I tried doing a quick search but couldn't find anything on the boards, has the idea of offering Super7 back issues as a PDF ever come up? It would be great to carry around the back catalogue on my iPad for train rides etc.
Would be great to see something come of this 'lost' content, PDF or whatever to put the whole Mook thing to rest. Last I heard it was like 80% complete or something...
Possibly not a good business move because of file sharing, unless you meant they'd offer them for free.
We have actually talked about this a lot, but we simply haven't had time to pull up the files (some of them almost 15 years old) and clean them up and get them ready to go, but yes, we have been talking for some time about getting a digital archive of the issues up for everyone.
and monster dust bunnies ...but in the meantime, @badteethcomics Super 7 most generously, made the digital issues of the Super 7 mags available, for some time now! You can download them here... http://www.super7hq.com/editorials?page=1 so now you can take them on the train, just don't miss your stop
Right almost a year later and crickets in this thread The backissues have been up on the website for awhile now. Go under Super7 editorials, Click on the image and download the pdf. http://super7hq.com/editorials
Good to know - although I did download them about 20 months ago edit - make that 14 months ago... http://skullbrain.org/bb/index.php?threads/super7-magazine-online.50363/
I was referring to the follow up on the ever elusive Mook 2. But I can see where the I dropped the ball in terms of context.
I heard rumors of the mook 2 coming as a bundle with toypunks 2. ...but really, both are never coming out. womp womp.
I honestly would love to see the Super 7 magazine come back. I mean the sofubi/kaiju/toy landscape has changed so much since the magazine stopped. So many new toy companies, more people collecting and being super specific about collecting all of a line or hero etc I think it would make for interesting issues. Even segments on collectors here and pics of their collections would be fascinating to me. It would be nice to have a centralized place where I could read about some collector who lives in northern Japan or France or anywhere who only collects so an so...Or hell just a revisit on Mark Nagata or Flynn's collection or a insight on M1 and Yugi's collection or museum. I don't know just a thought. Do it just in digital form (less expense) 2-3 times a year.
The physical mag was AWESOME. So many of us would be SO STOKED to see a relaunch of that! Guessing S7 are too busy with other projects these days. Ahh the simpler days of the early 2000's. Hard to believe so many years have passed since the announcement of the second Mook tho. How about it guys... all that promised content. Stick it all online at least so the loyal followers can take a look.