The f*ck you thread is dead, so I thought we might start something a bit more positive. Thank you Gargamel for giving away the proceeds of your new release to an earthquake help fund. Thank you to people who check wishlists before posting sales. Thank you to people who realize it doesn't cost more to ship to Canada than it does to ship to the US.
Thanks for showing me stuff I might never have seen otherwise. Thanks to all the toy lovers helping in whatever way they can in the relief effort Thanks for creating this sappy thread and making us all sound like hippies, I hope your happy with yourself...
Thank you to anyone who has sold me anything on here. Thank you to Mark, Hank, Kev and Lalo for providing me with some of my favorite pieces in my collection. Thank you to Secret Base for being awesome. Thank you to Super7 for this board.
Thanks to Magnets, and them working. Also thanks to Tree Hat for the best tag ever. Minh helping me move his detolf to my house My wife for loving a nerd and putting up with my bullshit asperations and dreams (I've had some doozies) and finally Chicago and the whole CASK crew, we don't get together as much as we should but when we do it's always a good time. and to petitetoilonrouge for the thread. I've apparently got a lot to be thankful for.
thanks to everyone here i've met, sold, traded, and bought from. a great community and i'm happy to have met the friends that i have from it.
Id like to thank…(in no order) Bob Duher, (miss you bro) havingmysay,(I miss you), Kirkland, Mark, Joe, Mars Will Rule, Atease, Scary Andy, thedrake, banned in DC, Mr. Flynn and all the S7 team, Slack, Jordan23, Autopsy, Winu, tinman59, Arin C, animator, and anyone else I forgot to mention...Thank you. (i owe alot to skulls that have helped me build my Pushead collection, thank you so much!!) Ive learned a lot about Kaiju since being here and cant thank you all enough for being patient with me and schooling me, when I was still figuring it all out. (the learning never stops!) I haven’t been here but one year probably and even though ive never met any of you in person (cept for thedrake), I consider all of you dear friends. This place kicks ass and I am honored to be a part of it. Love, Tony
I would like to thanks my balls, even after getting out of a 3 year relationship there still working hard at helping me assert myself socially (when most other balls would be too defeated to lift up there owner) thanks lads keep up the hard work PS this is a figurative statement if you haven't caught on
Thank you to my girl of 4 years to wait until I buy a property in CT... thinking she'd be moving in with me... to let me know she is moving to LA and already has her apartment picked out, etc. and so on. Thanks. Maybe that should have been a Fuck You, but apparently I only have a few weeks left to do that.
Too many Thanks to list in this post! Thanks to everyone who has helped me out over the years (you know who you are)! Thanks to all the great friends that I've made here!!! Thanks to UltraPaul who got me started and for always busting my balls!
Kirk, Bert, & KC Joe, for being awesome out the gate- Someone needs to get Joe back over hree seriously. Carl- You're the man! Paul Kaiju and Rich- I've been inspired by a lot of toy painters, but you two have been my biggest source of inspiration- you guys set the standard I try to achieve. Brian and the s7 crew for keeping this place! Where would we be without S7? ( Anyone who has ever bought a toy I've painted or traded with me for customs- Thank you for liking what I do and giving me the means to grow my collection!
thanks to phil for taking all my money. =p thanks to oli for being oli. thanks to kirby for putting "that weird japanese stuff" on the shelves. thanks to bill for being around, yet hardly saying anything. thanks to bryan for finding tree hat. thanks to paddy longs for bacon explosions. thanks to steve weib for the "real" secret to playing donkey kong. thanks to cask for showing up. thanks to zach for keeping an eye out for me. thanks to the hut bored for keeping it fun. thanks to everyone here for not being the assholes everyone else says you are. (or at least most of you. okay, a few of you. right then, we're all assholes.) xD and thanks to the missus, for making an honest nerd out of me.
Thank you to my girlfriend for always being there for me--especially at times when I don't know my ass from my elbow. ...and that's been happening a lot lately.
I'd like to congratulate myself and thank myself and give myself a pat on the back. Thank you, Dee Dee. You're very wonderful. I love you.
Did we ever figure out the secret cause he kinnnnnndddaaaa choked. Maybe he shouldn't have used the bathroom before he started playing.