i did not know. i don't mind waiting a while, but waiting out in the negative wind chill might get a little off-putting, that's all. and my bag-o-crap will need thawing afterwards. edit: never mind, it's going to be a balmy 7 degrees in the wind!
Hey guys, due to a family issue that I have to take care of, I may not be able to make it tonight. I will keep you posted.
Ok, so things are getting better now, so there is a small chance I might come out tonight or tomorrow for the Roto/lb/brunch thing to check out what people get (or both or neither). How many of you are going tonight, tomorrow, or to both? And yeah, I did not know about the waiting outside either. Brian is not a fan of going into the city in general, but having to wait outside will probably make his answer an even stronger "not going to the restaurant." lol.
great food, great conversations, crappy toys... what more could you ask for? i've never seen people so happy about trading ridiculously terrible junk. we missed having you two, magillagorila and smilingidiot! but not bd69696969. never bd696969696969. for bryan: regarding that franken-resin (thanks, sxo!), it's from kaibutsu-kun (see some nice scans and clips): the reason it was familiar is not because of gegege no kitaro, but doraemon! my favorite.
You stop missing someone when they stop existing and are only computer programs like I am. Ooops...I let it slip. I also doubt I get to Roto today. It's my daughters birthday party and I have to clean and set up. I was going to do that all week but it's been the shittiest week ever so it didn't happen. Pretty bummed since I wanted to see what people got and would no doubt get swept up and buy a bag too that I'd make haste to sell off the minis I wouldn't want. This will be the first year I haven't made it to Roto for the LB's since 2009. I didn't buy one last year but still went. I was hoping to continue the tradition.