Spoiler View this post on Instagram Haha Kris kinda already posted it but here's another shot of my bag!
Speaking of spoilers where's the rest of the pics? Surely there are more out there from the instore release??
Well, it initially wasn't - James was just kind enough to have added that to the title after there was some accidental spoilage discussion of the figures included right after the S7 event. I think people are still just trying to maintain the surprise a little for anyone that will be getting one in the mail.
**ok didn't really want to put as spoilers but I was having issues re sizing** This the bag I pulled minus the blue painted pocket rose I traded to Dril for the crouching deathra. Other than the caveman it's very minimalist. Spoiler This is my full haul with trades and an unpainted cookies and cream Milton on its way negotiated after the party. Spoiler
I love that the Caveman Dino has 'Marusan' eyes. Guessing Josh picked the colors? (On the meaning of 'Marusan' eyes- a lot of the original kaiju produced by Marusan had odd eye color combinations for the iris and scelra: blue and red, yellow and red, etc.)
Nice haul of toys Slayerono, though I have to say, for me, the best of the bunch is that great Crazygon figure. Not the type of thing (unfortunately) that gets shared around here too often. A really excellent sculpt - dare I even say crazy - from Yamanaya. FYI - two things that are helpful when posting on the board: James, a mod here, has nicely added two convenient buttons that are simple to use when making a post. One, "imgwidth=" can be used to size your photos to whatever you would like to appear in your post, and still gives the option for interested persons to embiggen them to full size with a simple click, and two the "spoiler" button, which hides anything contained within until a user directly clicks on it. Both are easy to use, just click on the appropriate button [as found just above the input text block] and put whatever you need inbetween the tags. Easy-peasey.
Thanks for the image help Ultra. Yeah the Crazygon was my favorite pickup for sure I love weird old fashioned Ultraman monsters.
Got my lucky bag today. Im pretty happy with it kinda wish i would have gone for the big bag. Spoiler