Heh. A lot of people must ignore me, I have realized that most of my posts have been super negative lately. I guess it's a product of all the stress. Thank you, Clonazepam.
I don't find that at all. You've covered some "negative" stuff, but you seem to do it objectively. Which is not easy to do when you're feeling overwhelmed by stuff. EDIT: Actually I should quality the above by saying I hadn't seen your latest post in "F**k You" at that point. It looks likes a humdinger. I wouldn't call it typical, though. Anyway, I think there's only one person anyone here would feel the need to block, and I get that. Not everyone wants to hear me drone on in intimate detail about anything that happens to cross my mind. No biggie.
Saw James' sales thread and his focus away from collecting. I just want to give a huge THANK YOU to him for all that he does here at SB and through other venues. Especially his work with suicide prevention. It means the world to some of us that you take time to do this. THANK YOU.
Argh, so many mixed emotions trying to handle this all right now. So, I will just say, Thank You, James. Many, many thanks for everything you have done, here and beyond.
Thank you Mom and Dad for encouraging me even tho I liked weird things and was socially awkward- missing you both Thank you kindly James, you helped me at a time no one else would even ask how I was even doing- much admiration to you Thank you Brian Flynn for SB and allowing folks to connect and make real friends in a world that is more alien by the day
^ Everything in this post is causing me to tear up inside. Thank you for the reminder of important things in life, and for why this place is so great. Little things that mean so much; put them together and that is life.
Thank you to everyone who makes this little community called SB possible. I was really thinking recently about how this forum has become my safe haven away from my troubles. I can vent in the FU thread, take some time to catch up on toy discussions, see some amazing photos, and just for little while get sucked into the world of toys and the fellow people who collect them. It does a lot to help me stay sane in a crazy world.
THANK YOU AND THE POWERS THAT BE IN THIS WORLD FOR MY SISTER MOVING TO BALTIMORE. Finally I will be freeee! No more screaming, no more yelling, no more panties left all over the house, no more door slamming, no more loud 1am phone conversations in the hallway, no more being disrespected... She's going to be miles away living with her scumbag boyfriend, which is exactly what she deserves. Maybe I will be able to sleep easier and lessen my anxiety pill intake once she's gone. That would be amazing.
Thank you, @Super7 Store , for throwing in a He-Man coin into my recent order of MOTUSCLE. It's a small token (no pun intended), but it's incredibly awesome. I picked up the Skeletor coin off eBay last year and was willing to pass on this year's coin, but it's nice to see that I don't have to.
Thank you Apple for fixing the remember scroll postion when switching between playlists in iTunes 12.5.1. This feature had been missing for a few updates and was driving me batty.
Thank you to Banfield for letting us bring in pee sample rather than extracting it themselves for even more money. Our dog's vet is good people.
Thank you to Judge (squiggly line) for finding me 'not guilty' of using my phone in the car (as I did not), & I promise to spend the $196 refund irresponsibly.
I want to thank the bay flipper for a good laugh. He's got Ummikko's new Agent Orm up for $239 while it's still available for preorder at Lulubell for $70. Pure class. For once a flipper hasn't enraged me.
BBBRRRTTT....... I feel like a living Kougai Kaiju! Thank you 5 bean chili, passing some serious gas tonight My dogs are both nervous and curious- no chili for them!
I saw that and laughed my ass off! Thank you to my dog for enduring lots of cuddles yesterday. I sure needed it.
Just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone in this little slice of the Internet, and the greater toy community for being amazing, and making this hobby so fun. I am very lucky to know a lot of you, if only through the web. Your kindness and zest for toys is wonderful, and you and the toys themselves keep me sane! I'm also very thankful for all the toys I do have. I may have missed quite a few goodies, but I have a collection that makes me happy... and that's what counts the most! Happy Thanksgiving / Friendsgiving / What ever you're celebrating today, SB!
Thank you to Kichigai for attempting to understand my sometimes misguided ways and hitting me with some killer insight/ words of encouragement. And to the Instagram person who pointed out the Kaws Companion sale today!
His smile was magnetic and genuine, I appreciated he looked me in the eye whenever we spoke. Thank you Bob, we will never forget you, It was a gift to have known you at all.
I'd like to send out a massive Thank You to all the wonderful folks on the board today. You pretty much know who you are, and I count it pretty great that our little community still maintains the company of some truly wonderful people. There are a lot of truly good, honest, and helpful toy nerds out there, so thank you all for sticking with it, sharing your passion, and being just the way you are. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to one and all. Cheers to all the 'brainers!
Many thanks to all who share their passion, their art and their knowledge with all of us. This is what makes the board great! Happy Holidays to all!
Realized I never really shared a thank you towards one individual SB member yet, so I just wanted to throw it in here for good measure. Thank you Aquaphase (again) for helping me get my hands on a Cycloptopus and for getting it out my way so quickly! Major kudos.
a big thank you to all of you that, even though i fell off the face of the internet, still take the time to check up on me. and even though sometimes it takes me a week or longer to reply to texts, y'all still take the 2seconds to send one over my way. love y'all and im glad this hobby brought us together!