Thanks, Benjamin! After taking that photo, I realized I left out a few other TE toys I have, including a certain recent amazing score: Target Earth by bansheebot, on Flickr I think that's all of them. I should have three other faceless additions soon-ish.
love that crow thing ^ I forget where it was, but years ago some store was selling it, it might have been s7. Anyway, it just sat there for months and I never bought it and since then I've never seen one for sale. Regrets!
been seeing this creepy full size painted Kusogon in my dreams... praying he will materialize soon to haunt my reality... chase my dog around the house... do the dishes etc...
Has anyone heard from John lately? His last log-in was December 31st. I hope everything is okay with him!
Like! Glad I preordered one, less glad I went with an "agent" rather than grumble. He's blue, and as I never got a blue MGC I'm kinda excited agin seeing this pic. Also looking forward to that Maza tribute guy too.
Shot John an email a few weeks ago just to make sure everything was alright with him, and no response still. I do hope he's alright!
I almost got one through Grumble, but then decided against it at the last minute. The closer we get to these guys actually coming out, the more I regret passing on it.
good to know, why don't tell him to shoot me one full size painted kusogon while your at it... some current status updates would be nice.. $125.00 USD Sent on: September 7, 2011 Subject line of your payment email: TEKPAINT if I had known it was going to take six months to get this fat hunk of turd in my hands I would have highly considered spending my money on something else.. sure hope it's worth the fucking wait.. getting a little frustrated
I have had to wait 6-12 months on Target Earth pre-orders before. Hopefully you will hear something soon.
Masato once told me Target Earth is notoriously late with getting releases out. Since he deals with just about everyone I'm inclined to believe him.