Just wanted to drop a line to thank the Rotofugi crew for a great show and an awesome time last night at Toy Karma 2. It was also great to meet many of the Skullbrainers that came out, and match faces to the names on this board. I hope all of you out-of-towners had a fun time in Chicago, and I hope to see the locals around more often! When's Toy Karma 3?
Definently, I would like to try something next month, maybe the first weekend? It was really cool meeting meeting everyone. My question is what's happening for Halloween Kirby? Also lets get a quarter of the posts in the Garage as they have in the bay!
Good time, it was nice to meet a bunch of different people too. We really got to get something done for Halloween at least. I'm good anytime as long as I have enough time to write it into my busy (baby) schedule. I'm good the first weekend now.
I didn't have a camera so no pics from me. Luckily, many more talented photographers took a bunch of pictures so hopefully those should be forthcoming.
Here's my coverage: http://nerdcityonline.com/?p=3383 Sorry that some of the pics are sort of crappy. I was a little bit tipsy. Nice to get to briefly meet some of you last night!
Thanks for sharing the pics TrimmTrabb. Can anyone tell me who customized the Kanegon? (photo by TrimmTrabb) Glossy loveliness
Ah I should've guessed! Thanks for the ID RedYoda. The few Dead President customs that I've actually seen in person, makes me want to pick them up and lick them . So shiny, they look like lollipop paint.
I posted this on our TK blog, but it seems appropriate I post it here too... People who really need to be thanked in greater detail but I’m at a liitle loss for words right now: Mark Nagata, Yo Miyamoto, my wife, all of the amazing artists, our friends who lent a hand, our staff, Geozilla for the really cool show cards and the drink I really needed last night and, most of all, everyone who came out last night. I’ll be posting images and a re-cap relatively soon but today is a day of recovery for me. Any exclusives that are left will be available for purchase on our website on Monday evening (sorry, I don’t have a specific time just yet). We’ll be back with Toy Karma 3 in two years!
Glad to hear you're getting a day of recovery Kirby! TK2 was definitely an awesome event, and I had a blast meeting Skullbrainers like BloodDrinker and toybotstudios and figureheads like Mark Nagata, as well as being able to see both the awesome stock of toys I would otherwise never see in person at Roto and the amazing customs at the show. I know there's things I'll be planning on picking up from Roto later now that I've seen them in person, as well as other customs from the show that I could ave splurged for after seeing them up close!
Absolutely great show and a fun time. Still all kind of a blur... Kudos to Kirby, Whitney, Jenn, and other Roto staff and to Mark for all the hard work to make it happen! Really nice meeting and talking with fellow board members that made it... Glad to see you made your plane, Aaron... what time did you get to the airport?
i had a great time! it was really awesome meeting all you guys and hanging for the day... big thanks to smilingidiot for being our city guide and showing us his awesome collection. super cool people, exclusives, customs, and art ... kudos to rotofugi, maxtoy, and all involved! my camera batteries died before i could take shots of everything, but here are some pics: my scores: + the zudon for my daughter, which has already found a nice spot on her art desk
I had an awesome time, I was in awe of the customs....sometimes photos don't do them justice. Well worth the pianfully dull drive we made! The 2D paintings/drawings were just awesome to see up close, there are some amazing artists around here. Chicago ruled, rotofugi was excellent...now my kid loves gloomy bear stuff. But the best part was meeting people from here. Next time I'll wear a name tag or something so I meet more! jeff
Maybe they got it and wondered 'Who the f*ck's Rich?' . . . random name swapping is just all too confusing!
Your not gonna let me live this down you bastard huh Its okay buddy I will help you get through this transition , I know your having a hard time coming to grips with this
Hey, is that Mr Toybotstudios back there? . . . . . . and is he wearing really long shorts or really short pants . . . Confusion is running rife tonight!