Thanks for sharing the contents of the small bag. Really cool that everyone seems to get a Wing Kong in their bag. Drives me nuts when companies release a new sculpt as a secret, super-limited insert in the LB. (Who would do that???)
I bought a large and a small bag. I received a green earth wolf in each which was slightly disappointing. I did get some good stuff though.
It looked like the yellow Wing Kong was much lower ratio or something. At the party I feel like I saw at least 3:1 pink to yellow
Yellow Wing Kongs are in the small bags too. One came with mine. I like him much more than I thought I would too. He's one of those great "in hand" type of toys. He also has the perfect action pose for flying when the arms are turned up. If I was a kid, I'd be flying him around, attacking any victim in sight. My Mom ganked the GID Blank Caveman Dino (*picture to come). I also got the same Blank Light Purple Honoo that wizeguy has pictured above.
Yes, you can get the yellow Wing Kongs in the large bags. My pulls from a large bag: Unpainted yellow Wing Kong Unpainted bright green Earth Wolf Unpainted GID/green marbled Pumpkin Boy (similar to the Frankenball vinyl) Painted orange Caveman Dino Painted purple Honoo Unpainted Pie Guy Will photo later. Overall, very happy with my LB this year. S7 hits it out of the park again.
If anyone gets an extra or doesn't want the GID or Marble Green and Black Caveman Dinosaur please let me know can either buy or trade! Nice looking bags! The Wing Kong looks amazing and will be interesting to see what future colorways come out!
so, kinda regretting not buying in on a lucky bag for the first time in many years. anyone know if we can expect these to show up at the usual retailers? rotofugi etc...
I think you're thinking Gargamel Lucky Bags. I'm not sure that Super7 released their lucky bags to other retailers.
Nice bag JP ... wish I had tried for my first bag = unpainted Wing Kong is nice , pink or yellow . Great that they were in each small bag ... thanks everyone for sharing pics
Thanks William To be honest, man, as soon as I ordered it, I regretted it. Just because I've got to be more picky with toy buys these days, and I have been on the fence about wing kong. BUT what I said a couple posts back is very true and as soon as I held wing kong, I was happy I'd gone for it. Such a cool toy in hand, and with so many ape toys out there, he stands on his own more than I originally gave him credit for.
Grabbed a small bag. Pink wing kong, painted honoo, and an unpainted green/black swirl cave dino. I'm super happy with all three! Anyone else seen the cave dino?
Totally w/ you on this. I was even willing to trade mine at the party. Sooooo glad I kept it. I did my best to resist it's charms and failed miserably. The heft and articulation remind me of old Bullmarks etc. Really really like this figure.