From the few times i've visited, some of this rings true. I mean all you have to think about is Bwana for god's sake. ... r_embedded
I was so hoping I was going to be the first person to post this... Oh well put a bird on it... ... re=related
Portlandia is quirky and funny. yes is stereotyping the poor citizens but that's what makes it funny. most Portlandians I ask about the show are a bit indifferent to it. "Were really not like that. well, 2% of the people downtown are like that, but not everyone else...."
I got to see some of the backlash unfold firsthand and that was pretty funny. There's some of the show that rings true but a lot of it that could be just as fittingly applied to Brooklyn/Williamsburg and a million other hip circles. I did move to the town to retire though, so there's that.
resinate, are you in an adult hide and seek league? go to clown school? ride a double decker bicycle? I'm waiting for Portlandia to showcase Martin Onitiveros' Black Metal Bowling
Hi all. I'm a native of Portland's unloved hillbilly suburb, Vancouver. While the store is gone (and none to friendly) I will always fondly remember Dr. Tongue's 3D House of Toys. Have been to Grass Hut, but have not met Bwana. I also miss Just Be Toys, before it morphed into Complex. Powells books, and Billy Galaxy are musts if you're in town.
oh..! perfect opportunity to re-surface my toy roadshow to Portland: Bill Galaxy: ... billy.html Just Be Complex ... -just.html Missing Link ... -of-3.html
Cool pictures! Moshi Moshi has since closed, but we have gained And Billy Galaxy has gotten more crammed with toys, and reconfigured. It's one of the most inviting spots for browsing, I think. Grass Hut and Floating World have a new location too.
Hey dude, nice to meet you today! If you're interested in meeting Bwana, be sure to swing by during one of our first thursday art openings!
You to! Like I said, I'm kinda slow on the uptake. Will be stopping by more often. Also Voodoo Donuts and Rogue Brewing* jumped the shark. Together: ... nk-bottles *Debatable, they may both have jumped long before this.
i found this place by accident a while back. Open hours are strange but if you're in the area and are into transformers its worth checking out. The prices seemed way too high but its fun to look at his stuff. Heroes & Hobbies 4150 Southwest Cedar Hills Boulevard, Beaverton, OR 97005 (503) 626-1440
I worked on that side of town for a while, and they were never open. Didn't return calls, no posted hours. Dead to me.
The Munktiki show at Grass Hut is pretty wonderful. Really wanted to buy one of these: ... cts_id=425 He'd make a great vinyl.
I have to take that back, Vancouver has a horrible inferiority complex when it comes to Portland, so that sets it apart from the other 'burbs. I think we were the first one, too. Bad enough when I'm anywhere outside the NW, and say I'm from Washington. "Oh, DC!" "No, State, Vancouver, WA." "Canada?" Portland works better as a point of reference.
You should! I've been trying to convince Mark Nagata to do a show up here. Portland is very proud of having more breweries per capita then any other city (this isn't actually true, but we all say it like it's a fact).