sorry for the double post. There is so much good stuff there it's tough to recommend just one thing. My only advice is to come hungry and it's BYOB but they have a big corking fee, so you might as well order from the bar. OH! And all the food is enough for 2 pretty much, so anyone that doesn't want a ducky can just get regular food, it's super delicious as well.
anyone want to split the fried pig intestines? but seriously, I am looking at the bbq combination. The carry out menu has prices and more options it seems
I'd be down for intestines for real. I might pass on the duck because my wife isn't 100% sure she can make it (like 90%) but if I order that duck for us and she's a no-show I'd feel like an ass. I'd hate to call it in now then bail on it (or be forced to eat the whole the thing like a hog.) Anyway I'm 100% in, but again can't call any reservations in until tomorrow so if someone does make a call still have it be 3 for me and if my family ditches me no big deal.
1- Blooddrinker6969 (Jeff + my wife and daughter, I just mentioned where we're going and my wife flipped about how she HAS to go, she doesn't care about our "shitty toys.") 2 - legoomba (just myself, collector of shitty toys) 3- Magillagorilla (so far just me) 4- sbbenhcs (just me as well, so far...) 5- Waiting... (me and michele, we'll be splitting a duck, I'll worry about reservations on my end) 6 Bryan (just me right now pervayor of shitty toys) 7 lurker (just me forever) no duck here, something boring like white rice
I should have been a little more clear me thinks, if someone makes a table reservation count me in for 2 seats, I'll call and bug them about the duck myself incase there are technical duck difficulties
1- Blooddrinker6969 (Jeff + my wife and daughter, I just mentioned where we're going and my wife flipped about how she HAS to go, she doesn't care about our "shitty toys.") 2 - legoomba (just myself, collector of shitty toys) 3- Magillagorilla (so far just me) 4- sbbenhcs (just me as well, so far...) 5- Waiting... (me and michele, we'll be splitting a duck, I'll worry about reservations on my end) 6 Bryan (just me right now pervayor of shitty toys) 7 lurker (just me forever) no duck here, something boring like white rice 8.Mark K (+ wife duck...just 2 seats...brought shitty toys to trade)
Yeah like Waiting said, if you want Duck you gotta set that up yourself but we should make the base reservation for a set number then you call later saying "I'll be part of so-and-so party I want duck fuckers!"
ALSO we should try to call today. I can do it, I'll just tally up the #'s and call around 12-1pm and see what we can do. I might add 1 or 2 to the party # in case extra's jump in but otherwise if you're on the list here at Noonish I'll count you. If not, I'm going to add 1 or 2 seats in case. Then I'll tell you guys who it's under (probably my name, Jeff, but maybe I'll use my alias 'Don Knotts') and you can call and say you're with that party and you want a duck or whatever. See yall tomorrow! Don't know what time I'll pop into line but knowing my OCD early as hell.
baller. i'm flying solo, the missus is off to a friend's baby shower out in the burbs... so if anyone's looking to split some duck, i'm down. there's also tasty non-duck things as well, so no worries if you're not into poultry (you communists).
So are ppl gonna bring their trade stuff to the rotofugi show at nite. or just for lunch? I cant make lunch. Let me know otherwise, i wont bother lugging shitty toys to the show.
unfortunately got stuck with work this weekend and can't make it up. super bummed, this will be the first toy karma i have missed. was really looking forward to hanging with you dudes... anyways i hope everyone has a great day! def won't miss it next time
Gerrrr... Brian and I just got back from our honeymoon today (need to get some sleep and such). So I definitely won't make it in for a line ticket and the delicious get-together... However, I will hopefully (98% sure) make it down for the show tonight. Hopefully I won't get too high of a line ticket number. lol
I want to thank everyone who made it out to sun wah it was awesome to see everyone. The food was super good. We have to do this more often.
Im going monday the 3rd. Thats the earliest roto said is best via twitter. I gotta go early becauae I'll be watching my daughter and have to work that evening.
I might be up for a get together. It all depends on what day and what time... My husband's car is in the shop (and will be for a while), so he is currently using my car. So it will all depend on if I'll be able to get over there or not. If anything, I might go to the next show and pick up my TK3 spoil then. When are you guys thinking of going?