Don't think I can make it till tomorrow, school garbage took WAY too long and I gotta get to work shortly. ::excuses::
so of the two people that showed up today, one had nothing to pick up from the exhibit, and the other one picked up the teeny-tiniest finger puppet. what a sad show of hands.
HEY i got mine too but some of us work in the morning! Well lets be honest the Joe is my brothers. But I had to play with him before I ship it to AZ. I swear this is the best damn paint job ever. I should have never let him have first pick.
I made a drive-by before work. Ran in, ran out, hit the job. It's nuts how much taking a toy into natural light does. I love it about 10x more. Anyone going Sat to the tattoo show thing? I doubt I get a tattoo (might actually go get one earlier in the day) but I was thinking of popping in.
I'll be there, I want to get something but i dunno bout these artist. Either way it should be a cool event.