Now available at the Super7 HQ! Check out the history of the Super7 Magazine as downloadable PDF - Super7 Magazine
This is indeed very fantastic news! A massive thank you to all involved on behalf of myself and everyone else here. I look forward to a lot of backreading. It is really great to be able to access these, particularly for those who couldn't get their hands on paper copies.
The one interview I've read so far has already been more entertaining and informative than all the interviews I've ever read in Clutter combined. Thanks guys!
^Agreed. Have been wanting to read the Astro Mu article forever, sat down this morning to read it and it made my Thanksgiving.
"The one interview I've read so far has already been more entertaining and informative than all the interviews I've ever read in Clutter combined." Now, that's impressive...
I can still see them using Mozilla (not so with IE). I love these old issues, including the ads (oh how I wish I'd gotten my paws on a Green Wedgehead... yes, die hard Uglydoll obssession still lives on! ) @deafmetal there is a great Goji issue, and some of your herd is pictured in the article! Good stuff!
@Mr. Humphreys - The artwork collection in that issue is also worth checking out. Vol. 1 No. 1 has an article specifically on the original '66 goji sculpt. Required reading!