I tried taking a new picture today, but the light was bad. I'll try again. The volcano hat guy is Kyudora from Captain Ultra. The Captain Ultra kaiju are what really got me hooked on parababies. I think the whale you're taking about is Thunder Gei from Spectraman? Funny thing, I have been holding off on collecting any of the Spectraman parababies because there are a lot of figures, and the prices seemed high. But I broke down just last week and the whale and a few more that will be heading my way soon. Including the infamous Dr Gori. Years ago @bonemask posted some scans from hyper hobby dash 6 of all the Tokusatsu parababies. I refer to that thread often. http://skullbrain.org/bb/index.php?threads/marmit-vinyl-para-baby-complete-checklist.39701/
@blakewest PHENOMENAL!!! . Thank you! Seeing all of those parababies in one place is great, instant database! Thank you too for the Thunder Gei and Volcano hat monster reference, good to know! p.s. just watched Spectreman episode 18, which reminded me of a real exploding whale.... Remastered Blast blasted blubber! Now say that 3 times fast! That was not a good idea! They should've let it stink and let mother nature strip the carcass. Or not be lazy in the first place and just bury it, then dig it up some years later. The skeleton would've been well worth the wait!
@Mr. Humphreys these pix still aren't the best. I need to get lights installed. I also need another case, because I have more in storage. Long term goal is to take good shots of each of these individually a la Club Tokyo.
Goodness gracious me!!! Just saw your parababies, impressive beyond words!!! Thank you for sharing this amazing eye candy @blakewest , truly magnificent!
Yup! That video is very famous, on what not to do! I wonder if he remained an engineer after that fiasco. IMHO, if they could have towed it and sank it in the deep sea, it would provide food for a good 30-50 years, and the skeleton, a home for critters to anchor themselves into. https://www.wired.com/2016/05/get-rid-dead-rotting-whale-beach-hint-dont-blow/ https://www.newsweek.com/four-ways-deal-beached-whale-carcass-872297
Picked this up at January SuperFestival. Akamatsu-san signed the header for me but I didn't think to take a picture. Trying to show the subtle blue spray.
I believe some other members were after one of these like I have been for quite some time. I put off tracking one down many years ago and then along the way missed a few opportunities to snag one at a reasonable price. Pre-orders are open until the end of the month and international shipping is available (if it pops up you can ignore the Add to Buyee Cart utility, the store offers EMS shipping)! https://tbasejpn.com/collections/new/products/sh20240313nk01
So excited these are available again! This guy has been on my want list for years! I jumped the gun and placed an order for this through m-world the other day, assuming they would not be available internationally... doh!! I'm not too bummed, I just couldn't risk missing out on him, I thought I was partial to the older green vinyl version, but this one with metallic sprays looks wonderful to me
Oh yeah, the green was really nice. I do think I might prefer this one to the original blue colorway—that one was nice and probably more true to the onscreen kaiju but a bit basic. Hope to see Marmit dig out more Ultra kaiju molds in the near future. Prices have gotten a bit crazy these last couple of years so releases like these might help to stabilize the market.
Akamatsu and I will be doing a 5-points booth (2 actually) this year. Not sure what he’s bringing, but I can only assume it will be a substantial spread across all his various lines.
Based on a sighting at the current T-BASE gallery exhibition, Snowgiran—seen standing right next to Fubugirara—might be next. Fingers crossed!