Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags

Discussion in 'Other Asian Toys' started by badteethcomics, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Apr 16, 2013
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    I only brought up quantities with the thought that this idiot was potentially sitting on boxes of unsold, bootlegged product. Where the fact/fiction of how much Chinese factories are willing to produce is moot to me, and I still don’t get the point of you white knighting the factories, like I’m slamming them somehow. Again, whether he’s producing one or 1,000, he’s still shitty, and I don’t see how high or low numbers add or detract from the “mythos”. He’s a piece of shit, regardless. I get that it’s personal for you, but maybe keep it personal with him. I’ve got nothin’ to do with it, and I find this whole transaction pointless.
  2. analog101

    analog101 Addicted

    Mar 16, 2012
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    I think the amount a figure is being bootlegged is absolutely a relevant topic. I read it as Rich asking if you had evidence of this, which as a maker I would want to know as well. Things seemed to escalate from there.
  3. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    See this wasn’t hard to figure out. Thanks Analog.
  4. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Apr 16, 2013
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    It wouldn’t have been hard for you to say that outright, either. You didn’t give much else for me to pick up other than “Chinese factories can produce however much you want. I’d know ‘cause I work with them now.” If you clearly felt I didn’t see the relevancy of how much a single figure is bootlegged maybe take the time to explain it, rather than be condescending.

    @analog101, I appreciate you jumpin’ in with somethin’ for me to actually grasp on besides what Chinese factories are currently capable of.
  5. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    Jun 2, 2008
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    Quantity I think does matter a lot. 1 or 1,000 is a big deal. First we can clearly see that Zheng is sitting on a bunch of items. He paints or has these toys painted as "1 offs" and on his other account he posts a LONG line of the DX's hes created, and not sold. I personally Feel dude is sitting on one HUGE overhead, and hasn't even recuperated even a fraction of the "investment" (if you want to call it that) Therefore, Jokes on him. He's wasting his money saying he doesn't give a shit and "making every lover can afford good toys" yet I don't really see him making sales. Even the sales he does make, that consumer is the one throwing money away. We just have to hope those in the market for any of these toys, are vigilant in how they legit check a buy before it going down. In the end, Never Gift payment unless you know that person well, and have confidence in their reputation. Always nice to have Paypal's buyers protection, versus trying to be a cheap ass and save 4%. you can save up to 15% by switching to Geico.
  6. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Apr 16, 2013
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    @eckotyper Maybe ‘cause I’m just a collector and I don’t buy the bootlegs, and not an artist(namely not one that’s being bootlegged) I didn’t necessarily see the relevance of numbers being produced. Thinking about it now, and not at all what has been(or hasn’t been, rather) pointed out to me, I can see it being a huge deal if he was selling bunches and banking. But he’s not, and I suppose that’s where my not thinking otherwise came in. Given the lines of blanks he’s posted, the insanely large numbers of headers destined for his bootlegs, it’s where I assumed he was making a shit ton of these and just sitting on ‘em because they weren’t selling(thankfully). And I find hilarity in that notion.
  7. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    Jun 2, 2008
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    We do see massive amounts of header cards yes. but at the most 15-20 blanks in a photo, and who knows how many times they are being posted unsold. I do know he tries to sell blanks for about $100 US on IG, yet on TaoBao he's trying to get the equivalent of about $70 US. I'm sure Whatsapp is somewhere in the middle if not lower. I personally feel his blanks might be moving better than his paints, I just see a flyby collector might be more of his target audience, versus those who have been seasoned. That being said, I want to see a fake in person to see how bad it is next to the original. In the end I feel he's upside down in his investment to "shake up the sofubi world" and to me that's probably the most satisfying part of the bootlegging, that he is failing to hit his target.
  8. badteethcomics

    badteethcomics Post Pimp

    May 31, 2013
    Brisbane, Australia
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    Let's face it, the only retard that's buying his stuff is truslithers
  9. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Apr 16, 2013
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    @eckotyper One of his previous accounts I blocked had a pretty sizable spread of RxH and DX parts strewn about his floor in piles. Looked to be way more than 20, but with how this dude is, and thinking about it now, he could’ve easily done good on appearances. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a handful of boots on Instagram that were customized by American and Mexico based artists, and it ranged from HxS to Nags to DX’s. I think he hit his mark on pissing people off, artists and collectors, but “shaking things up” was an absolute miss, agreed wholeheartedly.
  10. Michael Beverage

    Michael Beverage Line of Credit

    Sep 26, 2013
    The Dirty South
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    The paint jobs on his boots are so bad, and he’s trying to emulate some of the best/most accomplished painters in the hobby which just makes the difference in quality that much more evident.
    Alebrije likes this.
  11. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    Jun 2, 2008
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    and then those who buy from him thinking its real product that he bedazzled.
    IronPaw likes this.
  12. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    Ahahahahhahahahahahah flawless
  13. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    Sep 8, 2012
    Los Angeles
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    I would hope people buying those “customs” are buying it due to his “artistry” and not the hotness of the base toy. @truslithers care to elaborate?
  14. xSuicide Squadx

    xSuicide Squadx Super Deformed

    Apr 16, 2013
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    And he somehow makes his paints the worst quality, as opposed to the fact that it’s a bootleg.
    Rich, obsessedpanda and Alebrije like this.
  15. truslithers

    truslithers Toy Prince

    Feb 13, 2015
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    Im not sure why you guys can't get over attacking me but let me fill you in on something. One of my closest friends for many years hung himself, literally the best and nicest person I ever met, and my life has not been easy the last few months, its been the toughest year of my life and I been through all sorts of ish, ask around. This world devours good people: my friend was the greatest and most talented deejay he was the most kind caring person I ever knew and the world ish him out and washed him away. Maybe none of that matters to any of you but I have dealt with too much stuff this year, between friends dying, overdosing and family in terrible health, my sister is going through more stuff than you can imagine to boot and shes in Beirut right now. I come on here just to buy your stuff no one wants and support collectors. I paint blank toys for a living I don't paint bootlegs or sell them. Name one person who has bought a fake toy from me. I would never try to sell something to someone and screw them over, I give alot of stuff away, hell all these people attacking me have some gift I sent them. I dont care about material possessions like most of you. I pay up for real blanks and then I sell them, I know you guys are pissed that people still help me with real toys and enjoy seeing me paint them. I wish you guys would get a better hobby than attacking me all the time cause it sucks when I been friends with damn near every single fool on here who just loves to talk ish and ride me, if there was a falling out years ago then move on, jesus. Get a girlfriend or a passion, leave me alone. Hating is not a real hobby no matter how much you want to believe it. Each of you has commented on my work being good, liked my posts of stuff I painted not knowing it was me or bought my work or traded with me for something I painted. Stop acting like you guys hate what I do so much just cause I paint whatever blank I want and people support me as an artist. I stand up to you guys cause I dont need to suck anyones dick. I know you all just want to see me off myself (I remember when I was 'friends' with eckotyper and told him i was going to kill myself and he said "just make sure you send that rotten dx to me if you do, haha, just kidding, you will be fine" I am not making this up, and I have dirt on most you cause we used to talk for hours every night. So why did you talk to me daily, or sell me toys or trade me stuff? Was I just being used or are many of you just two faced fakes. Ecko used to tell me all sorts of stuff like how Rich picks his lotto winners and I would do the same thing in his shoes. Im sorry I didn't hook Rich up with a free Itamu to get hooked the f up the rest of my life and dump on the rest of the world and get away with it. If I ever off myself I hope you pricks take some responsibility cause you have caused me a lot of emotional hurt over the years. This will literally be my last post I ever make on here and I pray to god I never come back. I am tired of your nastiness and all my friends are tired too they just dont want to speak up and get dumped on even more. I hope this post burns all the bridges with the heartless peeps who only care about collecting their little hobby and dont create or care about other people. I will never stop painting toys or sculpting and I hope one day you all can grow up and just be nice to each other, stop the attacks out of thin air and just be nice to each other. All these times tough guy Ironpaw runs his mouth, the dude traded me a supposed bootleg doublethink blank for one of my custom matangos. Now back then Gino was making the doublethinks without tkoms consent, Ironpaw got it for free cause he works with tag, then he traded it. Yeah thats not shady at all right? What about those other doublethink blanks you sold, now you were right there working with TAG so you knew the blanks origin, but you sold them and traded them anyway. You profit from someone elses' work without doing a thing to it. Then you have the balls to try and badmouth tkom, you sly bud but I see you and now the rest of the scene does too. I always sensed you were shady, flipping an artists blanks that you got for free. You need to get over the fact that I paint rxh blanks Ironpaw, there's hundreds floating around plenty on ebay, so who cares who paints what so long as its blank. Many of the best people on here leave or give up collecting cause of you guys and one day you will realize this keyboard warrior stuff has no place in our world. I never attack anyone who doesn't deserve it, I stand up for myself no matter what. You guys hate that about me, I'm not just going to take it and keep my mouth shut. Maybe I do need to stick around a bit longer to expose some more people or reveal all the trades I have done over the years, cause you guys want to attack me all the time I might as well point out any stuff you pulled in the past. Oh also eckotyper why did you sell me that blank dx body that you got for free then try to bully me into giving it to you back? Why did you trade me your pushead nagball (does pushead know you trade his stuff?) for my first run berserker and a mixed parts sam? Oh why did you get two of the same hxs yellow blanks just to trade one away for 4 dx. Oh he got the hxs double by trading a dualbat, fair trade right? You did these things man it happened, you want to come at me with nonsense then I'll give you facts. Remember im the bad guy who gave your daughter a painted unicorn she loved. I am not the enemy stop attacking people and work on yourself more dude. I hope hxs and rich and pushead know what you are doing behind the scenes and how much information you reveal to people in your drunken stupor. One thing is for sure I have revealed some key facts that are undeniable so know you will have to explain to your heroes why you scheme and hustle and talk too much. Its all good though you can just give away another ITAMU right? That is so sad to me that you were bragging about giving away an ITamu to Rich just to kiss up.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2020
  16. foto junkaay

    foto junkaay Addicted

    Feb 24, 2016
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
  17. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    Jun 2, 2008
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    This kid is delusional. I never got DX bodies for free. Brandt offered me 4 bodies that he had left when him and i were talking.

    I love that he said this was his last post but is sitting there rage editing it

    i love that he sits there and figures out how to speak half truths.
    obsessedpanda and kid_miracleman like this.
  18. IronPaw

    IronPaw Side Dealer

    Sep 8, 2012
    Los Angeles
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    @truslithers sorry to hear your life sucks.

    I didn’t know I got them for free, fuck I wish I had known that! Oh man I didn’t know they were making bootlegs that time ago when you “broed” me over asking what you were trading. It’s funny that at that time you were bitching and crying about life too, then as soon as a trade came up, naw bro I can’t do this or that for this or that, come on bro these are hot lol.
    eckotyper likes this.
  19. hellscrape

    hellscrape Comment King

    Jun 13, 2013
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    Seriously, people here need to chill the fuck out. Let's be grown ups and stop slinging shit at each other. It makes you all look bad. I'm not here to take sides, but to remember to be human and compassionate with each other.
  20. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    Jun 2, 2008
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    You are one of those in the hobby that is constantly bringing stuff in the front door, and pushing it out the back immediately, constantly trying to trade up your collection. I already knew this about you, so i'd spew mad stuff to you that I knew would stick in your brain. Afterall you are the one that has consistently used the 'i'm emo/suicidal' card as means of sympathy to get by on trades,deals etc. Many others can attest to this if they so please. Trust that not only I but others have talks literally about you and this exact trait of yours, I saw past this though. It's no secret that my collection at one time was all over the place. When I started to focus on collecting I had stuff that was on it's way out to work with. In moving some of this stuff on, I had acquired some other items as those deal involved just straight trades, or trades plus cash on top. I love the fact that you think you're airing out dirty laundry.
    Rich has stated himself before that he picks his winners *SHOCKING NEWS* Crazy, to think a independent toy maker chooses how to distribute his product. ZOMG
    Rich also gifted you one of the Feral boys from BS1 according to you, and it was one of the nicest things ever done for you. Then you got ticked off at the man because you could not score anything and sold everything publicly for top dollar while bashing Rich, including the DX body. I called you out since you so graciously state above that you aren't materialistic etc, I offered to pay you back what i sold you the body for lol.

    The thing about Slithers... is he'll come back at you months, or even a year down the line, and say the trade he agreed too was one sided and not fair, and try and guilt you into hooking him up with something else to make up for the difference. He tried to do this to me. I did a trade with him because I valued what I was receiving in the trade at more than the market value of the items at the time. It made sense to me. It obviously made sense to him or he wouldn't of did it. Time goes by and he literally tried to tell me I pulled his arm into doing the trade and such and that it was unfair and I owe him one. I'm not sure how I pulled his arm? Because I made dude ship first because my vouches checked out way more than his? I could go on about this guy but there's really no need. Those who have met me in person know my character, know I only pop off to those who deserve it.
    If you think Rich and I's friendship is based off of a plastic monkey, you need to stay out of the last dispensary you walked into, clearly they been lacing them tweeds with glass.

    I thank you for self banning yourself from the forum above.
  21. eckotyper

    eckotyper Post Pimp

    Jun 2, 2008
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    Now lets get back to real business of this thread.
    This looks so bad

    Sorry whomever owns this 1 Off, it's happened to me. I get it
    melter skelter and useless toys like this.
  22. The Moog

    The Moog Die-Cast

    Apr 15, 2010
    Gert Brizzle UK
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    Sure, but you're probably better at that than painting toys.
    melter skelter, Rich, IronPaw and 2 others like this.
  23. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    Nov 28, 2005
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    Let me hold that up-trade ladder for yall....:lol:
  24. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
  25. Alebrije

    Alebrije Line of Credit

    Feb 4, 2014
    Sofvi Bootlegging Scumbags
    Where you find this specimen?

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