Man, too much good stuff coming out lately. I missed the mecha gorilla and the gebolf pre-orders. Slipping in my old age I am.
So does Target Earth not sell to individuals in Japan either? I asked my middleman in Japan how it was going with the TE Mecha Kong and they said they never heard back from them after they inquired via email. Strange. Hope I can get one of them in aftermarket around the same retail price (8900 yen).
Don't know who your agent is, but from my experience/understanding the only way to acquire Target Earth is through M-World, no other agents.If you directly contact TE, which I've done in the past, they will have M-World email you to place the order.
i have been told the wait is almost over... TARGET EARTH KUSOGON will be ready November 20th. if anyone else did not know & wants one shoot me a PM me if you are not already in the loop.. VERY ltd. edition of TARGET EARTH FACELESS BULL in Mosugon Purple will be available in USA from beaK in 2012 @ DIYKAIJUFESTIV
whew....!!! I was beginning to worry these guys had already shipped a while ago and something went wrong with my order... so happy to see an official update... can't wait to see this fugly beast.....!!!
So any update on these? Its a toy I really cannot wait to receive... November 20th passed quite a while ago...
I PMed and e-mailed John regarding something a few weeks ago and have yet to hear back. Hope everything's ok. I also hope that everyone who receives a Gebolf hates it so that someone can sell one to me. I mean, it's just a knockoff Maza, right? Who wants that!
Supposed to...but I remember Target Earth being notorious for being late. I think (and someone with knowledge can chime in)...that some of the 'space' kaiju dinosaurs took almost 9 months to ship.
From what I understood and read somewhere, Target Earth creations including sculpts & painting are done by Sato-san, but actually manufactured by Marmit whom Sato-san also works for. It seems the Marmit stuff takes precedence over T.E. stuff thus a lot of his projects take longer than expected. Love the Gaicyan/Crow (forget name) mashup! Gaicyans are some of my absolute favorites... it comes back...thanks Ben! Yeah I love the Gaicyans! They were always reasonably priced when they poped up on YJA as seldom as it was. I'd love to compile a visual list of all the versions released to date. Wasn't there a Toy Karma version or maybe it was from one of Mark Nagata's shows in japan??? Anyone have pics of their T.E. creepy crawlers?
There was one for Kaiju Comrades. Here's a pic... Other than this one Ralph...I think you are complete. I'm still chasing a Haiji from that show.
Wow - I had no idea there were as many Gaicyan as that. Nice selection Ralph! Sounds like as far as visual database you may have it covered. I remember first seeing a pink one in Plovers collection and immediately coveting it. I love how it's kind of goofy yet menacing. I eventually located that pink one and still love it.
I've got the black Dokugarasu, black, pink and blue Grotesque Monsters (never found that white one I was after in the first few posts in this thread) and a couple of Haijis. I'll try to get a decent picture of them all soon. Target Earth has always been one of my favorite producers.
OK finally heard back from the Japanese agent for Target Earth.. Sorry but the molds were damaged somehow beyond repair.. this has unfortunately caused further delay(S) i have done everything i can do to get the big K over here ASAP spending quite a bit of my own cash on that production. i have been without a computer for about a month so i appologize for those waiting to hear back from me sooner. as it stands now the mold issues have been addressed and the vinyl will flow in January. thanx to all who ordered the full size doll.. i am covering shipping on all orders and will be doing a beaKfc mailing this week with more info on the Target Earth dolls & mini figures etc.