as much money as they could while the interest was high.. seems like now they are shooting themselves in the feet. I mean how the fuck do your "defective" blanks end up on YJA anyway without you knowing about it? And another thing, why do these jokers all have a regular Instagram account and a "Japan" Instagram account (hardcore toys, unbox industries, etc)
The defective/rejected pieces were being taking from the trash from the sofubi factory they were being made. Apparently not just PlanetXAsia, but also Kaiju Tan and other companies. Apparently 2 employees from Hardcore Toys were taking them and selling them. Per Hardcore Toys they have terminated the 2 employees.
Planet-X-Asia makes some cool things for sure and as I recall have always represented themselves as exactly what they were. A Chinese toy brand making vinyl monsters. So the fact someone stole discarded parts from factory trash to sell them sucks but it makes sense. The fact another toy maker was the one doing it is awful but not shocking. What does not make any sense at all is how a supposed Japanese vinyl toy maker(KaijuTan)had his parts stolen from the same trash bin in China.
Tan's never made anything in Japan. I stopped following that dude some time ago, so I have no idea if he's still pretending to have Japanese production. The type of lows these scumbags are coming to, between bootlegging, and now dumpster diving for YAJ listings, this hobby is becoming a haven for social parasites. I definitely commend PxA for carrying themselves gracefully and dealing with the situation amicably. Straight forward and forewarning, without massive mudslinging or brash name calling, though it would've been warranted if he did.
I give up. It's all so damn confusing. I recall saying a long time ago how I was pretty shocked that his stuff was pushed as Japanese vinyl but was actually made somewhere else and a bunch of people said the mimi was made in Japan but some of his other stuff wasn't. Now the "fishing through dumpsters for toys" crew is selling tons of blank Planet X stuff and TONS of blank mimi monsters they saved from Chinese landfills. I get that lots of people are pretty silent about where stuff is actually pulled which is whatever but doesn't this actually literally say MADE IN JAPAN on it?
@Waterbear Yeah, it does, but you can literally stamp anything into a toy and say it was made from wherever you want. His toys are soft vinyl, but they’re not sofubi. Chinese joints look nothing like how the Japanese do them, and you can feel/smell the difference between Chinese soft vinyl and Japanese sofubi. And not to be “that guy”, but I’m only wanting to further expand: I’ve visited four factories in Japan, and worked in one twice. I know exactly what sofubi looks, feels and smells like, and none of his toys reflect any of that. I also had someone on good ol’ IG that used to be close with him, but got screwed over, tell me about, how, he intentionally put “Made In Japan” ‘cause he thought it’d make his toys more legitimate and his name more credible.
Seems like the mud is definitely starting to be slung over on instagram 24 hours later.. at the moment it seens to be between Planet X and Hardcore Toys with PLT jumping in the mix. Is 2018 the year when the fauxfubi scene implodes on itself???