I'm thankful I'm not in Buffalo anymore- because if I recall they have some awful 24 hour Christmas music station my ex Kim would put on in her car all the time (starting in the beginning of November tlll the New Year) that made me want to jump out of a window. Only thing worse than Christmas is Christmas music. So thank you whatever fates got me out of there. Buffalo isn't all bad- there are things I miss about it, but overall nope!
Thank you SB member who said the following about my paint style, "His hand paints look like they were done by a retard." You did not mean this as a compliment but let me tell you, it was. Persons with mental retardation are sensitive and considerate of others even while folks like you look down on them, I will always respect them for their sincerely uncorrupted perspective. You on the other hand, you are not a real person. A moot point, I know. Thanks just the same. Be seeing you.
Thank you old power transfomers and PG&E, for the 5 minute notice to evacuate the entire office complex, so that we can go home early to play with cats and toys
It’s not a big deal and I hate theatrics, but if I don’t type something out then I will continue to come back and check. I need to get off this forum, life in general really, for my mental well being. My life is in shambles, checking this website every few hours adds to my self hatred. Hope everyone here continues to be rad. So long and thanks for all the fish(toys).
I also check this site wayyyy too frequently! And my life is also in shambles! I hope you don’t see this, so you don’t have to come back and check. And I hope you get that good come up soon E!
@IronPaw Don't ever let life beat you to the point of feeling like things can not improve. As long as you can breathe, there is still time. Life itself is just a ride, a temporary trip. E quit hating yourself. You are a sensible and considerate person. I enjoyed speaking with you via pm several times. Whatever you are dealing with you can handle it. Believe in yourself and if detaching from everything for a while seems right, then do it. Do not give up. At that point, there is no more. "The darkest times are. Overshadowed by the light. We find in ourselves"
Thank you to those who have come to this place, touched our lives, and given us something to smile about. I've developed friendships here which have brought me joy (and pain), as much as any I could say in the real world. Find what makes you happy, and nurture it. Be it people, hobbies, art, etc. Life can be tumultuous, so grab hold of what you can and appreciate it when you are able.
Thank you Steve. Your thoughtful posts and quite a few other folks too, were and will remain my memory of the place called SB. Tho some are sour, even they have merits. They make nice folks shine. SB was never about anything besides a comfortable blanket in a cold alien world heading into the blackness of space. None of us will escape, why not enjoy things and help others on our journey. A smile can undo much pain and quite frankly causes a positive chemical reaction within one's self. Making anyone smile is one of the greatest gifts we can freely give. In the end we are all having the same experience, just on different planes of awareness. Reach out to someone today and know you matter, let others know what they mean to you. While there is still time. I dreamt last night I was in a sandbox and unlike the kids who picked on me for liking toys back in my youth. Everyone there had some weird, fascinating toy I never saw before. The colors faded and I woke up to another day of hope. At the end, hope is all we have. Make your best efforts to give hope to hopeless, suffering, beat up and broken humans and animals all around you. Always be thankful for even the air you can breathe, the abilities you have. The opposite of love is not hate. It is indifference.