My boyfriend and I both got a large bag, left one's mine Spoiler Haven't seen any customs yet....but still, amazing bags this year! Esp. loving the pink Wing Kong, and of course, the unpainted Earth Wolf. Nice to see lots of unpainted toys, and the painted wolf I think is a fantastic color-way too, IMO. Things still in bags I'll be posting for sale.
Got my bag! Haven't taken a photo yet but it included nothing new - Pink WingKong blank, Clear Orange Alien blank, and GID Caveman Dino blank. Kind of jinxed myself - I added the painted GID Caveman Dino to my order thinking that there wouldn't be any Caveman Dinos in this year's bags (or if there were, I wouldn't luck out to get one) and whaddoya know?? Ah well the two pair nice together as a painted/blank display with the same coloured vinyl.
Has anybody else seen any other colorways of the Caveman Dinosaur from this years bag? Orange painted... Blank Orange... (some say mustard) Blank GID... And the marbled green and grey/black...