What kind of fucked up world do we live in?

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by Winu, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
  2. Winu

    Winu S7 Royalty

    Jun 25, 2007
    San Diego, CA
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
  3. Shradical7

    Shradical7 Toy Prince

    Jun 18, 2010
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    I remember the first time i saw this, i wanted to punch that girl in the face. I've wanted a dog for years! :evil:
  4. resinate

    resinate Toy Prince

    Jun 5, 2010
    los angeles
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    we'll see what happens. it might not really be a fine, but either way, everybody's watching for the time being.
  5. turtletooth

    turtletooth Post Pimp

    Mar 16, 2006
    Dirty Jersey
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
  6. 3x3is9

    3x3is9 Addicted

    Sep 18, 2006
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    There was a post I found on the net a while ago showing an art exhibition where an 'artist' chained up street dogs in a gallery to starve. there were photos of all these people attending the show and walking past this sad looking dog.
    I haven't searched out any extra info on it as I found it really upsetting. My hope is that the whole thing was staged and the 'art' was peoples reactions what was supposedly going on. That's my hope.. I fear that it's not though.
    I'm guessing from people's reactions that there is no hope that this footage was staged.
  7. Vombie

    Vombie Vintage

    Mar 15, 2007
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
  8. 3x3is9

    3x3is9 Addicted

    Sep 18, 2006
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
  9. uberboy

    uberboy Line of Credit

    Jun 14, 2007
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    when my grandmother was a kid growing up outside of LA in the 1920s she said this kind of stuff was normal. she had neighbors that would always let you play with their dog's puppies if you came over. some days she'd ring the doorbell and the homeowner would tell her the puppies were gone. when she grew older she came to realize that the neighbors had two methods of culling the pack. put them all in a burlap sack and toss them in the river happened occassionally. their preferred method was to put them all in a burlap sack and dig a hole.....

    it's all fucked up. both then and now. but it shouldn't ruin your day. life is stupid and cruel and we should all get used to it. it's all about balance. i saw some pretty butterflies today.
  10. Vombie

    Vombie Vintage

    Mar 15, 2007
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
  11. jl

    jl Line of Credit

    May 8, 2006
    Paris, France
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    the worst thing is that it happens everyday for sure.
    but at least some people don't make fun out of it...
  12. uberboy

    uberboy Line of Credit

    Jun 14, 2007
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
  13. Vombie

    Vombie Vintage

    Mar 15, 2007
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    I'm sorry, abusing/killing animals like that is horrible, but ppl respond with death threats? that's retarded. she abused a cat--she deserves to die! that's fucking dumb.

    we need to get a grip. two wrongs don't make a right. for a lot of people, meat is delicious. they still like animals just fine--they just don't rule them out as a food source. vegetarianism is cool too. not all vegetarians are nice people. that cat will probably hate/distrust all humans--not just the ones that are near trash cans. cats and dogs are awesome. maybe chickens are too. all are sources of food in some places. bugs..well no one gives a shit about them really (I haven't had to pay a fine for killing any bugs), but they're kind of like nature's own guyver line up. cool. also a food source--sometimes accidentally. people are dicks. some people aren't. sometimes animals eat people. some people kill shit for fun and the need help. some of them get it. and the world keeps turning.
  14. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    Dec 3, 2007
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    Here's the problem to me. If you don't want to take care of puppies or find homes for them. Don't let your dogs fuck. Take some responsibility for your actions. You didn't spaid or neuter your dog and watch them outside make sure they weren't getting pregnant.. That's your fucking fault. Man up, don't just toss your problems into a river.
  15. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Oct 9, 2007
    Not here
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    Unfortunately in this world, a lot of problems just get tossed into the river. :(
  16. turtletooth

    turtletooth Post Pimp

    Mar 16, 2006
    Dirty Jersey
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    Culling is definately a hard fact of dog breeding. If it weren't for culling, there would be no dogs as we know them, just wolves.

    But there is definately a right way and a wrong way and definately too many dogs being bred.
  17. Cralya

    Cralya Addicted

    Nov 22, 2005
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    I totally agree. We used to live in neighborhood where even though most people were decent and humane, a few families would let their dogs have free reign. Even though there were programs where you could get your pet fixed for about $40, they supposedly couldn't afford it( yet they had always seemd to have money for ATVS, firecrackers, beer, etc.) In addition, we lived near an wooded area where other fine human beings would just abandon their dogs; I know some of those dogs killed one of our cats. Some people don't have respects for themselves, let alone other living creatures.
  18. Roger

    Roger Vintage

    Nov 25, 2005
    New Jersey, USA
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    All this talk about fixing your dogs. What kind of veterinary care is available in Bosnia? I don't know. I do know that 15 years ago there were bombs being dropped on the country and genocide in the name of "ethnic cleansing."

    It may not excuse this, but for me it partially explains it, and it does answer the question, "What kind of a fucked up world do we live in?"
  19. ElvisFromHell

    ElvisFromHell Comment King

    Mar 29, 2006
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    Thanks for saying something, Roger. This thread is surreal - a bunch of privileged toy collectors - toy collectors! - passing judgment on some girl from a war-torn country who obviously has serious psychological issues that they, in their worst nightmares, will never, ever have to deal with (for the record, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool dog lover and no bleeding heart liberal by any means).

    (Oh, the delicious irony that it's now "alternative/hardcore/straightedge/vegan kids" rather than yuppies who deserve a "Holiday in Cambodia" :roll: )

    It doesn't excuse what she did but there are obviously circumstances that led her to that place such that no one on this board would ever agree to change places with her.

    Frankly, some of you people are completely fucked up if you're more worried about those dogs than the circumstances that led this girl to do it.

    It reminds me of that great line from the movie Wall Street (to paraphrase): "That's the thing about [skullbrainers] - they love animals. It's people they can't fucking stand."

    "What kind of fucked up world do we live in?" Indeed.
  20. uberboy

    uberboy Line of Credit

    Jun 14, 2007
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    also, where is this river that eats problems?

    sounds better than the fountain of youth
  21. JoeMan

    JoeMan Mini Boss

    Dec 3, 2007
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    We are conditioned to hear reports of war and it really becomes background static. Is that right? No. An attempted genocide takes place, we don't witness it personally, or feel the aftermath. A car bomb kills 50 in Iraq, we're not there in the chaos. We didn't lose family or friends or children. You're right. That's much more terrible than puppies drowning I don't think anyone is saying it isn't.

    I think there have been plenty of valid reasons given earlier in this thread and in other threads explaining why people are against animal abuse. The difference here is, a soldier isn't taping himself ethically cleansing his country, shooting Prisioners in the head. and enjoying it. If I saw something like that, I'd be much more bothered and I wouldn't click play either and I'd also wish death on that murderer. Despite how fucked up people are, most have the good sense to not share it with the world. This girl does not. Obviously she sees nothing wrong with her actions, and that's fine. If the Bosnian war that ended when she was 2 has left her so emotionally drained and scarred that she thinks killing puppies is as fun and acceptable as skipping stones, and should be put on the internet for the whole world to share in, well then I guess all the horrors she has witnessed gave her that right.
  22. ElvisFromHell

    ElvisFromHell Comment King

    Mar 29, 2006
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    At the risk of beating the subject to death (no pun intended), let me add that my g/f has a dachshund that I love as much as life itself. But if a doctor came to me and said "look, if you allow us to experiment on Oscar we believe we can cure [fill in terrible disease]" my response would be: "would you prefer him with mustard or relish?"

    It's a dog, after all, not a human being.

    And why would someone even bother to post this video in the first place other than to gawk and feel a false sense of superiority over some psychologically damaged third world teenager?

    BTW, put this girl in a wood chipper for killing some puppies? Dude, your priorities are seriously fucked up.
  23. Cubensis

    Cubensis Line of Credit

    Sep 29, 2009
    Middltown, CT
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    Had the doctor asked me for an object of experimentation, suggesting either my nephew or my dog, I wouldn't allow him to take either. Sure, I'd love for the said disease to be put to a halt... but trading one life for the other just wouldn't be in my nature. Human or animal, it doesn't matter. One is of no more importance than the other in the grand scheme of things. However, one of them has an ego, and one does not. What does the ego do? The ego is an image of oneself, by which one bases their most of their thoughts and actions... and if one has created an image of themselves, why not hold the character in the image at a high level of importance in relevance to other creatures around it? "I am the most important, creatures like me (humans) are next in line, then dogs, then cats..." and so on and so on.

    If that girl, given whatever fucked up situations may have led to her current mindstate, was throwing a box of babies in the river, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, would be going gaga (pun intended :roll: ). We wouldn't even give her the slightest chance, saying "Well, you know, we don't know the previous events of her life..". We would fucking torch her instantly. Why? Because now it's a human that she's playing skipping stones with? We are humans, thus, we can empathize with human suffering much more easily. However, by no means does it make us more important than any other living, feeling creature on this earth. Dog's may not be opinionated as we are, but they are certainly emotional, conscious, feeling creatures just like us.

    In my worst nightmare, I am chained up, being tortured, having my family killed in front of me, and then killed myself. This girl may have had some fucked up shit go down in the past, but not to that extent. She's still breathing. However, the puppies did actually get sent to death. As did their family of siblings. And who knows what else they endured from this I FART A LOT up until that moment.

    I agree, being a worn torn country, the lifestyle that a Bosnian teen lives and the mind state she may have, may be much different than someone privileged enough to spend $200 on a 6 inch plastic toy. But whatever her history may be, assuming the absolute worst, it still does not dismiss her actions. Although I'd never be able to understand what she may have personally gone through (if anything, as we do not know), I will still full-heartedly pass judgement in the sense that I think this girl is a cruel, dumb fuck. You got shit on in the past, girlie? Well, now you know damn well how it feels, and you are even MORE fucked up if you then go and shit on someone (person or animal) in the future. I fully sympathize with those in situations less fortunate than myself. But that sympathy disappears 100% when they then go and fuck with someone else's life or well being. Sorry for the rant, this topic truly does upset me.
  24. ElvisFromHell

    ElvisFromHell Comment King

    Mar 29, 2006
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    Before I let this go entirely, what's the subtext to wanting to put a 15 year old girl through a wood chipper? If it had been a guy instead, would you have suggested the same thing? Could it reflect some deep-seated animosity towards women? (They're only meat, right?!?). Does a person trying to live a virtuous life have an obligation to at least consider that possibility?

    What really bugs me about the kind of group-think reflected in portions of this thread is the suggestion that b/c one collects hardcore records, or doesn't drink beer, or doesn't eat meat (or whatever) that one's biases, opinions and prejudices are beyond reproach. The Bosnian girl is so obviously fucked up that even she might have some self-awareness there's something wrong in her life. The more insidious threat is from those who never question their own beliefs (and wreak lots of unintended havoc on the lives of others in the process) b/c they're are card-carrying members of [fill-in your pc group of choice].

    Admittedly, I'm in an unusually pissy mood today - I'm not sure what exactly what caused me to redline on this issue - and, after all is said and done, maybe I'm wrong. Ah, fuck it, who wants pie?
  25. antknee

    antknee Toy Prince

    Feb 13, 2008
    What kind of fucked up world do we live in?
    Here's the problem I have; Elvis and Roger are taking (to some degree) the viewpoint that we shouldn't judge this girl because we can't accurately put ourselves in her shoes. And while that's true, I think the real problem that I (and many others) have with her actions isn't just what she did, it's the fact that she so callously recorded it. There is NO justification for that. NONE. Of course this is going to lead to overly dramatic hyperbole from many people (death threats and such), but that's all it is in 99.999% of cases. No one is actually going to hunt her down. It's just keyboard commandos posturing on the internet. Let her local authorities deal with what she's done. If they don't and you're still upset, well, then cancel that non-existent trip to Bosnia you had planned or whatever you can do to show your displeasure. But the fact remains that there is really no excuse for videotaping yourself throwing puppies in a river. Population control? There's probably a million different and better ways to go about that. But let's not let this turn into a conversation about proper ways to kill puppies.

    I understand that not everyone in the world has access to or can afford a veterinarian, but that doesn't even come close to explaining the video (and let's also remember that she had the means to record this and upload it either by herself or someone she knows, so the argument that she's so destitute and crippled with poverty from living in Bosnia loses a little bit of steam). There are so many horrible things in the world. It's okay to feel outraged over this, but people need to keep it in check.

    PS-I'm rambling. Too much coffee.

    PPS-Full disclosure, I'm vegan and straight edge. So ElvisFromHell, I resemble, er, resent your remarks! Nah, just kidding. Just wanted to speak my mind on this.

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