It reached a lousy 24,000 yen!!! Beautifull piece! wish i woulda bid! New Chaos looks real nice! As well as the gold rub Cat god/monk statue... RealxHeadXNotxDead!
Blimey! . . . I wouldn't have gone that high! . . . Celga exchange rate, Yen/$$$ exchange rate, fees and shipping would take that into grail $$$ territory and it only came out last week! Think I'll content myself with ordering the new grey Chaos instead!
Exchange rate sucks hard! But it seems to have balanced and grounded out a lot of the prices. So its not all doom and gloom! The Chaos was a secret release so limited to mayby 20?.. It does look especially nice... Ill just have to pic up the mini..Glad to have that option!
the masking on the evil's head really bothers me and neutral colors on the chaos doesn't appeal to me either. i'd probably grab that evil if i had the matching mh.
I don't think anything needs to be retired but I wish Mori would give us foreigners some exclusive/limited releases. Those releases have had more of the OG rxh feel then the higher number/masked releases we've been getting offered. If we're gonna buy as many if not more of the regular releases then the Japanese market why don't we get a couple of limited releases too?
I've never seen a yellow Fortune Kid only yellow on the cats I've seen is the Fortune Cat Baby. I'm really diggin the gold and silver kids, and my girl's pre-ordering those. I love clear, and I love GID. I've been waiting for more of both in the world of cats/kids.
Hmm. Looking at this new Evil today... Seems almost like the head doesn't belong on the body. Body has an old school feel spray look while the head is masked.
actually in 2008, there have been quite a number of exclusives that are not sold in japan. the TT mini/T-shirt set, SDCC bruised, S7 mini sets, black mini set etc. so in my opinion, stateside has been well taken care off. some weeks ago, there are also some calls on these boards for mori to go back to secret releases etc. i guess he answered that right away? there have been quite a few more secret releases for whoever the RxH collectors left to chase for quite a while. i think we, the collectors, is a hard bunch to please. if figures are too easy to get, they fall below retail, no challenge, interest lost etc and there will be calls for secret releases. too many secret releases, everyone cannot get, prices rocket, blame flippers start, and calls for increasing run numbers again. leave the toy makers alone is my suggestion.
...very wise words , Joe !!! so my suggestion for the next RxH release would be that Mori produces 20 of the clear jyarinco mini evil....and we all (around 100 guys here who want this) get one... I was never good at maths
Yeah 2008 was NUTS for RxH in the west. It all got easier to get than EVER, lots of exclusives (plus 07 had a hefty chunk of US exclusives too) and barely any Japan only figures released.
I'm with Joe. Let Mori do his thing. Big runs or not, I still love his toys. 2008 was a lot of fun. 2009 is going to be interesting. new sculpts, new characters, free-hand/masking paint apps, new vinyl colors--and that was just last year.
Fair enough. I understand Joe's point quite well. I guess I'm just bitter that my two favorite releases from this year are simply impossible to find anywhere near retail.
2008 was NUTS in general for RxH. If you guys haven't picked up the new KT Kai-Zine, do so. You'll see what I mean.
I'm not too happy about that, myself. when I got the KT-zine, I thought they might have been new up-coming production runs. Good luck to you, bro.
The new Kai Zine RxH catalog looks like the shit just exploded! Which it did. I was shocked by the number of releases that I never saw.