I'd completely forgotten about the event until your post reminded me, but yeah, we bought tickets awhile back.
@Anti Social Andy nice one! If you fancy checking out the zine it will be at the rogue print co table and should have some really good stuff in it. hopefully it’s a good weekend!
Had my first go at resin casting. Based on a little wood carving I did last year. Just need to clean them up.
Latest attempt as casting resin, straight from the mould. It’s fun but the air bubbles are driving me mental
Some of my sofubi related felted toys that i’ve made in past 6 month + current wip zazahn All of them were made as thank you gifts to people who helped me to get toys from toy events in their countries
Sure thing! Hit me a dm here or better on IG (mine linked in profile or just type in same name as here)
Clay rough for a current project, off to mold and cast a copy in toy wax to add final details and finish the sculpt with a high polish.
Not mine. @cyber_ann sent me this adorable hand drawn sticker with a Christmas card. Merry Christmas from Cool Seijin! And thanks Ana!