my first post in many months — this seems like a great way to re-break the ice. bbq sounds like a great idea. at a restaurant, or are you opening up your new home to us?
uhhhhh... a restaurant for now. We are still living among too many boxes for a proper get together, but will definitely host something in the warmer months. Open to suggestion on which BBQ joint. I look forward to the BBQ arguments... smoque, smoke daddy, fat willys?
smoque is such a pain in the ass for everyone. But I don't really have a suggestion either. I'm down for anything yummy.
smoke daddy is my current fav Smoque is walking distance from my place But I am up for good BBQ wherever
i love all kinds of bbq, but i haven't been able to make it out to any of those suggested places. i remember kirby giving pork shoppe a thumbs up, although i'm not sure if it's strictly bbq. i'm up for any of those places as long as they're reachable by cta. is there possibly any interest in... korean bbq? (rolls eyes at self)
^ Don't worry about transportation Bill, I can either pick you up from your place, from Roto, or from whatever cta station is near by. And yes! I'm up for a CASK get together. I'm also up for any BBQ place as long as they have non-spicy food options. But most places do, so we should be good.
i hate you SO much right now. and D is a vegetarian?! how does that become fair!? smoque is damn fine... damn fine, indeed. fat willy's used to be great, but lately it's been sort of "meh." pork shoppe? noppe. then there's: risque cafe near wrigleyville lilly's que in bucktown-ish bellyq near ashland/lake green line stop smokin' woody's near lincoln square honkytonk in pilsen (not cta friendly) and rub bbq co near western and touhy kind of depends if we want a good space to sprawl out, as a lot of these places are pretty cramped. i do love korean bbq, but also not very cta friendly... any of the ones i know, anyway. i'll also throw out the southern (north/damen blue line area)... not necessarily bbq, but erhmehgurd... the best damn fried chicken dinner i've had in a LONG time. cheese grits... garlic mashed potatoes... *drewl*
Yes, I am posting for the first time in spidey sensed that BBQ was being mentioned. Smoque always gets my vote. It is also right off the Irving Park Blue Line stop, so it's not too hard to get to.
sounds great. is this a +1 kind of thing? how about 7 pm? enough time for everyone to get home and don your fanciest bbq outfits? kirby? jr? bueller?
There is literally nothing on the menu at Smoque for my wife to eat, so she'll be sitting this one out LOL
7 works for me as well. +1 is fine too. Smoque is definitely not vegetarian friendly unless you only eat peach cobbler mac and cheese and french fries
I'm in... Don't know about Brian yet... He's more of a "How he feels like that day" type of a person. Lol
is this still on? also, any takers on doing a white elephant type thing, limit <= $10? crappier the better. fun fact: i had no idea. talk about passive-aggressive.
I'm in. the white elephant idea sounds good too. There's a pub nearby (Independence Tap) where we can get some drinks later. I haven't been but I have heard its a low key establishment with a good beer selection
I can bring something to trade. And beers afterwards sounds awesome. Or water for our none drinking friends. Or whatever.