crappy is a requirement. to make things more aggravating, we'll allow each person (trade-initiator) to trade with another wherein the trade-initiatee has no say in the matter. we wouldn't want anyone to go home grateful or satisfied. toy? would be appropriate but not strictly necessary. but please, no live animals.
Oh dude! Time for my adventure time/ my little pony / spongebob custom D.Unny complete with Kaws X's over the eyes. It looks like a nightmare.
^^ Hey! They said we are supposed to bring "crappy gifts..." That "my little adventure pants" thing sounds awesome! ...Truth is, I am a little curious to see what the heck that thing looks like... lol
not everything can be "tree hat" level of awesome... but we can try. (though history has proven that bryan may be the most likely to remove his little adventure pants before the night is done...)
School, work, kid, blah blah blah. I know. Why kid, I won't make it. Unless we all get blind-bagged tattoos, than I'm in.
Ok... So.... Due to financial issues, I may or may not be able to go. We shall see how next week pans out. I'll still try to regardless, but I might just not order anything, or just order an appetizer, but gas prices are a pain too. So, we'll see how next week goes for us financially. Sorry guys, hopefully I'll be able to go.
the gargamel lucky bag release will commence at roto on the following morning: ... asp?id=319 it'd be nice to somehow figure out how to combine the two events so that we could include kirby. turn the bbq into an all-night-meat-binge-a-thon ending at roto's front stoop? i don't know. anyone going to pick up a lucky bag this year? i'm not sure what this means.
so far, i know that kirby and i will be getting a bag apiece, so at least some trading could happen! =p
I was thinking about it but would need to be a split. Not into that tree thing if someone would want that and some of the minis, depends which ones, if anyone's down for that?
i didn't realize smoque was a "line out the door" kind of a place. will we be standing outside for an hour before we're seated? on a busy friday night?
yes, it is. and yes, we will. unless it's snowing, then it might not be so crazy. unless i'm wrong. which i probably am. so yes, we will. only in the snow, if it's snowing.